Table of Contents

VuFind Community Call Minutes: December 3, 2019

Attending: Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Claas Kazzer


1. Development Planning

Zend Framework / Laminas Transition

Still no news; the website still reports progress within a timeframe that has gone completely by.

Newsletter Highlights

The November, 2019 Newsletter was discussed.

Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)

This work has been completed and merged to master. See the Email Alerts wiki page for documentation. Testing and feedback would be appreciated prior to the 6.1 release!

Browse Handler Optimizations

No news.

Google Scholar Tags

Mario Trojan reports that progress is being made on testing Google Scholar Tags work which should eventually be used to resolve VUFIND-951. A pull request is expected early next year.

Release Date for 6.1

We discussed a release date for 6.1, now that the bulk of the SDI work is completed. Release 5.1 came out on February 4, 2019; so we will aim for February 3, 2020 in the interest of parallelism.

2. Newsletter Feedback

Demian received some feedback that the October newsletter was a bit too information-dense, so he added an executive summary to the November newsletter (while still retaining all the detailed information from before).

3. Video Tutorial: MARC Record Importing

A video was recorded covering the basics of MARC record importing; the recording will be shared in the near future.

4. Next Call Date

Chris and Demian have a conflict on January 7, so the next call will be postponed until January 14. Please adjust your calendars!

5. Other Topics?

Demian reminded everyone that VuFind events will take place at WolfCon 2020. Please let him know if you are planning to attend so he can keep you in the loop on scheduling.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 9am Eastern Standard Time (14:00 GMT).