Table of Contents

PMC Meeting: March 14, 2022

Attending: Oliver Goldschmidt, Leila Gonzales, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, André Lahmann, Ere Maijala, Mohan Pradhan

Apologies: Craig Murdoch, Leander Seige, Hajo Seng

1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

2. WOLFcon 2022

Hajo was unable to attend the meeting, so no updates were provided.

Some placeholder sessions were proposed on the WOLFcon schedule.

We are still awaiting details on whether payment will be required for online participation.

André and Hajo have been discussing the possibility of setting up a workshop for some special interest group / consortium level discussions.

3. Documentation

Demian has reorganized the Open Data Sources page and removed some outdated information. Some of the newly-created subpages need to be reviewed and updated:

Demian and Mohan will continue updating subpages as time permits.

4. OLF Update

OLF membership is now official.

Next steps:

5. Release Planning

There will be sprint planning during the April meeting. We discussed whether to focus on theme or Doctrine migration, and how to structure the call.

At University of Leipzig, resources have been freed up to support theme/accessibility work.

Consensus: focus on theme first.

Structure: Chris will do orientation at beginning; we'll discuss design and look for gaps/issues. We'll go through the list of open pull requests that need testing/completion. We should also identify resources and see if we can assign people to major areas of work.

It will probably take more than one meeting before we actually get to a “real” sprint, but we'll iterate toward that.

Demian will schedule a follow-up meeting for March 23 at the same time as this call to follow up.

6. Registered Service Provider Agreement

The RSP agreement draft will be discussed next time (delayed due to Craig's unavailability). This allows more time for review of the document.

7. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

Other Items

Demian checked in on the status of video editing. Leila will work on more Summit videos, and Chris will work on the Community Call output.

Action Items