Table of Contents

VuFind 2.0 Conference

The VuFind 2.0 conference was designed to highlight trends and goals in VuFind development and help set priorities for the future of the software.

Conference Dates

The main conference was held on Wednesday, September 15th, 2010 and Thursday, September 16th, 2010.


Events took place at The Villanova Conference Center, in Pennsylvania near Philadelphia.


Registration for the conference is now closed. The attendee list can be viewed here:

VuFind 2.0 Conference - Attendee List


This was the preliminary schedule for the event, though some minor variations occurred.

Day One (Wednesday, September 15th, 2010)

7:00-8:30 Breakfast, Conference Center Dining Room

8:30-9:30 Full group session – Introductions & opening comments (J. Lucia)

9:30-10:00 Combining VuFind & Summon (Demian Katz)

10:00-10:30 Using VuFind with ExLibris Primo Central (Christopher Spalding)

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-11:30 Social Metadata Sharing (Greg Pendlebury)

11:30-Noon Group Reaction & Idea Generation

Noon-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:30 VuFind & Authority Data (Demian Katz)

1:30-2:00 Form Groups for Breakout Session I

2:00-3:30 Breakout Session I

2:45-3:00 Afternoon Break

3:30-4:30 Breakout Session I Discussion

6:00 p.m. Group Dinner at Great American Pub

Day Two (Thursday, September 16th, 2010)

7:00-8:30 Breakfast, Conference Center Dining Room

8:30-9:00 Welcome, announcements, day one summary

9:00-9:30 VuFind in a Multi ILS Environment (Luke O’Sullivan)

9:30-10:00 Using VuFind with Voyager’s Web Services (Birong Ho)

10:00-10:15 Form Groups for Breakout Session II

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-Noon Breakout Session II

Noon-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:30 Breakout Session II Discussion

1:30-2:30 Brainstorming, Bright Ideas, What You Didn’t Get to Say Yet

2:30-2:45 Break

2:45-End Building the 2.0 Roadmap, task volunteers

Discussion Topics and Presentations

These are some of the topics discussed or considered for discussion at the conference.

Video Recordings

Recordings of portions of the conference may be viewed at the following links (Microsoft Silverlight required):


The conference resulted in the development of the VuFind 2.0 Roadmap (PDF document).

Contact Information

If you have further questions or comments, feel free to email Demian Katz (demian DOT katz AT villanova DOT edu) or comment on one of the mailing lists found on our support page.