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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: December 8, 2015



1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

  • VUFIND-572 - This has been resolved: you can now turn a basic search into an advanced search by simply clicking the “Advanced” link from the basic results screen – this causes the advanced search form to be appropriately pre-populated from the existing basic search.
  • VUFIND-942 - This old ticket about VuFind's .gitignore file has been closed, as there has been no discussion of the subject in quite some time. A few obvious additions to the file were made.
  • VUFIND-1131 - This feature request for a “select all” button on checked out items has been resolved.
  • VUFIND-1135 - This ticket is a reminder to investigate adding support for Solr DateRange fields at some point (captured from Summit discussion).
  • VUFIND-1136 - This ticket is a request for caching of proxied cover images; the functionality has been implemented.
  • VUFIND-1137 - This ticket requests a configuration/pattern-based method for retrieving images from disk in the cover loader. Feel free to suggest use cases/config syntax on the ticket.
  • VUFIND-1138 - This ticket addressed a Javascript bug in the master code (not affecting any released versions); it has been fixed.
  • VUFIND-1139 - Demian hopes to address the legacy issue of items from the 'Solr' search backend being stored in the database with a source of 'VuFind'. This ticket will track progress on that task – a large job, but one that will eliminate one of the more unnecessarily confusing aspects of VuFind's design (and some nasty special-case code).

Pull Requests

  • #507, #514 - merged - Cover driver for Buchhandel.de (needs some template work for terms of service compliance – currently noted in configuration).
  • #508 - merged - Improved Apache configuration for directory-based multi-site.
  • #509, #512, #513, #517 - merged - Translation/language file adjustments
  • #510 - merged - Support for a new optional “ajaxTabs” setting that makes all tabs (even initial one) load by AJAX.
  • #511 - closed - This ticket was moved to the VuFindHttp repository.
  • #515 - merged - Adds some keyboard shortcuts for navigating result sets.
  • #516 - merged - IE bug fix for advanced searches.
  • #518 - merged - Bug fix to advanced search permission check.
  • #519 - merged - Bug fix to deduplication listener.
  • #520 - merged - Minor style tweak.
  • #521 - in progress - Work/discussion on more granular availability status messages from the ILS driver.
  • #522 - merged - Minor optimization.
  • #523 - merged - Bug fix to cloning of search objects.
  • #524 - merged - Bug fix to Primo backend (does not affect any released versions).
  • VuFindHttp#4 - in progress - A proposed change to the default HTTP adapter; needs further discussion (may be closed without action).

2. Development Planning

Improved Author Indexing

Revised Dependency Management

No further work seems to be necessary in this area. We simply need to decide when to merge PR #510 to master.

Solr Upgrade

Demian has continued investigating docValues and ran into a problem: docValues are not supported for TextFields, but many of VuFind's facet fields use TextField instead of StrField to allow regular expression processing to strip trailing punctuation. He also noticed a TextFacetRaw field type that can probably be removed from the schema, as it is essentially the same as a StrField.

Javascript Reorganization

Chris has merged quite a few changes to master. If you have custom Javascript in your theme, it may require adjustments.

3. VuFind 3 Roadmapping

4. VuFind Non-Profit Organization

Discussions have recently been renewed a Villanova about the possibility of creating a non-profit organization to help sustain the VuFind project. This would be useful, among other things, for answering the periodic question of “what do we do with money that gets donated to the project?”

We're interested in feedback/suggestions.

Nothing will go forward without review by the community, and the intent here is to facilitate project growth rather than to make any shocking changes.

5. Wiki Reorganization

Demian has upgraded the wiki to a newer version, adding some new plugins to allow pages to be moved (with old URLs forwarding to new ones). This will allow some significant reorganization in the near future. Demian hopes to remove the current “VuFind 1 vs. VuFind 2” emphasis of the wiki in favor of a “latest documentation vs. legacy notes” approach. He also hopes to use the Wiki's namespacing to create more useful breadcrumb trails to all content, perhaps using a new hierarchy based around Installation/Configuration/Indexing/Development/Administration (though alternate category suggestions are welcome). Suggestions on reorganization and volunteers to help with the process of updating/moving pages would be welcomed.

6. Next Call Date?

We discussed whether to skip the next scheduled call (December 22) due to its proximity to the Christmas holiday.

7. Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 9am Eastern Standard Time (14:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20151208.1449151289.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/03 14:01 by demiankatz