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Warning: This page has not been updated in over over a year and may be outdated or deprecated.

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This installation documentation is designed as a general guide to installation of VuFind 1.x on a Linux server. For more detailed step-by-step instructions on building a Linux VuFind server from scratch, you may also want to read the VuFind on Fedora and VuFind on Ubuntu pages (Fedora and Ubuntu are two different flavors of Linux; you can do some research to decide which is best for your needs).


To satisfy VuFind's dependencies, make sure you install the software versions recommended on the requirements page. You may use other versions at your own risk.

Installation Procedure

1. Install Apache HTTP Server

http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/install.html Ensure that mod_rewrite is included in the build

  • VuFind contains a file called vufind-httpd.conf be sure to copy or link this into your apache conf.d directory. You may need to edit this file to change directory paths, etc.
  • The vufind/web/interface/cache, vufind/web/interface/compile and vufind/web/images/covers directories and subdirectories will also need to be owned by the web server user.

2. Install MySQL

Most Linux distributions already have MySQL as a part of the distribution, but if you do not have it installed you can easily download from the following url:


3. Install PHP with following requirements:

--with-pdo-oci=instantclient,/path/to/oci, *
  • The –with-pdo-oci is at this point only used for Voyager libraries. 1)
  • The –with-pspell is not used at all but might feature in future spelling-related enhancements; you can exclude it if you like.
  • The –with-ldap is used for ldap authentication. If you do not use LDAP, this can be ignored.
  • –enable-mbstring is used for improved support for multi-byte characters. It is not necessary prior to VuFind 1.1 but may gain heavier use in future releases, so its inclusion is strongly recommended.

4. Install the Java JDK


5. Run the install script

The install script will attempt to setup the MySQL database and install necessary libraries.

Just load the VuFind code onto your server (default location: /usr/local/vufind). For details on obtaining VuFind, see the download page.

Once the software is loaded, switch to the installation directory and run:

%> ./install

6. Edit configuration files

The web/conf/config.ini should be modified to match your system settings. The httpd-vufind.conf only requires the change of the RewriteBase field (if you're not using the default of /vufind). If you used a non-standard install directory (not /usr/local/vufind), you should also edit import/import.properties and import/import_auth.properties to adjust paths.

7. Start the VuFind Server

Be sure that VUFIND_HOME and JAVA_HOME are set in the profile of the user that will be running VuFind-related scripts. VUFIND_HOME should be set to the root directory of the VuFind installation.

Once everything is configured, you can start the server as described on the starting_and_stopping_vufind page.

8. Import BIB records into SOLR using the MARC Import Tool

See the importing_records page for details on this process.

Installation is Complete

While the Import Tool loads the MARC records, you can begin to use your VuFind system. For more information on customizing VuFind's many options, visit the configuration_and_customization Page.

Steps to install PHP with PDO-OCI support:
  1. Download the Basic.zip and SDK.zip from the Oracle Instant Client web site
  2. Unzip the 2 zip files in the same directory
  3. Move the instantclient directory to somewhere on your server (/usr/local/lib is generally the place to put it)
  4. Create a symbolic link from the libclntsh.so.11.1 (or whatever version you have) to libclntsh.so as well as the same for libocci.so..
  5. Configure PHP with the option '–with-pdo-oci=instantclient,/usr/local/lib/instantclient,'.
You may need to change the configure option to match the path that you have installed the instantclient to as well as the version that you downloaded
legacy/installation/linux.1449600965.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/08 18:56 by demiankatz