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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: August 21, 2012



1. New/Updated JIRA Tickets

Demian has fixed JIRA so that it finally sends out notification emails correctly.

Here's the most recent JIRA activity:

  • VUFIND-316 - Ronan has posted a patch here to ping shards in order to allow sharded searches to tolerate errors more robustly.
  • VUFIND-340 - Mark Triggs has made his work-in-progress improved security code available in Git, though he does not currently have time to complete it.
  • VUFIND-423 - EBSCO recently put up their own VuFind demo accessing the EDS API; code is available in their wiki (behind a login); this has prompted some recent discussion on this ticket.
  • VUFIND-513 - The source of the “slashes in IDs cause problems” bug has been identified: it is an Apache security feature. Some possible workarounds have been documented on this ticket.
  • VUFIND-615 - The incorrect logging table definition in the config.ini comments has been corrected; ticket closed.
  • VUFIND-625 - Some additional Shibboleth improvements have been posted here.
  • VUFIND-633 - Luke has posted a patch for language sniffing here to auto-detect user language preferences.
  • VUFIND-634 - This ticket was opened to document a problem in Zend Framework 2, but it was fixed faster than expected; ticket closed, please ignore.
  • VUFIND-635 - This ticket includes a patch to add Clickatell SMS support to VuFind.
  • VUFIND-636 - This new ticket differentiates the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) API from the EBSCO Integration Toolkit (EIT) API (covered by VUFIND-423).

2. VuFind 2.0 Update

Demian is making good progress converting remaining controllers and adding missing features.

One significant recent change: the return format of the record driver's getURLs() method has been changed to offer greater flexibility (you can specify internal routes as well as external URLs, and you can include the same URL multiple times if you really want to).

The Zend\Db component is still not fully functional, which is preventing a few features from being implemented properly (you can't currently delete database rows or select items with multi-part keys); Demian may spend some time adding these features to the framework if the ZF development team doesn't get there first.

ZF2 is less flexible than ZF1 in terms of handling exceptions thrown by view templates. ZF1 redirects to an error controller when a template throws an exception, but ZF2 just dies. A better approach to this problem will be considered for ZF 2.1, but we may need to figure out a VuFind-specific workaround in the meantime. (Since some of the objects sent to the view feature lazy-loading, view rendering can trigger ILS accesses and Solr lookups, and if these services are offline, exceptions can occur).

Demian also needs to spend some time looking at how caching works in ZF2; it is quite different from ZF1, and all cache-related code is still commented out in the VF2beta code at the moment.

David Maus has been working on refactoring the \VuFind\Connection\Solr class from one monolithic class into a set of interworking components.

Chris should be returning soon, so Demian will have a bit more support to finish up remaining issues.

3. VuFind Developers Summit 2012

A preliminary schedule is being drafted and should be posted soon on the VuFind Summit 2012 wiki page. Presentation slots are filling up, so please submit your presentations soon. Also on the wiki page are a couple of new areas for user input:

1.) There is a “lightning round” signup section for people interested in giving 5-minute presentations about specific features/enhancements of VuFind.

2.) There is a “breakout session idea” section where people can post ideas for small-group discussions during the conference's breakout sessions.

4. Open Data / Shared Central Index

5. Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20120821.1345470189.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/13 13:13 (external edit)