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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: December 20, 2016

Attending: Leila Gonzales, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Jochen Lienhard


1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

  • VUFIND-1217 - This ticket addresses an inconsistency in the way trailing question marks are handled in advanced vs. basic Solr searches.

Pull Requests

As discussed last time, the API PR (#819) has been merged. Another noteworthy merge: form attribute support (#802).

  • #863 - merged - Work on removal of the statistics module
  • #864 - merged - Use Composer to install PhpDocumentor
  • #865 - merged - Use Composer to install Phing, and Phing to set up Swagger-UI
  • #866 - in progress - DAIA driver improvements
  • #867 - merged - New configuration option to set session cookie name
  • #868 - merged - Minor tweaks/fixes to new API code
  • #869 - in progress - Initial Solr 6 upgrade work
  • #870 - merged - Minor Voyager ILS driver enhancement to account for barcode status codes.
  • #871 - in progress - Minor improvement to bulk export behavior.
  • #872 - in progress - Refactoring to separate “add to favorites” functionality from record drivers for cleaner design.

Phing and Composer

All of the VuFind sub-projects (VuFindCode, VuFindHarvest, VuFindHttp) have been updated to match the work in #864 and #865, and the Jenkins CI configuration has been adjusted to work with this new setup. Using a “Composer-first” strategy greatly simplifies continuous integration setup and will ease migration of the existing utilities to a new server as we work toward a PHP 5.6 upgrade at Villanova.

2. Development Planning

Image Metadata API Revisited

Discussion has been renewed on VUFIND-1140.

Breaking Up Templates

We are ready to merge #829.


No news. Chris and Demian will discuss in person later today.


No news.

Next ZF Version

More progress on PHP upgrades at VU. No progress on getting ZF pull requests merged – Demian is trying to figure out how to expedite that.

Improved Use of Permissions

No news.

Solr 6

The “unbundle Solr” pull request (#769) has been merged. Demian has begun work on a Solr 6 PR (#869).

Deprecation Progress

As noted above, a PR has been merged to remove the built-in statistics functionality. Still to do: BeanShell scripts and Google Maps support.

Release Date for 3.1.2

Proposed: January 16, 2017. No objections.

Other Front End Updates

Chris explained the recently merged form attribute support changes in more detail.

Chris requested a review of the tokenize language strings PR in case there are more language strings that need updating. We will merge soon if no further suggestions are made.

3. Institutional Home

No news until the new year.

4. Next Call Date?

We discussed whether to skip the next call due to the likelihood of minimal activity over the holiday break.

5. Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, January 3, 2016 at 9am Eastern Standard Time (14:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20161220.1482243657.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/20 14:20 by demiankatz