VuFind 5.0 Press Release
VuFind 5.0 Released
Villanova, Pennsylvania - July 16, 2018 - Version 5.0 of the VuFind Open Source discovery software has just been released. This release improves the package's compatibility with recent language and operating system releases and adds several significant new features.
Some key additions:
- New features to improve compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including optional user-initiated account removal and support for encrypted session data.
- Significant improvements to the “Channels” interface for serendipitous resource discovery, including a streamlined user interface and several new channel providers (such as “new items” and “trending items”).
- Compatibility with the Ex Libris Alma Library Services Platform.
- Improved support for rendering geographic data.
- PHP 7.2 compatibility.
- Optional user access to their own account history.
- Built-in interlibrary loan support for users of the Relais platform.
- Upgrades to the latest Solr, SolrMarc and Zend Framework component versions.
Additionally, several bug fixes, new configuration options, performance enhancements and minor improvements have been incorporated.
Questions about the new release or VuFind in general can be directed to Demian Katz, the lead developer of the project at Villanova University. The software and its documentation may be found at
Demian Katz
Villanova University
Falvey Memorial Library
800 Lancaster Avenue
Villanova, PA 19085