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VuFind Community Call Minutes: April 6, 2021

Attending: Demian Katz, Ere Maijala, Mario Trojan


1. Development Planning

Newsletter Highlights

The March, 2021 Newsletter was discussed.

CSV Importer

No progress this month.

Future of Tools

Demian spoke with the OLF about JIRA options and hopes to hear more from them soon. No news on Travis this month, but our current token supply is still holding out.

Javascript Dependencies

Last month, we discussed how the Javascript configuration work was broken into two parts. The array-based configuration improvements in #1863 have been merged; we next need to find time to continue work on #1799, which now contains only the “multiple positions” code.

Possible Laminas Deprecations

No major news, though Demian has been reading about Doctrine in preparation for experimenting with Laminas\Db replacements.

Static Analysis Tools

Some contributed work on PHPStan integration has moved forward much faster than the existing work on Psalm, and will likely be merged soon. Demian still plans to finish the Psalm work as time permits, as the tools should be complementary.

2. Formalizing VuFind's Community

The Project Management Committee has been officially formed, and is working on polishing up the governance document for inclusion in the main GitHub repo, as well as fleshing out some related wiki pages. They will continue to meet monthly to help move forward various project sustainability tasks.

3. Video: Testing, Part 2: Writing Unit Tests

A video was recorded discussing the creation of PHPUnit unit tests. It will be shared as soon as editing is completed.

4. Other Topics?

Mario is going to be testing utf8mb4 encoding with MySQL in the near future; there was some discussion about potential issues here with MariaDB/MySQL inconsistencies and with impact on column length. He will report on his results after testing.

Mario also brought up the RecordDataFormatter, as he was curious why this was used in many places but not the result-list.phtml template. Demian explained that this is because the RecordDataFormatter was mainly designed for rendering tables of data, and result-list.phtml is non-tabular in format. He also expressed some dissatisfaction with the complexity of the RecordDataFormatter, and a desire to improve it in future if possible (and not to make anything that currently works well more complex). There was some discussion about the RecordDataFormatter (Ere agreed that it makes some code challenging to maintain), and whether it might make sense to incorporate it into result-list.phtml in some way (perhaps by treating it as a key-value store of fields, or by exposing helper code to render one data element at a time). Ere also observed that reusing logic between result-list.phtml and other views may not be as useful as it at first appears, because the result list version of data is often formatted differently than other views (e.g. authors displayed without relator terms, etc.). Mario will do some experimentation and report back; Demian will review the code and share some further suggestions when time permits.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).

community_call/minutes20210406.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/06 14:38 by demiankatz