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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: February 21, 2012



1. New/Updated JIRA Tickets

2. VuFind 1.3 Release

The 1.3 release went out on time; no major bugs reported yet.

3. VuFind 2.0 Update

Demian has completed basic single-record export support. This is now done more generically than before – all the behavior (HTTP headers and optional redirect-to-service) is handled via export.ini and generic record driver templates, which should make adding new export options simpler. It will still be necessary to add bulk export support (none of the bulk logic is in 2.0 yet), but this should be simpler and less redundant than before due to the new configuration-driven model.

VuFind 2.0's install process is now in place. The old platform-specific tools are gone in the interest of making installation more universal. A command-line PHP tool auto-configures the Apache configuration to help get web access in place. A web-based “install wizard” then takes over, creating the database, auto-configuring some items and providing tips on solving common problems. Currently the installer is English-only; there is a lot of complex language that made translation difficult. If we need installation in multiple languages, perhaps we should approach this in the same way that we did help screens.

Demian has begun implementing “local override directory” functionality – it is possible to create a directory that contains configuration and library files that override the VuFind core. You can have multiple override directories that are set to work with different Apache aliases in order to have different configurations of VuFind served from a single copy of the software. There are some limitations: themes can't fit into this model because of the way their resources (images, CSS, etc.) are served; some Zend components (controllers, models) don't easily lend themselves to this because they allow only single source directories, not search paths. Do we hack Zend core to allow overriding, avoid these mechanisms where possible or live without override capabilities for these things?

Discuss: model directory vs. library.

4. New Mobile Theme

No news.

5. VuFind Developers Summit 2012

The next in-person VuFind meeting at Villanova will be October 15-16, 2012. If you are interested in attending, please fill out this survey.

6. Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 11am Eastern Standard Time (GMT - 5:00).

developers_call/minutes20120221.1328715028.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/13 13:13 (external edit)