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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: April 17, 2012



1. New/Updated JIRA Tickets

  • VUFIND-180 - The Keystone Library Network has offered to contribute some effort to improving consortial support.
  • VUFIND-298 - Chris has closed this ticket, as the Browse module no longer has Javascript dependencies in 2.0.
  • VUFIND-386 - The Aleph driver here has been updated once again.
  • VUFIND-452 - This ticket has been reopened due to a problem with boosts and advanced searches; a partial fix is attached, and Demian will investigate further when time permits.
  • VUFIND-491 - As mentioned on this ticket, Demian's PHP port of the MARC::Lint Perl module is now part of the File_MARC PEAR library; this now provides a convenient mechanism for testing the validity of MARC records.
  • VUFIND-525 - There has been a bit more discussion of the multiple editions issue.
  • VUFIND-542 - A patch has been proposed for dealing with some of the author issues discussed on the previous call.
  • VUFIND-546 - This ticket proposes a Solr schema change to allow improved date boosting. Please read and comment.
  • VUFIND-547 - This ticket was a support request rather than a bug report; the issue has been resolved and the ticket closed.
  • VUFIND-548 / VUFIND-549 - These patches provide minor improvements to the PICA driver; Demian will review and commit shortly.
  • VUFIND-550 - This patch proposes a bug fix for URL auto-detection; Demian will review and commit.
  • VUFIND-551 - This patch proposes a fix to make file-based sessions more platform-independent; Demian will review and commit as time permits.
  • VUFIND-552 - This patch offers file path auto-detection for VuFind 1.x to reduce the amount of configuration necessary; this improvement is already present in the 2.0 prototype. Demian will review and commit as time permits.
  • VUFIND-553 / VUFIND-554 - These tickets offer some improvements to the LDAP authentication module; Demian will review and commit soon.

2. VuFind 2.0 Update

Chris has finished the Browse module and Demian has finished the OAI server.

3. New Mobile Theme

No news.

4. VuFind Developers Summit 2012

No news this week.

5. VuFind Hierarchical Collections Update

6. Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20120417.1334235850.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/13 13:13 (external edit)