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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: August 8, 2015

Attending: Demian Katz


1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

  • No changes since last call.

Pull Requests

  • #419 - in progress - This replaces the old #177 for adding text domains to the translator.
  • #420 - merged - This is a minor bug fix to the bootstrap3 lightbox.
  • #421, #428, #430 - in progress - These add some new features (auto-download, HTML export format) to export functionality.
  • #422 - merged - This adds a third namespace for flash messages ('success') on top of the existing two ('info', 'error').
  • #423 - merged - Typo fix in a template.
  • #424 - merged - Removal of illegal element from bibtex exports.
  • #425 - merged - Language file typo fixes.
  • #426 - in progress - Updates to the DAIA ILS driver.
  • #427 - merged - Progress on author indexing improvements PR.
  • #429 - in progress - Latest Foundation5 theme

OpenURL Improvements

The OpenURL improvements discussed on the past call have been merged to master, which introduces some potentially backward-breaking changes (see notes in changelog).

2. Development Planning

Improved Author Indexing

André has made some progress on changing Sets to Lists in the indexing routines and collecting sample data for testing purposes.

Solr Upgrade

The master branch has been updated to Solr 4.10.4. Please reindex data and report any problems. Demian will begin work on an experimental Solr 5 branch soon.

Release 2.5 Date

Late September / early October?

3. VuFind Summit 2015

Part of the cost of the 2015 Summit will be covered by a generous donation from Agilent Technologies, Inc., a global company focused in the life sciences, diagnostics and applied chemical markets.

The price of admission is set at $45 (a slight increase over last year, to shorten the gap with next year's price if we fail to receive corporate backing). Registration is now open here.

4. Other Topics?

Demian has written a blog post about automating some VuFind local template/configuration maintenance tasks.

Tod reports that his NACO browse normalizer is being tested by staff, subject specialists and catalogers. He expects to issue a pull request for vufind-browse-handler when the QA is done. UChicago will have this in production in time for their fall quarter.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 10am Eastern Daylight Time (14:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20150804.1438696409.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/04 13:53 by demiankatz