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VuFind® was developed with the following software packages in mind:

VuFind® Version(s) Apache HTTP Server Version PHP Version MySQL Version Java JDK Version
older versions see historical requirements page
VuFind® 6.x 2.2.12+ 7.1+ 5.5+ 1.8+
VuFind® 7.x 2.2.12+ 7.2+ 5.5+ 1.8+
VuFind® 8.x 2.2.12+ 7.3+ 5.7.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2.2+) 1.8+
VuFind® 9.0.x 2.4+ 7.4.1+ 5.7.8+ (or MariaDB 10.2.7+) 11+
VuFind® 9.1+ 2.4+ 8.0+ 5.7.8+ (or MariaDB 10.2.7+) 11+
VuFind® 10.0+ 2.4+ 8.1+ 5.7.8+ (or MariaDB 10.2.7+) 11+

Note that while a MySQL version is recommended here, VuFind® is also compatible with MariaDB and PostgreSQL.

The installation documentation will help guide you through the process of installing these prerequisites and setting up VuFind® on various operating systems. Both Linux and Windows are fully supported.

Browser Support

VuFind® is designed to be compatible with all modern browsers, and some care is taken to ensure backward compatibility with earlier versions when practical.

  • Starting with release 5.0, support for Internet Explorer versions prior to 9 was dropped. IE9 should be functional but some functionality may not always display optimally.
  • Starting with release 8.0, VuFind® assumes that browsers support ES6. See Can I use... ES6 for compatibility notes.

Optional Dependencies

When you install VuFind® (either using a package, or by using Composer), most of its dependencies will be installed for you automatically. However, some infrequently-used features of the software may have additional dependencies that are not installed by default. For example:

  • If using Memcache as session storage, the memcached PHP extensions needs to be installed
  • You may want to install redis extension, if using Redis as session storage. It is not necessary, but could you give a small performance gain on systems with high load
  • Some ILS drivers may require additional PHP extensions (e.g. sybase for Horizon, oci Amicus and Voyager)
  • Oauth2 identity provider needs sodium extension


VuFind®'s hardware requirements vary based on the size and amount of data you are indexing as well as the user load you expect. As a result, it is impossible to give absolute hardware requirements.

For a small index, very basic web server hardware will be sufficient. The bare minimum is probably around 2GB of RAM and a few GBs of disk storage.

For huge indexes, you will need more RAM and disk storage, and you may even want to spread the load across multiple servers.

The good news is that VuFind® is extremely scalable. You can start small and grow the system as needed. See the Performance page for more details.

installation/requirements.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/19 06:36 by xmorave2