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VuFind® Newsletter: April, 2024

:!: This document is currently a draft and is subject to change.

Development Highlights and Project News

Development Progress

Project Management Committee Report

Conference News

Recently Completed / Resolved Issues

The following items were completed in the past month and will be included in release 9.1.2:

  • CSV importer: Inject dependencies into static callback classes: #3515
  • Fix broken combined AJAX DOI functionality: #3561
  • Fix bug: handler-specific default sorts broken: VUFIND-1685 / #3572
  • Fix bug: Sandal theme: applied filter contrast is too low on home page: VUFIND-1658 / #3609
  • Fix bug: trigger Print not firing: VUFIND-1676 / #3512
  • Fix channel popovers: VUFIND-1686 / #3607
  • Fix OAI-PMH server date validation on PHP 8.1: #3548, #3549
  • Fix: turn mobile drop-ups into drop-downs: #3583
  • Fix unwanted hiding of checkboxes on user account pages: VUFIND-1684 / #3560
  • Hide bulk action buttons in mobile sizes: #3565
  • KohaRest driver: Fix getDepartments for Koha 23.11+: #3596
  • phpCas 1.6 update: VUFIND-1680 / #3550

The following items were completed in the past month and will be included in release 10.0:

  • AccessTokenEntityInterface: Replace setUserId with setUser: #3554, #3556
  • Add an option to specify sort order conditions for extra params in searchspecs: #3590
  • Add and use VuFind\Db\Service\TagServiceInterface: #3539
  • Add confirm button component: #3545
  • Add database services for comments and resource tables: #3558, #3594
  • Add menu button support for target and lightbox: #3562
  • Add more database entity interfaces: #3541, #3564, #3580
  • Allow directly specifying Solr dictionaries: VUFIND-745 / #3547
  • Allow specifying MySQL root user connection type in Phing: #3608
  • Change advanced search tips to ul/li: VUFIND-1669 / #3551
  • CSP: Generate current Report-To header: #3591
  • Databases & ConsortialVuFind: Fix bug in advanced search: #3544
  • EDS: Handle missing ebook URL: #3578
  • Eliminate submit inputs named “submit”: VUFIND-1640 / #3566
  • Fix broken combined AJAX DOI functionality: #3534, #3553
  • Fix CSS variable handling in lessToSass conversion: #3611
  • Fix ILS exception handling when editing holds: #3574
  • Fix search result links losing sid when e.g. sort is changed multiple times: #3582, #3589
  • Fix Solr highlighting in Blender: #3610
  • Fix visibility of off-canvas toggles: #3573
  • Fix widget type handling in LibGuides query builder: #3592
  • Flash message update for purgeTransactionHistory: #3595
  • FOLIO: Improve performance of loading bound-with titles: #3543
  • Generate NEL (Network Error Logging) header: #3593
  • Improve HttpRequestTrait for tests: #3602
  • Improve install.php existing file handling: VUFIND-1632 / #3567
  • Improve return type of getDbService() methods: #3570
  • Improve return type of UserEntityInterface::getId(): #3599
  • Improve table layout and text wrapping on narrow screens: #3542
  • Improve use of types in IdentityRepositoryTest: #3569
  • Introduce SessionService and SessionEntityInterface: #3555
  • LibraryCardController: use entity interfaces: #3588
  • Make user field for oauth subject configurable: #3486
  • ParamBag: Avoid duplicate parameters after merge: #3368
  • Prevent/clarify errors when cache is disabled: VUFIND-1657 / #3606
  • Reflect possible null return from →current(): #3559
  • Remove leading spaces from translation strings: #3604
  • Remove unused service from OAuth2Controller: #3601
  • Remove using PHP internal function print_r: 3563
  • Sierra: Avoid error if a requested record is not found: #3577
  • Sierra: Fix empty expiration date value in user profile: #3581
  • Sierra: Use v6 API by default, optimize fields to retrieve: #3575
  • Simplify createEmailViewModel; leverage UserEntityInterface: #3586
  • Update CodeQL workflow configuration: #3579
  • Use UserEntityInterface in ExternalAuthController: #3587

New Issues

The following items were reported / begun in the past month, but are not yet completed:

Code in Progress

  • Accessibility improvements: #3546
  • Add Ratings database service: #3603
  • Add result-scripts event to apply Javascript to search results: #3584
  • Adding Javascript configuration: #3598
  • Aleph driver: improve ID and date processing: #3576
  • Fix bug: incorrect author link hidden filter in combined search: #3557
  • KohaRest driver: Enable the use of custom renewal block messages in .ini: #3568
  • Modernize OAI server code and improve test coverage: #3597
  • Refactor availability and status to be better customizable: #3585
  • Set unique labels for checkboxes: VUFIND-1673 / #3552
  • Updated bulkFormHandler from jQuery to vanilla Javascript: #3571

Issue Report / Discussion Only

  • Fix layout of “Results per page” in narrow widths/on mobile: VUFIND-1679
  • Problem with facet highlighting when OR facets are enabled: VUFIND-1687
  • Requested improvements to confirmation menus: banner color and behavior: VUFIND-1682
  • Requested improvements to confirmation menus: Book bag: VUFIND-1681
  • Requested improvements to confirmation menus: Favorites and Library Cards: VUFIND-1683

Active Issues

The following items saw significant progress / activity during the past month:

  • Add bootstrap5 theme: #3222
  • Add Notifications CMS functionality: #3103
  • Adding the option to make html elements sticky: #3226
  • Convert from Laminas\Db to Doctrine: #2233
community/newsletter/2024-04.1713888329.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/23 16:05 by demiankatz