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VuFind Summit 2018

Dates and Location

The 2018 developers summit took place at Villanova University's Falvey Memorial Library on October 15 and 16, 2018.

Video Recordings

Recordings of all presentations are available in the VuFind® Summit 2018 YouTube Playlist.

Shared Conference Documents

Shared Google Docs used for the conference can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/vusummit2018.

The Twitter hashtag for the event was #VuFind18.


Day 1

 9:00 -  9:30 Registration, light refreshments
 9:30 - 10:30 Demian Katz - State of the Project, Q&A
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 11:15 Chris Hallberg - The Front-ier: The Distant Future of the Front-End
11:15 - 12:00 Cliff Missen - The eGranary Digital Library: Progress and Challenges
12:00 -  1:00 LUNCH (provided)
 1:00 -  2:15 VuFind Roadmapping Session
 2:15 -  2:30 Break
 2:30 -  3:00 Michelle Suranofsky - Integrating VuFind with External APIs: Lessons Learned
 3:00 -  4:30 HackFest / Break-out Sessions

         5:00 Dinner at Gullifty's (on your own)

More details on the dinner venue may be found here.

Day 2

 9:00 -  9:30 Registration, light refreshments
 9:30 -  9:45 Morning Planning
 9:45 - 10:15 Lightning Talks
10:15 - 12:15 HackFest / Break-out Sessions
12:15 -  1:15 LUNCH (provided)
 1:15 -  4:30 HackFest / Break-out Sessions (continued)

Detailed Talk Descriptions

Demian Katz, Villanova University - State of the Project, Q&A

In this talk, Demian will review what is new and what has changed since the last Summit as well as discuss some areas of future work that may help inform discussion during the afternoon's roadmapping session, where decisions will be made about the direction of the next major release. Time will be included for Q&A.


Chris Hallberg, Villanova University - The Front-ier: The Distant Future of the Front-End

In VuFind 5.0, much of the focus was on improving the back-end, server-side code. This means that the front-end code may be due for some new updates and improvements during the next development cycle. In this talk, Chris looks ahead to some possible goals, benefits and challenges to inspire conversation during roadmapping.


Ere Maijala, National Library of Finland - Scaling Solr (lightning talk)

This presentation discusses docValues, Shards/Replicas and deep paging and their implications for a large-scale Solr installation.


Cliff Missen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - The eGranary Digital Library: Progress and Challenges

The off-line eGranary Digital Library, a project to bring information to areas of the world without Internet connectivity, has utilized VUFind for the last ten years. This talk looks at the project's progress and challenges in updating and expanding its search system.


Michelle Suranofsky, Lehigh University - Integrating VuFind with External APIs: Lessons Learned

Lehigh's VuFind installation has required integration with a variety of external systems, and some of this work has led to new features in the core VuFind distribution. In this talk, Michelle will discuss some of the challenges encountered during integration and how they were overcome, as well as looking ahead to other future possibilities for connecting VuFind with third-party systems.


community/conferences/summit_2018.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/12 19:10 by demiankatz