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VuFind Community Call Minutes: March 2, 2021

Attending: Oliver Goldschmidt, Demian Katz, Juha Luoma


1. Development Planning

Newsletter Highlights

The February, 2021 Newsletter was discussed.

CSV Importer

No progress this month.

Future of JIRA

No news.

Future of Travis

No news.

Javascript Dependencies

More progress was made on #1799. After further discussion, it was decided to break the pull request into two parts: support for array-based Javascript configuration, and support for outputting Javascript in multiple positions. Because the “multiple positions” part has some complexity related to the asset pipeline, the array-based configuration parts were broken out to #1863 so that they can be refined and merged first; when that work is done, #1799 will be updated to contain only the “multiple positions” code, and work on that will continue.

PHP 8 Compatibility

All known PHP 8 compatibility issues were resolved in time for release 7.1. However, some fixes required manual patching of third-party dependencies (currently accomplished with a Phing task). As those dependencies are corrected “upstream,” our manual patching code should be removed. Some of this has already happened post-7.1 release.

Possible Laminas Deprecations

Several key Laminas components have gone into “security-only” mode due to lack of contributor support (see the August 3, 2020 Laminas Technical Steering Committee minutes). This is concerning, due to VuFind's reliance on these components. We should consider as a community whether we should migrate away from some or all of these components, or if we should attempt to contribute some time and effort to help keep them alive.


Demian spent a bit more time working on #1764, fixing more of the issues identified there and setting up a baseline file to potentially allow this to be merged before all issues are fixed. However, even with the baseline file in place, the build is currently failing, so more configuration and fixing is needed before the PR can be merged.

Release 7.1

The release was completed on schedule. No problems have been reported yet, but please open JIRA tickets and/or let Demian know if you encounter any bugs or issues. A few very minor bugs have been subsequently fixed in the 7.1 release, so a 7.1.1 release will be forthcoming sometime between now and the release of version 8.0, but so far none of these fixes are especially urgent.

2. Formalizing VuFind's Community

A few minor suggestions were made on the first public draft of the VuFind Governance Document, and they have been incorporated.

3. Reminder: Change to Daylight Saving Before Next Call

The Daylight Saving Time change will occur between now and the next call. Please ensure that your calendar is appropriately updated if your local time does not change, or changes on a different date than in the United States (where the call is hosted).

4. Video: Testing, Part 1: Running Tests

5. Other Topics?

None this month.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).

community_call/minutes20210302.1614698322.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/02 15:18 by demiankatz