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VuFind Developers Call Minutes: June 7, 2016



1. Development Updates

JIRA Tickets

Pull Requests

3.0.1 Release

The release went out slightly early.

Bootstrap Media Elements

The rendering of search results/list items has been adjusted slightly to simplify markup and add some features; see this commit.

Facets in Lightbox

This feature (PR #678) has been merged to master. It's currently on by default in the form of a “see all” link within expanded facet lists. It can either be turned off entirely or made more prominent by switching it to pop open on the initial “more” link.

2. Development Planning

Front-end Issues

JS Code Styling with ESLint
General Status Update



Next ZF Version

Improved Use of Permissions

Improved Geographic Features

GitHub Features (tagging, PR templates, etc.)

README and Wiki have been updated; further suggestions welcomed.


Demian has updated the DocValues pull request (#588) to work with Solr 5; however, there is still a question as to whether this is needed at all. Demian proposes closing the PR and moving the work to a feature branch.

Dropping ZombieJS Support

Now that Chris and Demian have standardized the integration test workflow using Selenium, there are a number of tests that cannot pass in ZombieJS due to missing features. Demian checked to see if anyone objected to making Selenium the default integration test option and removing ZombieJS-related functionality from CI configuration.

3. Institutional Home, Revisited

4. VuFind Summit 2016

The VuFind Summit will take place on October 10-11, 2016.

5. Other Topics?

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).

developers_call/minutes20160607.1464963442.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/03 14:17 by demiankatz