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Warning: This page has not been updated in over over a year and may be outdated or deprecated.


The VuFind® community sometimes produces tutorial videos as part of its monthly Community Call; it also occasionally uses the video slot to highlight development issues for conversation.


Release Updates

Development Discussions

  1. Theme Accessibility (April 7, 2020)
  2. Doctrine Migration (February 7, 2023)



  1. VuFind® Summit 2007 - Andrew Nagy and Chris Barr discuss the software at the very first Summit in 2007.
  2. VuFind®: Social Features - a demonstration by Chris Barr, VuFind®'s first UI designer, created in 2008.

See also the conferences page for links to additional video from past events.

videos.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/24 14:53 by demiankatz