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NPM Scripts

NPM is a Javascript and Node.js package manager and task runner. Starting with VuFind® 9.0, it has been configured to run several tasks for front end manipulation and packaging. Earlier VuFind® releases relied on Grunt.

To setup NPM to run, first install node and run “npm install” to install all the dependencies in package.json.

npm run build:css

Generates any CSS files that require pre-processing inside all available themes. As of this writing, this is an alias for npm run build:less, but as VuFind® evolves, if we migrate to different technologies, we plan to maintain this alias, so your development routines will not be disrupted.

npm run build:less

:!: Using “npm run build:css” instead is recommended; see above.

Compiles all less files into a compressed css file. This script will detect themes inside of your themes directory and build the proper paths for you.

To use:

npm run build:less

npm run build:scss

Compiles all sass files into a compressed css file. This script will detect themes inside of your themes directory and build the proper paths for you.

npm run build:scss

npm run lessToSass

Converts all less files to sass. Mostly for the VuFind® dev team. By default does bootstrap3 and bootprint3.

development/npm.1682002843.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/20 15:00 by demiankatz