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PMC Meeting: September 19, 2023

Attending: Oliver Goldschmidt, Leila Gonzales, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Josef Moravec, Peter Murray, Mohan Raj Pradhan

Apologies: André Lahmann

1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • Craig/Demian/André: continue updating older wiki pages as time permits. ONGOING
  • Demian/Mohan: make further progress on updating/testing Koha installation and Open Data Sources wiki pages. ONGOING
  • André: move security audit process forward (get final draft from vendor, get answers to questions, find out about CVE process if possible). DONE
  • Demian/André: continue work on Lokalise integration. ONGOING
  • Chris: Open PR incorporating feedback from Josef's accessibility review. ONGOING
  • Demian: Create https://vufind.org/donate URL that redirects to membership page. DONE
  • Demian: Incorporate new credit card form into membership page and existing forms when ready. DONE
  • Demian: Start spreadsheet to track memberships/donations. DONE
  • Demian: Open PR(s) addressing proposed governance document changes. DONE
  • Josef: Connect Robert Šípek with Chris and the next Community Call for discussion of theme contributions. ONGOING

2. Goal Review

2023 Goals:

  • Release versions 9.0 (DONE!) and 9.1 (October?)
  • Hold a VuFind® Summit in Summer, 2023 linked with WOLFcon in some way (DONE!)
  • Run fundraising campaign in parallel with summer conference season (DONE!)
  • Complete a documentation improvement project
  • Complete a website improvement project (marketing-oriented)
  • Finish implementation of standard translation platform
  • Investigate possible training partnerships and fundraising around training materials

3. Documentation

Koha wiki page development/testing is still ongoing.

Discussion point: Updating of older pages has slowed down but is not entirely complete. How do we define “done” for our documentation improvement project?

Work is still pending on MeSH, DoAJ, PubMed Central and NepJol “open data sources” pages. Mohan also plans to contribute documentation related to integrating SubjectsPlus (which recently had example XSLT import configs added to the project) and Moodle (which is still being researched).

4. Translation Platform

Demian and André made significant progress on Lokalise integration during WOLFcon; there are currently some pending pull requests to put the finishing touches on the project.

Proposal: October 30 release date for 9.1, send out manual translation requests if Lokalise is not ready by next week.

5. WOLFcon 2023 Outcomes

WOLFcon ran smoothly, with good participation both in-person and online.

Next year's location is not yet known. The ongoing availability of free online participation will likely depend on the capabilities of the venue. We may need to decide on a year-by-year basis whether or not to incorporate the Summit into WOLFcon or hold it online during adjacent dates.

All video editing is complete.

6. Security Audit

Audit results were announced at WOLFcon and most issues have been resolved.

Administrators of known installations with incomplete security configurations were notified by email.

It may be worth opening JIRA tickets to capture any remaining issues (e.g. brute force protection for Database authentication method; Javascript prototype pollution).

Josef felt opening tickets was worthwhile. Demian will review the audit and open tickets. Chris will study up on prototype pollution.

7. Fundraising

We have our first backer – Iowa City Public Library. We'll need to figure out how best to fulfill the “backer newsletter” and “backer PMC meeting” benefits now that we have an organization eligible to receive them (though ICPL does not seem greatly concerned about receiving these benefits immediately, so we have time to plan).

Initial backer newsletter: personalized link to community newsletter sent directly to backers, with note that suggestions are welcome.

For backer meeting: plan closer to next Summit, when more details are known.

Several ideas emerged from the WOLFcon fundraising session. We should consider whether to implement any of them (e.g. crowdfunding, including a “current funding level” meter on the site, sharing specific funding goals, a Wikipedia-style banner on the website, etc.).

8. EU Cyber Resilience Act

Although unable to attend this month's meeting, André raised concerns about the EU Cyber Resilience Act, a European law currently being drafted which has good intentions but may impose negative side effects on open source communities. He shared the Eclipse Foundation's Open Letter to the European Commission on the Cyber Resilience Act and the Apache Foundation's "Save Open Source" article for context.

9. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

Other Items

Josef will make the connection between Robert and Chris for theme development.

Action Items

community/pmc_meetings/minutes20230919.1695136789.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/19 15:19 by demiankatz