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Warning: This page has not been updated in over over a year and may be outdated or deprecated.

This is an old revision of the document!

Service Name Migration

In VuFind 5.0, the switch to Zend ServiceManager v3 means that internal service names are now case-sensitive. This requires some changes. This page documents pre-5.0 service names and post-5.0 equivalents to help you update your local code.

Core Services

The way VuFind addresses some core Zend services has changed.

Zend Framework

  • viewmanager is now ViewManager

Zend Translator Plugins

  • extendedini is now ExtendedIni

VuFind Services

The names of services defined within VuFind have also changed.

Controller Plugins

When overriding core Zend plugins, we now need to use the canonical class name for the plugin.

  • flashmessenger is now Zend\Mvc\Plugin\FlashMessenger\FlashMessenger

View Helpers

Most view helper service names have been updated to match the case with which they are invoked. When overriding core Zend helpers, we now need to use the canonical class name for the helper.

  • accountcapabilities is now accountCapabilities
  • addellipsis is now addEllipsis
  • addthis is now addThis
  • authornotes is now authorNotes
  • currentpath is now currentPath
  • datetime is now dateTime
  • displaylanguageoption is now displayLanguageOption
  • headlink is now Zend\View\Helper\HeadLink
  • headscript is now Zend\View\Helper\HeadScript
  • headthemeresources is now headThemeResources
  • helptext is now helpText
  • imagelink is now imagelink
  • inlinescript is now Zend\View\Helper\InlineScript
  • jstranslations is now jsTranslations
  • keepalive is now keepAlive
  • layoutclass is now layoutClass
  • openurl is now openUrl
  • proxyurl is now proxyUrl
  • recorddataformatter is now recordDataFormatter
  • recordlink is now recordLink
  • renderarray is now renderArray
  • safemoneyformat is now safeMoneyFormat
  • searchmemory is now searchMemory
  • searchoptions is now searchOptions
  • searchparams is now searchParams
  • searchtabs is now searchTabs
  • sortfacetlist is now sortFacetList
  • syndeticsplus is now syndeticsPlus
  • systememail is now systemEmail
  • transesc is now transEsc
installation/migration_notes/service_names.1509717428.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/03 13:57 by demiankatz