MARC Export Notes: ExLibris Voyager

Voyager includes a marcexport program designed for exporting MARC data. Details of its use can be found in the “Bulk Export of MARC Records” chapter of the Voyager Technical documentation, which you can download from SupportWeb (login required).

Additionally, some open source alternatives to marcexport are listed at Michael Doran's page.

You may also want to take a look at the Automation page for sample scripts using marcexport.

Loading MFHDs with Bibs

Voyager offers the option of exporting holdings information along with bibliographic information. This can be useful for setting up location-based faceting, but it requires some extra configuration to achieve.

After adding the appropriate flag to your marcexport call to include the MFHDs, you need to do a few things on the VuFind® side:

1. Tell SolrMarc to combine the bibs and MFHDs by adding these lines to your file (found in the import subdirectory of either your VuFind® home or local settings directory, depending on your version of VuFind®):

marc.combine_records = 852
marc.combine_records.left_field = 001
marc.combine_records.right_field = 004

More details on the exact meanings of the various marc.combine_records settings can be found in the SolrMarc documentation.

NOTE: SolrMarc expects holdings records to immediately follow matching bibliographic records. If you have holdings records shared by multiple bibliographic records (a rare situation caused when items are bound together but cataloged separately) you may have some problems during import.

2. Tell SolrMarc to index your locations to an appropriate field and map Voyager's internal codes using a translation map by adding this line to (found in the same place as

collection = 852b,

Note: “collection” is just one of several possible fields that you might want to use for indexing locations; “building” and “institution” might also be appropriate. The best option depends on your institutional needs.

3. Create the translation map file referenced in step 2 – this goes in the translation_maps subdirectory of your import directory and will need to be customized to your institution's needs; sample lines below:

locations.MAIN = Main Stacks
locations.MICRO = Micro Collection
locations.MUSIC = Music CDs