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Search with Faceted Results The search system allows the user to search from a basic search box and then narrow down the results by clicking on facet values found in the matching records. Real Time Record Status and Location Information The search results page is able to display the live status of a record through real-time querying of the underlying catalog system. This allows the best of both worlds: fast retrieval of search results, and accurate reporting of item availability. "More Like This" Resource Suggestions When viewing a record, the user will be offered suggestions of resources that are similar to the current resource. Save Resources to "Favorites" Lists The user can save resources from both the search results page and the record view page to their own customizable lists. The lists can be kept private by the user or made public and shared with others via URL. Browse for Resources In addition to searching, the user can explore the collection and serendipitously discover useful resources through a variety of browsing mechanisms, including alphabetical heading browse, facet-driven category browse, and channels.
Persistent URLs Search and record pages never change their URLs, allowing users to easily bookmark and share queries and other useful content. Compatible with Reference Management Tools Your users can save and tag any records with Zotero and other commonly used reference management tools. Data is embedded using the COinS standard and can also be exported in a variety of ways. Internationalization The interface has translations available in more than thirty languages, including Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish. Supporting new languages is easy, and you can also override translations to adjust the user interface without changing any templates or code. Access Your Data: OAI-PMH, APIs, Solr VuFind® has many APIs to interact with the search, data and many other features. You can syndicate your record data with other institutions via an OAI server. You can search using VuFind®'s algorithms via its built-in APIs. And if you want complete access to your indexed data, you can interact directly with Solr, VuFind®'s backend search and index engine. Enhance Record Displays with Content Providers VuFind® can incorporate data from a variety of third-party services to enhance the user experience with content like cover images, reviews, author biographies, and more!