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videos:configuring_search_and_facet_settings [2020/02/17 15:21] – [Video 4: Configuring Search and Facet Settings] demiankatzvideos:configuring_search_and_facet_settings [2020/02/17 17:46] – [Transcript] demiankatz
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 ===== Transcript ===== ===== Transcript =====
-// Coming soon//+:!: This transcript still needs to be cleaned up and edited. 
 + hello and welcome to the fourth in the 
 +view find instructional video series 
 +today we are going to look at three of 
 +the most important configuration files 
 +in view find for adjusting the way 
 +search and faceting behave but before we 
 +dive into that I just wanted to set the 
 +stage for those who have been following 
 +along I didn't want the examples today 
 +to look too weird so I have actually 
 +gone back to the standard default view 
 +find theme and I have re indexed data 
 +using default settings instead of the 
 +customizations we demonstrated back in 
 +video 2 so if you're coming in for the 
 +first time you'll see fairly normal 
 +things I've also indexed a few more of 
 +you finds sample mark records just to 
 +give us a bigger set of search results 
 +to play with if you're keeping score the 
 +files I indexed our journals mark geo 
 +mark and authority bibs dot mark so with 
 +all that out of the way let's start 
 +looking at configuration files and this 
 +is also a good time to put in yet 
 +another reminder about always using your 
 +local settings directory when changing 
 +configuration files so let's start with 
 +searches I and I which is sort of the 
 +top level configuration for view finds 
 +search options we will copy I'm 
 +currently in the view finder Ector e so 
 +we will copy config slash view find 
 +slash searches I and I into local slash 
 +config slash view find so now we have a 
 +local copy of the configuration file 
 +that we can edit without touching the 
 +core files of the view find distribution 
 +I'm going to bring up a visual studio 
 +code which is just one of many tools 
 +that you can use to edit files and I 
 +will open searches I and I I go to the 
 +top of the file so the first thing I 
 +should explain is that in this file you 
 +will see references to search handlers 
 +search handler is view find terminology 
 +for one of the options in the drop-down 
 +menu next to the search box like title 
 +or author or subject it's just a group 
 +of settings that tell view find how to 
 +do a particular kind of search we're 
 +going to look at how those are built a 
 +little later but for starters let's just 
 +talk about the ones that are 
 +pre-configured for you out of the box in 
 +view find which are all those common 
 +things I mentioned like title and author 
 +and subject so at the very top of the 
 +file you will see that there's a default 
 +handler set which is all fields which is 
 +a very broad search that as it says is 
 +going to search across the majority of 
 +the fields indexed in view find there is 
 +really very little reason to ever change 
 +this default handler so I recommend 
 +leaving that alone however there is a 
 +setting just a few lines down here 
 +called empty search relevance override 
 +which is turned off by default because 
 +it causes view fine to do some extra 
 +work but this is something that a lot of 
 +people may actually want to turn on so 
 +let me show you what this does Here I am 
 +in my local view find demo and if I run 
 +a blank search this will show us all of 
 +the records in the index and you'll see 
 +that by default things are sorted by 
 +relevance which means that view find 
 +tries to use the user search terms to 
 +figure out which things in the result 
 +set are most important but if you do a 
 +blank search there are no search terms 
 +to use for ranking and you just get 
 +everything back in a completely 
 +arbitrary order and that's where this 
 +setting comes in if I go back and I 
 +uncomment empty search relevance 
 +override it will use a sort option other 
 +than relevance only for empty searches 
 +and then we will get perhaps a more 
 +meaningful looking result set so if i 
 +refresh my search results now I've got a 
 +at the 
 +moving down a little further you will 
 +see that there are a couple of major 
 +sections in this file that control which 
 +search handlers are available to your 
 +user there is basic searches which is 
 +going to control the drop-down list next 
 +to the search box which is on 
 +practically every screen of you find and 
 +then there's advanced searches which is 
 +going to control what options are 
 +available in the boxes in the advanced 
 +search screen and you'll notice that by 
 +default there are more options available 
 +for advanced search because we are 
 +expecting users to be trying to do more 
 +specific things and combining fields and 
 +more complex ways when they're doing 
 +advanced searches whereas the basic 
 +search is really just the basics there'
 +also one kind of special case here the 
 +tag search which is a way of searching 
 +for user tags that users have created on 
 +records it works a little bit 
 +differently than everything else which 
 +is why it's only available in the basic 
 +list it doesn't play well with other 
 +types of searches and so it doesn't work 
 +properly if you try to put it in any 
 +advanced search so all of these lists 
 +let you do a couple of things first of 
 +all they let you control the order of 
 +the options so for example if I want the 
 +author option to appear above the title 
 +option I can just cut and paste put the 
 +author line above the title line and 
 +then if i refresh my view find screen 
 +and look at the drop-down menu the order 
 +of the fields here matches what's in the 
 +configuration file so if presentation of 
 +options is important to you you have 
 +full control over that the other thing 
 +that you'll notice here is that some of 
 +these things look a little bit cryptic 
 +like author equals adv underscore search 
 +underscore author what's going on here 
 +is that the values on the left side of 
 +the equal sign are the names of search 
 +handlers which are configured in another 
 +file that we'll look at shortly the 
 +values on the 
 +side of the equal sign our translation 
 +strings so if you find has an 
 +internationalization system which looks 
 +up keys and then displays values in the 
 +users currently chosen language all of 
 +these values here are going to go 
 +through that translation system and get 
 +translated for the user so if you decide 
 +to customize these labels you can really 
 +put anything you like here so for 
 +example I could change author to a 
 +person who created stuff and then if I 
 +go back to if you find and refresh the 
 +page I now see that I have the option of 
 +the person who created stuff search but 
 +the important thing to remember is if 
 +your particular view find instance is 
 +presenting the interface in multiple 
 +languages you're going to have to create 
 +mappings for these strings and all of 
 +the language files you need so that they 
 +translate correctly when users switch 
 +languages internationalization is 
 +probably a good topic for a future video 
 +but for now I just wanted to make you 
 +aware that that exists so you'll also 
 +notice that there are a couple of 
 +searches that have semicolons in front 
 +of them meaning that they are commented 
 +out they're turned off um and that is 
 +because they are useful options in some 
 +cases but not everyone needs them so we 
 +leave them off by default for example we 
 +have this coordinate search which can be 
 +useful if you're using view finds 
 +optional geographic functionality but is 
 +meaningless otherwise and we have this 
 +journal title search which is just like 
 +a title search but it filters down to 
 +journals again not everyone is indexing 
 +journal data so we don't provide it by 
 +default but just for fun let's turn it 
 +on here by removing the semicolon and 
 +now if i refresh my browser yet again I 
 +now have a journal title search showing 
 +up under title and if I just do a blank 
 +journal title search that brings back 
 +just ten 
 +salts which is all of the journals that 
 +were indexed in my sample data so that 
 +is how you control and reorganize and 
 +real able your search handlers similarly 
 +there is a sorting section in the file 
 +which controls your sorting options it's 
 +under the heading label of sorting and 
 +as with the search handlers there are 
 +some options that are on by default some 
 +options that are commented out but 
 +they're for your reference and in this 
 +instance view find by default assumes 
 +that you're going to be using Library of 
 +Congress style call numbers but if 
 +instead you're using Dewey you can just 
 +flip-flop these by commenting out call 
 +number sort which is the LC field and 
 +uncommenting dewey sort so in this 
 +section the values on the left are the 
 +names of fields in the solar index that 
 +view find can use for sorting the values 
 +on the right are the labels which are 
 +once again translation strings so you 
 +can reorganize this list you can real 
 +able this list you can add different 
 +solar fields if you want to create some 
 +kind of a custom sort but the the one 
 +thing that you have to keep in mind if 
 +you're trying to do custom fields here 
 +is that solar sort must be done on 
 +fields that contain only one value per 
 +record if a field contains multiple 
 +values solar doesn't know how to sort on 
 +that because it needs just one value to 
 +put the record in an ordered sequence so 
 +if you try to do anything else here it 
 +will cause an error and that's a common 
 +source of confusion and we of course can 
 +get into that further when we talk about 
 +solar in a future video another useful 
 +option that's backed up near the top of 
 +eyal is the ability to control the page 
 +size of results you'll notice when you 
 +first install view find you have 20 
 +records per page and no ability to 
 +change that but in this configuration 
 +file adjusting both the page size and 
 +the ability to switch the page size is 
 +possible so there's a default limit you 
 +can see here this is set to 20 but 
 +suppose I want to change this to 40 we 
 +are going to have to close our web 
 +browser before we can see the change 
 +take effect because if you find 
 +remembers all of your default default 
 +choices in cookies and reinforces them 
 +for you this is usually convenient 
 +because if you've made a choice and you 
 +do a new search you want that choice to 
 +remain in effect but when you're editing 
 +your configuration files and you change 
 +something it can appear that your change 
 +didn't work because viewfinders 
 +remembering what you were doing before 
 +you made the change so now I've closed 
 +Firefox I've opened it back up again 
 +that's cleared out my session level 
 +cookies so now when I perform a blank 
 +search I have 40 results on the page 
 +instead of 20 and so now if I want to 
 +give the user the choice of how many 
 +records to view at once I can uncomment 
 +this limit option setting which is just 
 +a comma separated list of numbers and 
 +all of those numbers are going to be 
 +provided as a drop-down menu so if i 
 +refresh the page I now have a results 
 +per page control I can set that to 10 or 
 +100 or whatever so you are free to put 
 +any number you like in this 
 +configuration but do keep in mind that 
 +there are limits to how much data a 
 +solar can process and passed if you find 
 +it once so if you try to set your page 
 +size to 10,000 you might expect to run 
 +into memory problems or performance 
 +problems or other issues so configure 
 +this but try to keep it within reason 
 +another very important feature of you 
 +find is what we call the recommendation 
 +module system and this is just a modular 
 +way of plugging custom code into the 
 +search results screens there are 
 +actually three different regions where 
 +you can position a recommendation module 
 +and by default several of the things 
 +that you find uses are actually 
 +recommendation modules that includes 
 +this top suggested topics within your 
 +search control which is a top 
 +recommendation module it includes the 
 +standard faceting controls which are a 
 +side recommendation module and it 
 +includes a variety of things that show 
 +up if you do a search that doesn't yield 
 +any results like this suggesting ways to 
 +find more results blue box these are no 
 +recommendation modules so you have full 
 +control over what shows up when a user 
 +performs a search that yields no results 
 +and also what shows up above and to the 
 +side of normal search results and that 
 +is all done through the configuration 
 +file searches I and I if you look fairly 
 +near the top of the file you're going to 
 +see that there's default top recommended 
 +settings defaults I'd recommend settings 
 +and default no results recommend 
 +settings and what these are going to do 
 +is tell you find which recommendation 
 +modules to load um if there are no more 
 +specific settings available because you 
 +can configure each search handler to 
 +have its own set of recommendation 
 +modules so for example when you do an 
 +author search you're going to see some 
 +author specific tips and details that'
 +made possible by this recommend 
 +and to see the other piece of this 
 +beside the defaults if you scroll down 
 +there is a section called side 
 +recommendations a section called top 
 +recommendations and a section called no 
 +results recommendations and in each of 
 +these sections you can specify the name 
 +of a search handler brackets which allow 
 +you to repeat that setting to have 
 +multiple values within it and then the 
 +one or more recommendation modules that 
 +you want to display so as I said author 
 +has some custom faceting that's made 
 +possible through this similarly call 
 +number searches behave a little bit 
 +differently if you do a call number 
 +search and don't find any results there 
 +are a lot of recommendation modules 
 +available and if you're comfortable with 
 +coding you can also write your own each 
 +one of them is just one PHP class and 
 +one corresponding template to display 
 +Thanks obviously building new ones is 
 +beyond the scope of this video but we 
 +may do that in the future but if you 
 +just want to see all of the available 
 +options if you scroll up above the side 
 +recommendations section of this 
 +configuration file you will find a 
 +substantial list of options divided into 
 +which section it's recommended that you 
 +might want to use these settings in so I 
 +would encourage you to read through this 
 +and see if there's anything that catches 
 +your eye most of them are fairly easy to 
 +configure you just put the name of the 
 +module and then a number of parameters 
 +which are described in the documentation 
 +here if it's a module that has special 
 +options but for now just a really quick 
 +example I'm going to go back up to the 
 +default recommendation settings and I 
 +don't know about you but I'm personally 
 +not a huge fan of the facet controls 
 +above the search results so this is 
 +something that I often turn off 
 +when I'm setting up you find and getting 
 +rid of that is as easy as commenting out 
 +this line by putting a semicolon at the 
 +beginning of it so I've removed the 
 +default top recommend equals top facets 
 +results top line and now if I go back to 
 +my browser and refresh my search results 
 +just start at the top of the page 
 +instead of having those facets above 
 +them one last thing that's going on in 
 +searches I and I that's worth pointing 
 +out is that this is where all of the 
 +autocomplete functionality is set up 
 +there's an autocomplete section which 
 +you can use to turn autocomplete off 
 +completely if you don't want to use it 
 +and similar to recommendation modules 
 +there's a default handler that is used 
 +for generating autocomplete suggestions 
 +while users type their search queries 
 +but that's overridden on a handler by 
 +handler basis to configure different 
 +rules for how those suggestions are 
 +looked up most people are probably not 
 +going to need to change this but if you 
 +are planning on building your own custom 
 +handler it's nice to know that you can 
 +also control how suggestions are 
 +provided for that handler and 
 +essentially the majority of these work 
 +by using the solar lookup autocomplete 
 +handler which accepts the name of a 
 +search handler that the user's current 
 +text will be searched against and then a 
 +prioritized field list which says which 
 +solar field or fields to use to make the 
 +recommendations as with the 
 +recommendation modules all of the 
 +different autocomplete handlers are 
 +documented above the section and 
 +comments which has a little bit more 
 +detail about how this works again this 
 +is something most people don't need to 
 +change but if you need to it's here 
 +so I think that's probably plenty on 
 +searches I and I but there's another 
 +configuration file that you will 
 +probably want to play with which is 
 +facets dot ini and this is what controls 
 +how view find provides faceting options 
 +for narrowing searches so once again I'm 
 +going to go to the terminal it might be 
 +you find home directory and I'm going to 
 +copy config slash view fine slash facets 
 +that I and I into local config you find 
 +so that I have my own local copy of the 
 +file that I can modify without touching 
 +the core and then I'm going to go back 
 +to vs code and open my new file facets 
 +that I and I so at the very top of the 
 +file there's a section called results 
 +and this is what controls the facets 
 +that are displayed on the side of the 
 +regular search results and just as an 
 +aside there's actually a recommendation 
 +module configuration in searches ini 
 +that tells view find that this is where 
 +to find this so you can theoretically 
 +store this anywhere but by default the 
 +results section of facets that I and I 
 +is going to control your default facet 
 +options and just like all the other 
 +configurations I've showed you this list 
 +can be reordered and the order changes 
 +will be reflected in the order that the 
 +facets are displayed in the view find 
 +interface you can also change all of 
 +these labels on the right side of the 
 +equal signs to whatever you want and it 
 +will pass through the translation system 
 +similar to the sort options I showed you 
 +the values on the left side of the equal 
 +signs are all the names of solar fields 
 +and so this is where the facet values 
 +are going to be retrieved from again 
 +these defaults should be reasonable but 
 +if you're doing custom things you know 
 +for example if you index a custom field 
 +with solar mark you can expose it here 
 +as a facet 
 +if you want to again when we talk more 
 +about solar in the future you will learn 
 +that different fields behave differently 
 +and not all fields work well as facets 
 +so keep that in mind if you try 
 +something and get weird looking 
 +unexpected results so just as a quick 
 +example let's say that we think language 
 +is the most important facet so we want 
 +to make that appear first and because 
 +our demo instance has the same value for 
 +every record with institution and 
 +building there's really no point in 
 +showing those so we're going to put 
 +semicolons in front of those comment 
 +them out disable them so now if I save 
 +this and i go back and i refresh my 
 +results I now have my language settings 
 +at the top those other two things have 
 +disappeared and all the other fields are 
 +showing up as they always do now if we 
 +look a little further down there's a 
 +results top section and this controls 
 +which facet fields show up in that top 
 +facets area which I just disabled so 
 +it's probably useful to still have 
 +subject faceting so let's let's move 
 +that out of results top and into results 
 +save that refresh the page again and now 
 +when I scroll down those topic facet 
 +values that used to be showing above the 
 +search results are showing in the side 
 +bar if we scroll down a little bit 
 +further in the file you'll notice that 
 +there are some sections related to 
 +labeling there's facet labels and extra 
 +facet labels these are used because view 
 +fine needs to know how to label the 
 +filters that you apply to your search 
 +so for example if I just click on say 
 +call number general works you can see in 
 +the filter list but view fine labels 
 +this filter as call number it does that 
 +because it has this list of 
 +configuration sections where it knows it 
 +can find labels that apply to different 
 +solar fields if it can't find a label 
 +it's going to put the word other in 
 +front of the facet so this section is 
 +just here to enable view find to find 
 +all the configuration that will give it 
 +human readable labels for fields you 
 +shouldn't have to touch this but if you 
 +ever see filters being labeled as other 
 +it probably means that you've made a 
 +customization somewhere and haven'
 +reflected it in these configurations 
 +either by providing a section or by just 
 +putting an explicit solar field to label 
 +mapping in the extra facet labels 
 +there's also a special facet section 
 +here which allows you to turn on special 
 +handling for certain fields and in the 
 +default configuration this is used to 
 +indicate that the publish date field is 
 +a date range which is what enables this 
 +slider control to appear and there are a 
 +few different kinds of ranges you can 
 +turn on if you need them it's all 
 +explained in the comments in the file 
 +also interesting is this checkbox facet 
 +section if you have a setting that'
 +essentially a flip flop switch you can 
 +put a solar query and a label in here 
 +and if you find will present that as a 
 +checkbox for the user to toggle so for 
 +example suppose I want to be able to 
 +filter to only records that have no 
 +author in them I can make a solar query 
 +of - author : star which is the syntax 
 +for excluding anything with a value in 
 +the author field 
 +I can say equals no author if I save 
 +this and I go back and refresh my search 
 +results I now have a no author checkbox 
 +available and if I click that I now end 
 +up with 10 records that don't have 
 +authors showing that's a fairly 
 +contrived example but there are 
 +real-world situations where having these 
 +checkbox controls can be valuable right 
 +under the checkbox facets a section is 
 +the result settings section which is 
 +where you can control how many values 
 +are displayed in the sidebar how many 
 +shows sort of above the fold of that 
 +expand link and also what kind of 
 +behavior if any we present for exploring 
 +deep into the facet set so by default we 
 +show 6 values above the fold and that 
 +expands out to 30 values and we offer a 
 +seol control which pops up a lightbox 
 +where we can do more work on the facet 
 +values if we want to if you want to 
 +change any of that say you only want to 
 +show two above the fold and only ten in 
 +the complete list you can do that by 
 +just changing the show more and the 
 +facet limit you can also switch these 
 +out on a field by field basis so for 
 +example if we want to show a lot of 
 +formats but very few of anything else we 
 +can say show more star equals 2 which 
 +sets a default and then override that 
 +default with show more format equals 10 
 +now if I start all over here and do a 
 +blank search all of the format values 
 +show we don't actually have 10 distinct 
 +values in this index but we're seeing 
 +all of them and everything else 
 +at most - with an expand control there 
 +are also settings for controlling the 
 +dimensions of the top area if you want 
 +to customize that and for whether we 
 +want to have exclude links which let 
 +users white values out of a search set 
 +rather than filtering to only include 
 +those values if we just uncomment this 
 +exclude equal star that will put exclude 
 +buttons on every single facet field so 
 +for example now we don't want journals I 
 +can click this X it deletes all the 
 +journals out of the search this can be 
 +quite useful we can also change facets 
 +so that by clicking more values the user 
 +sees more options rather than narrowing 
 +so that's the or facets value and that 
 +can be set to work on only certain 
 +fields so if you use the star it will 
 +apply to everything but say I only want 
 +this to apply to format I can set that 
 +on the format field and then when i 
 +refresh my screen I now have little 
 +checkboxes and so if I click on 
 +conference proceedings 
 +I now have narrowed down to only 
 +conference proceedings but I can still 
 +see the other two values that existed in 
 +the result set and I can widen my search 
 +again by checking off more of them so 
 +depending on what kinds of values you're 
 +working with having this option 
 +available can be valuable you can also 
 +control whether facets are visible by 
 +default or if they're collapsed and 
 +again you can specify that on a field by 
 +field basis if you just turn it on for 
 +everything then when you load the screen 
 +all non-selected facet regions are 
 +collapsed then the user has to expand 
 +them to see values 
 +the Advanced section controls which 
 +facets are used as filters in the select 
 +boxes on the advanced search screen just 
 +to show you that quickly I go to the 
 +advanced link we have these call number 
 +language and format filters which allow 
 +you to pre-select some values when 
 +you're doing an advanced search we can 
 +control which boxes appear here through 
 +this Advanced section and Advanced 
 +Settings also lets us limit how many 
 +values can appear in each of those boxes 
 +along with some other behavioral 
 +controls you'll notice that by default 
 +the advanced facets are bored together 
 +so that multi selections include all of 
 +those values rather than only including 
 +records that match every single selected 
 +thing there are also some special facets 
 +that can be turned on on the advanced 
 +screen and further down this is actually 
 +a setting that applies to all of you 
 +find not just the advanced screen there 
 +is a translated facets setting which you 
 +can use to run facet values through view 
 +finds translation system by default the 
 +majority of values in the solar index 
 +are just presented as is which means 
 +that even though view finds interface 
 +supports many languages the values that 
 +are coming through are just going to 
 +display in whatever form they were 
 +indexed in but sometimes you may have a 
 +controlled vocabulary in a field that 
 +you want to translate into many 
 +languages and this provides the 
 +mechanism for doing that you'll notice 
 +that format is translated by default 
 +because if you find comes with 
 +translations for all of the format 
 +values it uses additionally the call 
 +number first field which contains the 
 +top-level Library of Congress call 
 +number category 
 +is translated and you'll see that 
 +there's a : call number first after the 
 +name of the facet field that's being 
 +translated this is specifying which 
 +language file the translations are found 
 +in again we'll go into that in more 
 +depth when we talk about 
 +internationalization in the future but 
 +for now just be aware that if you want 
 +to translate your facet values you can 
 +set that up here finally there's a home 
 +page and home page settings section and 
 +these control on the front page of you 
 +find these top-level browse categories 
 +you can set any facet field to display 
 +here and you can control how many values 
 +to show just by changing that homepage 
 +section of facets that I and I also note 
 +that if you do make changes there or if 
 +you reindex your records you may wish to 
 +clear a few finds internal cache to make 
 +those changes visible if you don't see 
 +them right away so that covers all of 
 +the highlights of facets I and I and now 
 +we are going to look at one last thing 
 +which is the most complex configuration 
 +file and view find called search specs 
 +yeah mol which is the file that contains 
 +specifications for all of you find 
 +search handlers so I'm once again going 
 +to copy config slash view find slash 
 +search specs that yamo into my local 
 +config you find directory so I have a 
 +local copy I can tinker with I'm going 
 +to go into visual studio code and look 
 +at that so search specs dot yeah Mille 
 +is as the name says a yeah mol file 
 +which is a particular way of structuring 
 +data for machine readability because of 
 +the complex nested nature of the data 
 +we're using here Gamal was chosen early 
 +and few finds development as 
 +a workable format for representing all 
 +of the things we need to do here Gamal 
 +is not the most user-friendly format so 
 +be careful with it sometimes if you have 
 +a space in the wrong place so that 
 +settings don't align with one another it 
 +can get confused and have trouble 
 +reading it so proceed with caution but 
 +for today we're just going to do a quick 
 +high-level browse of this file so that 
 +you are aware it's of its existence and 
 +can do more with it later when you 
 +understand more about solar so first of 
 +all the file begins with a long long 
 +series of comments describing all of the 
 +settings and how they work and providing 
 +some examples and under all of that is 
 +the actual set of search handler 
 +definitions so you'll see that each of 
 +these starts with the name of the 
 +Handler and a colon and then some data 
 +indented underneath it so for example 
 +here is the author handler here is the 
 +isn handler here is the subject handler 
 +etc again without getting too deep into 
 +solar there are essentially two 
 +different modes of searching that view 
 +find uses one is called EDA Smacks and 
 +this method works by just taking a list 
 +of fields and some relevance ranking 
 +numbers that establish the relative 
 +importance of those fields to one 
 +another and then solar will just take 
 +the user search search it across all of 
 +those fields and then return a relevance 
 +ranked result based on your preferences 
 +so author is a perfect example of one of 
 +these dis max type searches if you find 
 +has a number of different fields that 
 +contain author data in different formats 
 +and from different parts of the incoming 
 +records and so here we're saying primary 
 +author is the most important the fuller 
 +version of that primary authors name if 
 +it's present may also be quite 
 +so we're giving primary author a 100 
 +point boost we're giving author fuller a 
 +50 point boost and they were including 
 +all the other author fields as being of 
 +equal relevance of secondary authors 
 +corporate authors variant forms of names 
 +etc it's important to note that these 
 +numbers in and of themselves don'
 +actually mean anything they're just 
 +relative to one another so we're saying 
 +that an author is a hundred times more 
 +important than a secondary author it is 
 +often useful to tweak and experiment 
 +with numbers if you're trying to change 
 +the order of your results to to find the 
 +balance that works right and there 
 +there's as much art as science in that 
 +process let's actually scroll down and 
 +do an actual example of relevance 
 +ranking so I mentioned earlier that the 
 +default search Handler and beyou find is 
 +all fields and sure enough here's the 
 +definition for that and it really is all 
 +fields because we have here a bunch of 
 +title fields that are boosted quite a 
 +lot series fields boosted a little 
 +authors boosted a fair amount topics 
 +boosted almost as heavily as titles and 
 +then a few other bits and pieces notice 
 +that there's this field called all 
 +fields and this is sort of a catch-all 
 +field that during indexing grabs all of 
 +the text of the records that you're 
 +indexing so when we search all fields we 
 +are sure to find the words we're 
 +searching for if they're in the records 
 +somewhere but we have all this more 
 +granular relevance boosting to try to 
 +prioritize matches in more meaningful 
 +so let's just show an example of this in 
 +my example index here I search for the 
 +word finds and reset all my filters I 
 +get two different kinds of matches here 
 +I have a couple of title matches up at 
 +the top because solar has decided that 
 +my search of finds matches the word fine 
 +in fine arts this is because Solar is 
 +configured to be tolerant of word 
 +endings and you know match rather than 
 +not match if given the choice there are 
 +also a couple of these records where the 
 +name Greg finds is present so suppose in 
 +my particular situation I think people 
 +are going to be searching for names more 
 +often than they are searching for titles 
 +what I can do is go into my search specs 
 +tamil file and just make the numbers on 
 +the author fields bigger so I'm going to 
 +just say authors are 10 times more 
 +important than the default so I'm 
 +changing the 300 point boost on author 
 +to 3000 points and 150 point boost on 
 +author fuller to 1500 now if I go back 
 +to view find and i refresh my search 
 +results I see that the author matches 
 +are at the top of the list obviously 
 +this kind of search tuning can be really 
 +tricky and complicated because you're 
 +always going to be dealing with 
 +competing concerns and a change that 
 +fixes one scenario may break a different 
 +one so I say approach it with caution 
 +but keep in mind that you have a lot of 
 +power and flexibility for making these 
 +kinds of tweaks but anyway getting back 
 +to what I was saying earlier about there 
 +being two types of searches I've showed 
 +the the dis max style search is fairly 
 +extensively now but there's also a more 
 +detailed query syntax that solar can do 
 +that uses boolean operators 
 +and specific matching syntax and 
 +specific fields this is often referred 
 +to as leucine the syntax because solar 
 +is built on an indexing engine called 
 +leucine long ago before the dis max 
 +functionality had been fully developed 
 +view find relied much more heavily on 
 +the basic leucine searching and search 
 +specs that yeah mol includes some fairly 
 +rich capabilities for constructing 
 +really complicated queries across 
 +multiple fields in an effort to do what 
 +dis max now just does for free most of 
 +that has been eliminated because it was 
 +very complicated and you can do the same 
 +thing more easily but there are still 
 +some scenarios where having the control 
 +of the leucine syntax is valuable so for 
 +example if we go to the very bottom of 
 +the file here there is an OCLC number 
 +search so OCLC numbers are just a 
 +commonly used identifier for records 
 +they're found in a lot of places if you 
 +find indexes OCLC numbers into one of 
 +the solar fields but we don't want to 
 +treat that like just any other keyword 
 +because if you've seen OCLC numbers 
 +you'll know that sometimes they have 
 +weird allow alphanumeric prefixes on 
 +them sometimes they have leading zeros 
 +on them view finds standardizes them to 
 +a particular format so what we want to 
 +be able to do is if a user says they're 
 +searching for an OCLC number we don'
 +know what they're going to type but we 
 +want to be able to manipulate their 
 +input to normalize it the same way that 
 +view find normalizes the values that it 
 +stores in its index so that what the 
 +user types is more likely to match what 
 +we have in our index and so that's what 
 +this custom section is doing we define a 
 +custom Monge Monge being computer 
 +programmer slang for data manipulation 
 +we name it OCLC nom and we do some 
 +regular expression matching which is 
 +just a way of transforming text to say 
 +get rid of anything that's not a number 
 +and get rid of any zeros at the 
 +beginning of the string then down here 
 +in query fields we tell a view find that 
 +we want to search the OCLC nom solar 
 +field using the OCLC mmm custom munge 
 +and the end result of that is the user 
 +can type pretty much whatever prefix 
 +nonsense they want do you find I'll 
 +clean it up do the search on just the 
 +numeric part and if there's a match it 
 +will be found if you want to look at 
 +something even more complicated and I'm 
 +not going to walk through it right now 
 +the call number search does some even 
 +more complex matching and it also does 
 +some ranking so it has one munge which 
 +tries to find an exact match on a call 
 +number and another munge that tries to 
 +find a loser match and it gives greater 
 +relevance ranking to exact matches to 
 +try to boost things that are closer to 
 +what the user has typed we are running 
 +short on time but just to bring this all 
 +full circle I'm going to go back to my 
 +searches i and i and i'm going to find 
 +the basic searches section I'm going to 
 +add OCLC nom equals OCLC number to this 
 +to expose that custom OCLC option from 
 +search specs not yamo that I was showing 
 +you earlier and now if I go to view find 
 +refresh it so I get more options do an 
 +OCLC number search I can do a search for 
 +a ridiculously over prefixed number that 
 +I happen to know is in the system 
 +and even though I put all this nonsense 
 +here it finds a match on the number and 
 +brings back the record that matches it 
 +so that's our time for today I know that 
 +was a lot but now you've seen some of 
 +the many configuration options that are 
 +available in view find and hopefully 
 +understand how they work a little bit 
 +better we'll do more next month and in 
 +the meantime feel free to reach out on 
 +slack mailing lists or elsewhere if you 
 +have questions or if we can help in any 
 +other way 
 +thank you 
 ---- struct data ---- ---- struct data ----
 ---- ----
videos/configuring_search_and_facet_settings.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/26 13:34 by crhallberg