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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: June 19, 2018

Attending: Leila Gonzales, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Claas Kazzer, Kristof Kessler, Jochen Lienhard, Ere Maijala, Johannes Schultze, SUB Hamburg Team


1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

Pull Requests

Release 4.1.3

The release went out on time, in spite of some difficulties related to a zend-servicemanager bug.

2. Development Planning

5.0 Roadmap Progress

The code freeze on master is now in effect, apart from bug fixes and outstanding work on Alma/FOLIO ILS drivers. Demian will create a release-5.0 branch if there is a need to merge new features to master after this week.

Front End Updates

Some facet template changes occurred recently. Chris and Demian will review outstanding front end pull requests to see if anything can go into master.

Browser Support Policy?

Demian added a short note to the requirements page in the wiki.

ILS Support Updates

Alma code is about ready to merge, pending some final testing.

FOLIO is still waiting on progress in the project itself and may or may not be ready in time for 5.0.

Browse Handler Optimizations

No news.

Piwik, the lightbox, and tabs/accordion functionality

This issue is now resolved.

3. Institutional Home

No news, though discussions are ongoing.

4. VuFind Summit 2018

A call for presentations and registration link are being prepared.

5. Other Topics?

National Library of Finland has successfully updated their instance to master.

Ere requested better support for MyResearch methods through the lightbox. There was some discussion about whether, for example, “Checked Out Items” can be successfully displayed in a lightbox using current existing code. Demian thought it should be workable but Ere reported having trouble making it work. Further testing/investigation is needed.

Ere also asked whether switching the new encrypted session feature on or off would effect existing users. Demian reported that it will not cause any error messages, but it will require users to re-establish their sessions; in other words, if you are logged in, and the session encryption setting changes in config.ini, you will be immediately logged out and will need to log in again.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).