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Warning: This page has not been updated in over over a year and may be outdated or deprecated.

VuFind® Community Call

The VuFind® Community Call is a monthly online forum allowing the VuFind® community to discuss current issues in the development, promotion and use of the project.

The call is generally held on the first Tuesday of the month at 9am Eastern Time, unless a holiday or conflict requires case-by-case rescheduling.

Next Call

The next call will be Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 9am Eastern Daylight Time (13:00 GMT).

:!: There will be no October meeting due to the German Summit taking place on the scheduled call date.

:!: Note that the Eastern time zone will return to “Standard” time before the November meeting, so adjust your calendar accordingly.

Proposing Topics

If you have a subject you would like to discuss on the next call, please post agenda items to the vufind-tech mailing list. We will cover as many topics as allowed by the time slot.

Connection Information

Conferences are held using Zoom (courtesy of Villanova University). You can join the call at https://villanova.zoom.us/j/837481372.


  • Audio equipment (headphones and microphone) is strongly recommended, but text-based communication is also possible.
  • If you have trouble using computer audio equipment, Zoom supports telephone call-in with many international numbers available.
  • If you have questions or technical problems, please contact demian DOT katz AT villanova DOT edu for assistance.

Meeting Minutes for Past Calls

community_call.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/03 13:52 by demiankatz