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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: January 31, 2017



1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

No new activity.

Pull Requests

  • #890 - merged - Shibboleth logout bug fix.
  • #891 - merged - Minor Voyager ILS driver fix.
  • #892 - in progress - Proposed refactoring of SideFacets.phtml
  • #893 - merged - Minor MultiBackend ILS driver fix.
  • #894 - merged - Upgrade ReCaptcha dependency.
  • #895 - in progress - Upgrade encryption dependency from mcrypt to OpenSSL.
  • #896 - merged - Workaround for problems with Travis building (Solr download 503 errors).

2. Development Planning

Image Metadata API Revisited

Breaking Up Templates



No news.

Next ZF Version

Villanova's servers have been upgraded, and VuFind's base requirement has been raised to PHP 5.6. The master branch has been updated to use newer Zend Components. We are not yet using all of the newest versions, as there are some compatibility issues that will need to be addressed. Demian is gradually working through all of the dependency updates.

There is still a bottleneck on the Zend Framework side, though there have been at least some signs of progress there – one of Demian's pull requests has been merged. He will continue to follow up with the ZF team to see if further updates can be made.

Improved Use of Permissions

No news.

Solr 6

#869 has been updated with recompiled alphabrowse jars. Please test and comment.

Deprecation Progress

#883 has been merged and documented. The only remaining deprecation work has to do with removing Google Maps support.

Other Front End Updates

Search placeholder pull request (#885) has been made more flexible.

Improved mobile search result view (#881) will be merged soon if no one objects.

New template/view helper for add/remove from cart button to make cart interface more flexible (#884) has been developed further, but comment is still welcomed.

Some parts of the loading performance improvements (#882) PR were merged to master, others were abandoned due to complexity - Chris did some more Lighthouse testing, which suggested that there may still be some advantages to deferred script loading if we can navigate the complexity.

New Theme?

3. VuFind Usage Survey

We have received some good feedback on the usage survey, and Chris has updated it accordingly. We plan to open it up very soon.

4. Institutional Home

No news, though Demian looks forward to some conversations on this subject at the LDCX conference in March.

5. Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 9am Eastern Standard Time (14:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20170131.1485439200.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/26 14:00 by demiankatz