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VuFind® Newsletter: August, 2024

Development Highlights and Project News

Development Progress

With OCLC announcing the shutdown of their original WorldCat search API at the end of this year, completing integration with the new WorldCat v2 API became a critical priority and a major focus of development this month. The work is not yet complete, but significant progress has been made, and it is on track to be completed and released in VuFind® 10.1 before OCLC's deadline. You can monitor progress and try the new code at pull request #2612.

In addition to focusing on this new priority, nearly twenty bug fixes were made in preparation for release 10.0.1 (none especially critical, but all contributing to the stability of that upcoming release) and quite a few enhancements were completed for inclusion in 10.1. These include: a new permission provider that can use cookies to control access; improvements to the Explain feature; enhancements to the FOLIO and KohaRest ILS drivers; more flexible CSS configuration in themes; and minor SEO and accessibility adjustments.

Project Management Committee Report

In addition to continuing ongoing documentation maintenance work and planning for upcoming conferences and training, the Project Management Committee spent time this month on discussing and documenting the project's commitment to accessibility. See the new Accessibility page for more details, and watch that spot for further updates and tips in future.

Conference News

Registration is still open for both WOLFcon 2024 (in London, September 24-26, with pre-conference workshops on September 23) and the 2024 VuFind® Summit (in Leipzig and online, September 30-October 1).

We hope to see you at either or both of these events!

Recently Completed / Resolved Issues

The following items were completed in the last month and will be included in release 10.0.1:

  • Add public method AvailabilityStatusInterface::getPriority: #3869
  • Eliminate double-escaping from searchTabs.phtml: #3879
  • Fix a couple of Finnish translations: #3855
  • Fix bug: allow display of facet value of 0: #3862
  • Fix bug: passing isn=0 to cover loader caused error: #3832
  • Fix bug: Phing 3 broke PostgreSQL setup: #3887
  • Fix color of focused btn-default in sandal themes: #3873
  • Fix deferred facets: #3854
  • Fix incorrect ID encoding when jumping to records: #3861
  • Fix KeepAlive error in trigger-print.js: #3863
  • Fix missing UserEntityInterface references in InstallController: #3889
  • Fix setting of HTML contents in JS to run inline scripts properly: #3872
  • Fix some deprecation comments: #3883
  • Form: translate aria-labels: #3864
  • Handle unavailable :tabbable preudo class gracefully in lightbox: #3874
  • HoldingsILS tab: use UserEntityInterface appropriately: #3886
  • KohaRest: Fix sorting of loans by title: #3867
  • NPM build:css task should auto-install dependencies: VUFIND-1697 / #3820
  • SierraRest: improve extractVolume compatibility: #3851

The following items were completed in the last month and will be included in release 10.1:

  • Add InsecureCookie permission provider role class: #3828
  • Add margin to searchform: #3865
  • Add mechanism to display textual holdings (866 MARC field): #3840
  • Add setting to include extra URLs in sitemap index: VUFIND-1678 / #3844
  • Add SpecBuilder→removeLine() method: #3850
  • Add visible heading on cart confirmation menus: VUFIND-1681 / #3846
  • Allow 404 response from Solr to be retried: #3866
  • Disable browser language detection with Mink tests: #3892
  • Explain feature: Added raw explanation button: #3871
  • Explain feature: show FunctionQuery: #3870
  • export-menu.phtml: Add rel=“nofollow” to generated links: #3852
  • Extend itemLimit config to KohaRest driver and ini file: #3839
  • Fetch Koha shelving locations for every Koha item: #3435
  • FOLIO: Add settings to ignore expired courses in course reserves: #3859
  • FOLIO: automatically renew expired token as needed: #3858
  • Improve confirmation banners for account functionality: VUFIND-1682 / #3847
  • Improve CSS configuration in themes: VUFIND-1601 / #3833
  • Improve routing configuration to simplify URLs for help pages: #2850
  • Introduce GetServiceTrait: #3843
  • Introduce option to display shorter author data on EDS search result page: #3841
  • KohaRest: Add option to include suspended holds in hold queue length calculation: #3856
  • KohaRest: Display the date and destination of transitting items: #3312
  • KohaRest: Fix holdings with older Koha DI plugin versions: #3890
  • Label drop-downs for deleting lists/library cards and improve button appearance: VUFIND-1683 / #3848
  • Nullable TermsCommand arguments: #3891
  • Phing: add properties to override MARC test data locations: #3857
  • schema.org: improve assignment of type “Product”: #3849

Additionally, some older tickets have been closed either because they were very old support requests with no recent activity (VUFIND-1346) or because the reported issues have been subsequently fixed (VUFIND-1460).

New Issues

The following items were reported / begun in the past month, but are not yet completed:

Code in Progress

  • Add permalink to search results in embedded mode; adjust thumbnail links: #3868
  • Add secure cookie permission provider: #3882
  • ExternalVuFind: Cache results: #3875
  • Fix: Bootstrap 5 theme carets: VUFIND-1703 / #3853
  • Fix BrowZine grid template images for consistency: #3878
  • FOLIO: Limit request pickupLocation options by item location: #3876
  • Introduce option to display shorter author data on EDS item detail page: #3881
  • Minor OverDrive bug fixes: #3877
  • Nullable TermsCommand arguments: #3885
  • Possibility to use secret file rather than string password in config files: #3860
  • Sort favorites by save date: #3884
  • Use local password hash service instead of laminas-crypt: #3888

Issue Report / Discussion Only

Active Issues

The following items saw significant progress / activity during the past month:

  • Add functionality to FOLIO driver to select only allowed pick up locations in the request form for Poppy release: VUFIND-1698
  • Add support for WorldCat Search v2 API: VUFIND-1588 / #2612
  • Convert from Laminas\Db to Doctrine: #2233
  • Display status of item locations by status priority: #3758
community/newsletter/2024-08.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 12:49 by demiankatz