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PMC Meeting: June 13, 2022

:!: This is currently an agenda; it will be converted to minutes following the actual meeting.



1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • Demian: draft 2022 VuFind Summit CFP form. DONE
  • ALL: consider volunteering to lead “Intro to VuFind” session in person at WOLFcon. DONE
  • André: coordinate with Beth on final details of “VuFind for Specialised Information Services” session. DONE
  • Demian: schedule 8.1 release. DONE
  • ALL: review/comment on 8.1 pull requests as time permits. ONGOING (but almost done)
  • Craig: finalize RSP agreement draft
  • Craig: begin RSP form draft
  • Demian/Mohan: make further progress on updating Open Data Sources wiki pages. ONGOING
  • Leila: make progress on 2021 VuFind Summit video editing. DONE

2. WOLFcon / VuFind Summit 2022

Oliver will be attending in person, and may be able to lead the Introduction to VuFind session.

Mohan suggested that it would be good to announce plans for next year's Summit at the end of this year's; if we can manage an in-person event tied to WOLFcon, it would be good to let people know about that well in advance. We should find out the location of the next planned WOLFcon to determine the feasibility of this.

The VuFind Summit call for papers has closed, with seven submissions received (one of which is a two-part event). This seems to be enough content to support a two-day Summit; we could expand to three days if any PMC members which to present and have not already submitted proposals. Demian is willing to draft a schedule once we agree on an overall length.

3. Documentation

Current assignments:

  • Mohan: review/edit/update MeSH, DoAJ and PubMed Central pages; add NepJol page.
  • Demian: InTech Open and Linked Data pages.

4. OLF Update

Email updates still pending.

5. Release Planning

Work on the 8.1 release is nearly complete. Demian proposes creating the release-8.1 branch and merging dev-9.0 into dev soon.

6. Registered Service Provider Agreement

Craig has finalized the document and is working on the submission form.

Scott from OLF has reviewed the result and approves of it.

Next steps:

  • Once submission form is ready, reach out to existing VuFind vendors to gauge interest and solicit feedback
  • Incorporate the RSP program into the wiki in a way that makes it clear how it relates to our existing membership model; perhaps we need a combined table of benefits to show how these things compare to each other.

7. Video Editing Update

All outstanding video editing work has been completed.

8. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

  • Develop a fundraising communication plan - after February resource planning
  • Discuss a strategy for approaching VuFind services vendors (both for funding support and trademark compliance)
  • Develop a documentation maintenance plan
  • Investigate Dokuwiki enhancements (“old page” alerts, “page ownership” mechanism)
  • Community Call restructuring / marketing
  • “Good first issue” highlighting
  • Outreach to forks for new feature contributions
  • Marketing project (better VuFind definition, website improvements, etc.)
  • Publication / presentation efforts related to PMC and sustainability

Other Items

Action Items

community/pmc_meetings/minutes20220613.1654781591.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/09 13:33 by demiankatz