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VuFind® Newsletter: October, 2021

Highlights / Executive Summary

With a major release completed last month, much of October's development was maintenance-oriented: fixing bugs, improving accessibility, and enhancing security features (such as better Content Security Policy support). Some significant ILS driver improvements were merged, to be included in the forthcoming 8.1 release, and a development branch for 9.0 work will likely be started soon to allow more forward-looking changes to be merged together. Work also began on a new user interface translation: Armenian.

The free and open Learning VuFind® book, written by Demian Katz and designed to provide a complete introduction to the software, has been officially released and can be downloaded in PDF format from its official releases page.

The Project Management Committee spent much of their October meeting discussing possible actions identified during September's brainstorming sessions. These activities will keep the PMC occupied for months to come. This month, significant progress was made on reducing the size of the video editing backlog, releasing edited recordings of the entire 2018 VuFind® Summit as well as several video tutorials from past Community Calls. More recordings are still forthcoming.

Planning has been completed for the 2021 VuFind® Summit (to be held November 15-17), and the full schedule has been posted. Registration remains open.

Recently Completed / Resolved Issues

The following items were completed in the past month:

Additionally, VUFIND-1489 was closed as it turned out to be a local customization problem rather than an actual VuFind bug.

New Issues

The following items were reported / begun in the past month, but are not yet completed:

Code in Progress

Issue Report / Discussion Only

Active Issues

The following items saw significant progress / activity during the past month: