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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: August 20, 2013



1. Recent Development History

JIRA Tickets

Note: JIRA has now been updated to integrate with GitHub, so you can see commits related to tickets and in the status feed.

  • VUFIND-856 - Demian has committed replicated index support to the Linux version of the alphabrowse generation script; Windows support is still needed but will not be worked on unless requested.
  • VUFIND-868 - Summon cover image loading has been updated to reflect a minor API change.

Pull Requests

Now that we are on GitHub, we should start going through important pull requests; Demian will omit very small issues like translation tweaks and configuration comment adjustments.

  • #7 - Breadcrumbs in the author module have been made more complete.
  • #9 - The publication date graph recommendation module is now hidden by default (rather than always displaying and then hiding itself when data is missing); this makes the user experience slightly better, especially if JS is disabled.
  • #11 - This patch allows more than 30 facet values to be loaded dynamically into the facet list; it needs a bit more polishing before being pushed into master.
  • #13 - This is a CAS authentication implementation (see also VUFIND-422.
  • #16 / #17 - These PR's fix catalog password encryption issues for the Shibboleth and LDAP authentication modules; see also VUFIND-866 / VUFIND-867. Demian will test and merge soon.
  • #18 - This is based on the QR code support in VUFIND-308; there is still some ongoing conversation about details.
    • #19 - This is a work in progress to upgrade the jquerymobile library (see also VUFIND-844).

2. Development Updates/Planning

Bootstrap Theme

3. VuFind Summit 2013

The call for papers has gone out; registration will open shortly.

4. Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20130820.1376574124.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/13 13:13 (external edit)