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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: May 1, 2012

Attending: Filipe Bento, Demian Katz, Benjamin Mosior, Al Rykhus, Ernie Simuro, Kate Wolkwitz


1. New/Updated JIRA Tickets

2. VuFind 2.0 Update

Demian has finished porting over existing authentication options (though a couple of new options in JIRA should eventually be addressed) and has implemented article citation support (to help improve citations within the Summon module). He has also created an Admin module for VuFind 2.0 featuring a subset of functionality from 1.x and improved security features (access can be restricted by IP address and/or VuFind username – better than the old .htpasswd approach). Since the previous Admin module is not very heavily used, it did not seem important to port all functionality to 2.0 – especially features that could serve as security holes – but it is useful to have an administration area of some sort for reports and basic maintenance tasks.

Chris has begun redesigning the statistics gathering functions of VuFind. Once stats are gathered successfully, he will implement reporting in the new Admin area.

3. New Mobile Theme

No news from Demian, apart from minimal adjustments for compatibility with the new NoILS driver. Al has done some work to expand this for his installation and will share patches.

4. VuFind Developers Summit 2012

Nothing new since the last call.

5. VuFind Hierarchical Collections Update

A few more bugs have been fixed. Demian hasn't taken a look since the last call – he will focus on this after finishing up final touches on VuFind 2 (which may still be a few more weeks of work).

6. Other Topics?

Benjamin plans to share a proposal regarding consortial functionality in time for the next call.

Filipe brought up the growing area of open data – for example, Harvard's recent release of catalog data, and the harvestable pubmed index. Demian will create a wiki page (Open Data Sources) to track this and encourage sharing of free data. There was also discussion of having a central index of this data that could either be added to search results via sharding and/or used as a replication source for local clones. This would require significant infrastructure work, but it would be a useful tool for the VuFind community – perhaps a topic for deeper discussion at the Summit in October.

Kate and Demian discussed some of the finer points of SVN vendor branching.

Filipe also asked about deduplication, a task which may be aided by Ere Maijala's record manager tool, which adds an extra layer of pre-import processing to create keys that can be used to group records in search results, achieving a form of deduplication.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).