Table of Contents

VuFind Community Call Minutes: August 3, 2021

Attending: Demian Katz, Bob Scheier


1. Development Planning

Newsletter Highlights

The July, 2021 Newsletter was discussed.

CSV Importer

The CSV import tool has been merged and will be included in release 8.0. Please try it out and let Demian know if you have problems.

Future of JIRA

Demian has renewed the current JIRA license, so we are covered for a bit longer; the move to the cloud will be investigated further as progress on joining the Open Library Foundation proceeds.

Javascript Dependencies

Work still needs to resume on pull request #1799; Demian has been focused on other, more urgent 8.0 PRs first.

Possible Laminas Deprecations

This will be a major focus of VuFind 9.0 development; Demian has opened JIRA tickets to track the most important elements (DB and HTTP).

Static Analysis Tools

No news.

utf8mb4 Database Encoding

Significant progress has been made in pull request #2019.

Release 8.0

Demian has been focused on resolving open JIRA tickets and pull requests targeted to release 8.0. Significant progress has been made, but work is still outstanding. Demian hopes to set a target release date in consultation with the PMC at next week's PMC meeting. Any help with completing outstanding work in the meantime would be greatly appreciated.

2. Video Tutorial: Introduction to ILS Drivers

This video was recorded and will be shared when editing is complete.

3. Other Topics?

Bob and Demian discussed some functionality desired by the College of the Holy Cross for a possible VuFind/EDS implementation. These mostly consisted of informational search result widgets that could likely be implemented as Recommendation Modules. Demian will work with Bob to help get these implemented as needed.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).