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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: August 21, 2012



1. New/Updated JIRA Tickets

Demian has fixed JIRA so that it finally sends out notification emails correctly.

Here's the most recent JIRA activity:

  • VUFIND-316 - Ronan has posted a patch here to ping shards in order to allow sharded searches to tolerate errors more robustly.
  • VUFIND-340 - Mark Triggs has made his work-in-progress improved security code available in Git, though he does not currently have time to complete it.
  • VUFIND-423 - EBSCO recently put up their own VuFind demo accessing the EDS API; code is available in their wiki (behind a login); this has prompted some recent discussion on this ticket.
  • VUFIND-513 - The source of the “slashes in IDs cause problems” bug has been identified: it is an Apache security feature. Some possible workarounds have been documented on this ticket.
  • VUFIND-615 - The incorrect logging table definition in the config.ini comments has been corrected; ticket closed.
  • VUFIND-625 - Some additional Shibboleth improvements have been posted here.
  • VUFIND-633 - Luke has posted a patch for language sniffing here to auto-detect user language preferences.
  • VUFIND-634 - This ticket was opened to document a problem in Zend Framework 2, but it was fixed faster than expected; ticket closed, please ignore.

2. VuFind 2.0 Update

3. VuFind Developers Summit 2012

4. Open Data / Shared Central Index

5. Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20120821.1345124913.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/13 13:13 (external edit)