Table of Contents

VuFind® Community Call Minutes: September 3, 2024

Attending: Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Claas Kazzer, Maccabee Levine, Juha Luoma, James Staub, Mario Trojan, Susan Turkel, Thomas Wagener


1. Development Planning

Newsletter Highlights

The August, 2024 Newsletter was discussed.

Pull Request / Ticket Review (release 10.0.1)

Pull Request Review (release 10.1)

The following pull requests are scheduled for inclusion in release 10.1:

New Features and Integrations
Minor Architectural/Backend/Documentation/Utility Improvements
Accessibility / UI Improvements

Scheduled JIRA Tickets (release 10.1)

New Features
Smaller Fixes/Improvements
Test Suite Improvements
Documentation Tasks
Finishing Touches (Tasks for Near Release Time)

10.1 Release Date

We will aim for November 4th as the 10.1 release date, with translation requests going out in early October.

2. Project Tools

Future of Slack

No news. Peter is still working on adjusting the OLF Slack to be less FOLIO-specific. It's worth setting up an OLF/FOLIO Slack account if you don't already have one to prepare for the eventual move.

3. Conference Reminders

WOLFcon and the German VuFind® Summit both begin this month, and both will offer in-person and virtual participation options. Please consider joining us there, and see the events page for more details.

4. Next Call Date

The next scheduled call date will overlap with the German Summit; all are encouraged to join that meeting instead. We will next meet here in November.

:!: Note that the Eastern time zone will return to “Standard” time before the November meeting, so adjust your calendar accordingly.

5. Open Q&A / Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 9am Eastern Standard Time (14:00 GMT).