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Video 16: Testing, Part 1: Setting Up a Test Environment

The sixteenth VuFind® instructional video discusses some tools for ensuring that VuFind®'s code is of high quality: style checkers/fixers and tests. After watching this video, you'll be able to automatically fix common problems with code style, spin up a brand new VuFind® test instance with a single command line script, and run automated tests.

Video is available as an mp4 download or through YouTube.


Several scripts are created during the course of this video; they are transcribed here for your convenience.


google-chrome --disable-gpu --headless --remote-debugging-address= --remote-debugging-port=9222 --window-size="1366,768" --disable-extensions


google-chrome --disable-gpu --remote-debugging-address= --remote-debugging-port=9222 --window-size="1366,768" --disable-extensions


# Set environmental variables
source ~/testenv.sh
# Reinstall dependencies
if [ ! -e $VUFIND_HOME/vendor ]
    composer install
# Run phing with preferred parameters
$VUFIND_HOME/vendor/bin/phing -Dextra_shutdown_cleanup="sudo chown -R {USER}:{USER} $VUFIND_HOME/local/cache" -Dapacheconfdir="/etc/apache2/conf-enabled" -Dapachectl="sudo /etc/init.d/apache2" -Dmysqlrootpass={PASSWORD} -Dvufindurl=http://localhost/vufind_test -Dmink_driver=chrome $*


export VUFIND_HOME=/{path}/vufind


This is a computer-generated transcript; it will be corrected when time permits.

hello and welcome to the first in our series of videos about testing viewfind this month my goal is to show you how to set up a viewfind test environment that will allow you to quickly create a running viewfinder environment that you can test and show you how to run some useful tools that will ensure that you're producing quality code and not breaking anything there are many many ways that you can set up a viewfind test environment and so i don't claim that the way i'm going to show you is the only right way but this is a method that has worked well for me and allows me to quickly and easily create and destroy test environments so i can try things out without worrying about impact from one experiment to another and so forth the main prerequisite for getting all of this going is just having a system set up with viewfinds prerequisites installed so you'll want apache php a database either mysql or postgres and java so that you can run solar uh one really easy way to get all of those things is to just install vufine's debian package and then if you don't need it you can uninstall it again but all those dependencies will remain in place for the purposes of today's demo i'm actually using the same ubuntu virtual machine i've been using for all of the other tutorial videos so this already has the debian package installed so all the prerequisites are there um in real life i don't necessarily advise doing testing on the same system as uh you're actually running another viewfinder instance but for demonstration purposes with a test only system there's very little to lose anyway all those disclaimers out of the way here i am with my prerequisites already installed and all i want to do to get started is make a fresh clone of viewfind's git repository into my home directory at the command prompt so here i am at my home directory i'm just going to run git clone https github.com viewfind org viewfind and then this is going to just download all of the latest viewfind code which i can then use to set up my test environment and as has been discussed in past videos there are a lot of different branches within the git repository so you can switch to different points in time and test different things but for today i'm just going to test the default dev branch which contains all of the latest bleeding edge code and usually when you're testing it makes sense to be testing against the latest things so now my git clone has completed so now i want to switch into the directory that i've just created by cloning the repository so i cd viewfind i'm now in the viewfind subdirectory of my personal home directory and i'm just going to run composer install to get all of viewfinds dependencies so this will install all of the code that viewfind needs to run as well as a number of the tools that we are going to use because when you run composer install by default it installs development dependencies as well as production dependencies and viewfinder is configured with a whole bunch of useful development tools that it will use to automate some tasks so right now we are just downloading solar which will take a few seconds we are also of course going to need solar in order to have an index to test with so while we wait for this to download i guess i can take a moment to just talk about why testing is important um viewfind as a project has been in development for more than a decade now so there's been a whole lot of change and in order to make changes in the code you have to have confidence that the code will still work after you've changed things uh and over time it can get increasingly difficult to do this kind of work by hand and so viewfind has a whole set of automated tests built into it that ensure that when code changes functionality does not uh these tests fall into two main categories there are what we call unit tests which are just designed to test individual components of the software in isolation to make sure that they behave as expected and then we also have integration tests which test the entire system to make sure that all the pieces work together as expected uh and during the course of this video i'll show you how to run both of those types of tests the unit tests because they're small and isolated and simple are pretty easy to run and they run very quickly the integration tests which actually create a complete running viewfinder environment and use a web browser to navigate through it and test all of the interfaces are a bit more complicated to set up and take a lot more time to run but the advantage of what i'm showing you today is that by setting up a handful of scripts we can automate all of this setup work and very easily reproduce these tests at will so if you're working on changing something or refactoring code you can be reasonably confident that your changes have worked and if you've introduced a bug the tests will help you find where things are broken i should also note that of course vue finds tests are in no way 100 percent complete there are certainly some gaps so i'm also hoping that over the course of this video series by showing you how to write tests which we'll cover next month it will be possible for members of the community to contribute back additional tests increase our coverage and further improve the stability of the project going forward another aspect of of what our development tools do in addition to testing is that we have some tools that verify the uniformity and quality of the code that's being written by applying consistent styling rules and checking for things like missing or incorrect comments i'm also going to show you how to run those and by doing that it's possible to avoid some problems when submitting changes to the project since a lot of these tests are run automatically on all submissions since this download appears to be taking forever i'm now going to cheat a little bit because just as in a cooking show i've already downloaded and set all of this stuff up and so i am just going to interrupt this process and get rid of my work in progress and replace it with the one i created earlier so pretend that this all happened in real time but uh i was impatient so here we are viewfind has been cloned from git composer has been run to install everything so i was just talking about style checkers and these are among the easiest things to run so let me show you two important ones one is called phpcs fixer and i can run this by typing vendor slash bin fing space php dash cs dash fixer i'll show you what that looks like phpcs fixer is a tool that will automatically find and correct a number of style issues in php code it will do things like ensure that white space is uniform in some cases it can do fairly advanced things like identify overly complicated code and replace it with a simpler version so viewfind is set up with a number of php cs fixer rules and we apply these to all of the code that we commit to the project and this just ensures that things are readable if you look at two files they use the same style and as i say some complicated bits of code are reduced to more readable simpler code i don't expect that this will find any problems here because as i say we've already found and fixed all of the problems that it detects but it's useful to have this tool when you're working on new code because you can run it to ensure that anything you're adding or changing doesn't introduce new problems to the project you'll also notice that when i ran this i didn't run php cs fixer directly i instead ran it through something called fing p-h-i-n-g thing uh is a php build automation tool which is inspired by ant which is a tool used in the java ecosystem and what fing does is allow you to define a number of tasks in an xml file called build.xml a lot of the things i'm going to show you today are tasks that are defined in things build.xml file and this is just a convenient way to centralize all of your automated tasks in one way and because of the way that the xml is designed it also allows some of this automation to take place in a cross-platform way so while i could certainly do something like build a shell script to automate this then it would only work in linux but with fing i can do the same things in windows and in linux and in other places and get the same results which is a nice thing in any case again this code checker is taking quite a while and i know it's not going to find any problems so i'm just going to go ahead and interrupt it and show you the build xml file briefly just so you can see what this looks like and because you might want to look through it at some point to see what other automated tasks are supported in viewfind or to add new tasks of your own so the xml file begins with a whole bunch of properties which are all settings that can be overridden and i'll show you how to override those in the near future but if you ever need to change the behavior of a thing task the first thing you can do is look at these properties and see if there's an existing setting that will allow you to to accomplish that and then down below that there are a number of targets with names and these are all of the tasks that thing can run for you so for example if i search the file for phpcs fixer i can find here is that particular task and it's just a couple of exec tags which are running commands for us and as you can see by saying thing phpcs fixer we then don't have to type a whole bunch of additional parameters and options so it's just a time saver for uh us the subject of style fixing tasks available in fing i already told you about php cs fixer but there's also a tool called php code sniffer and this differs from phpcs fixer in that it can find a number of problems that can't be automatically fixed that require human intervention for example if you create a class or a function but you don't put appropriate comments documenting its parameters php code sniffer will identify that and tell you that you need to add the comments again this is just a helpful way of ensuring that any code you create is of high quality and if you want to run that it's a matter of running thing fender slash bin slash fing and saying phpcs dash console this particular task is called phpcs-console because it's designed to run php code sniffer and output the results it finds to the console there are a couple of other tasks that will run it and output documents containing issues instead and these are used in automation but the console version is the most useful if you're just doing this by hand and you want to check your work again in practice this takes a minute or so to run so i'm just going to interrupt it because i know it's not going to actually tell me anything but if there were issues with your code when it finished running it would give you a report of which files and lines have issues that need attention in some cases it will also find issues that can be repaired automatically by a third tool which is called phpcbf and as you might guess if you ever need to use that you can run it uh with vendor slash bin fing php cbf which again will just take a few seconds and if it's able to fix your files it will do so automatically in any case though these code style tools are useful and are a way of introducing what fing is and what it does but they are not the main thing we're here to talk about today we're here to talk about testing so let's get into that as i mentioned earlier there are two kinds of tests with viewfind there are the simple unit tests that test individual software components and there are also the integration tests which test the entire system to make sure that all the components are working together and as i said earlier running the unit test is much easier and quicker than setting up the whole integration system so let's start there running the unit test is just another thing task we use a tool called php unit which is a widely used and very powerful testing framework in fact even though php unit is in the name we use phpunit for not just unit tests but also the integration tests and all of the tests are run in the same way the difference is that the tests will detect whether you have a full test environment or not and will run a different number of tests depending on the circumstances so right now all i've done is check out viewfind's git repository and install its dependencies with composer i don't have the full environment running so when i run the php unit fast task in thing what's going to happen here is it's going to run a whole bunch of tests it popped out a little error up there which if you had paused to read it said this is a normal error expected during testing so it's safe to ignore it so that's fine but anyway for every unit test that it runs it outputs a little dot and so you can see it ran more than a thousand tests and then we get a bunch of s's which indicates that some tests were skipped and these are all the integration tests the test framework detected that the full integration environment was not available so it just skipped the tests it couldn't run so if you're ever working on building a new component and you want to unit test it you can just write tests and run them this way you don't need to worry about the integration piece until you're ready to test the whole system because this is so fast it's really useful during early stages of software development to just run unit tests and see if anything is breaking and save the integration testing for the end one other thing that i'd like to show you at this stage is that of course we skipped 166 tests and i told you why but suppose you don't want to take my word for it there is a way to get php unit to tell you uh why tests were skipped let me show you how that works uh as i mentioned a fing has all of those properties which you can override as needed and the way that you do that is with the minus capital d switch at the command line so if i say vendor slash bin slash fing php unit fast there's a property in thing called php unit underscore extra underscore params which is a way to just pass through additional parameters to the php unit command so i can set that equal to minus minus verbose which will put php unit into verbose mode so it will provide more detailed information and now when i run the task it will repeat what it did before but when it's done running it's going to give me a much more detailed report including an explanation of why all those tests were skipped and it's all going to boil down to this message continuous integration not running let me take a moment to talk about continuous integration continuous integration is simply the process of continually testing software automatically as it changes to detect problems and so all of the things that i'm going to show you for setting up a test environment were actually originally developed for use in viewfind's continuous integration environment we use continuous integration in a couple of places we have a standalone server running a tool called jenkins which is continually monitoring the dev branch for changes and every time code changes it runs the full integration tests and sends out an alert if something has broken additionally we use some lighter weight continuous integration integrated with github so that when people open pull requests or make changes some lighter weight tests are run so we detect style problems or broken unit tests though we don't run the full integration suite at that time but in any case the point of continuous integration is to be an early warning of potential problems the the goal is to set up robust tests and then run them frequently so that if something changes that breaks a test you are immediately alerted to it and can address it before it becomes a wider more systemic problem but in any case all of you finds integration tests look for some markers set up by the continuous integration startup to make sure that there's a system in place that they can run within and if there isn't they skip themselves and give you that continuous integration not running message so with that background out of the way let's actually set everything up so that we can run the integration tests which will also have the side effect of giving us a quick way to create a clean viewfinder environment on demand if we want to test that something we're working on works with an out of the box installation and before i proceed let me just repeat a warning that i think i implied earlier never do this on a production system you want to do your continuous integration testing on a test system in isolation from any real data the tests are going to actually create and destroy databases and solar indexes in order to set everything up and you really don't want to risk accidentally destroying real data because of something your tests did there are safeties in place in these tests to try to protect you against such things but don't take any chances do this in a safe isolated environment so with that out of the way there are a few steps of setup that need to be done and some of them are oddly specific and some of them are a bit laborious but please bear with me because once you've done all of this you only have to do it once and then it will save you enormous amounts of time as you take advantage of testing in the future so the first thing that i need to do is an apache configuration change one of vufine's integration tests tests whether viewfind can correctly handle records that have ids with slashes in them and by default apache is configured to disallow slashes in a url encoded format in a url which is how viewfind allows access to records with slashes in the ids in a real world environment this usually doesn't matter at all but occasionally people want ids with slashes and so this test exists to ensure that that support doesn't break in the future and so we just have to set up our system to allow it so that we can run the test and this is pretty simple we just need to edit the default apache virtual host which uh in this ubuntu environment exists in etc apache 2 site stash available 0 0 0-default so i just need to go into this file scroll down near the bottom and inside the virtual host add the line allow encoded slashes on uh and this will make apache accept uh slashes in ids in viewfind and i'm also going to run system ctl restart apache 2 to reload that configuration and make sure i didn't break anything so apache is now ready for testing uh the other thing that i need to do is install a browser automation tool of some sort viewfind's integration tests support either selenium or google chrome running in headless mode and i strongly recommend google chrome running in headless mode because it's a lot less work to set up all you have to do is install chrome and set up a script i'll show you the script part in the moment and i've already installed chrome on this system so i'm not going to show you that step but it's as easy as going to google's website downloading the chrome package and installing it so we now have our software prerequisites in place apache is reconfigured chrome is installed so now we need to set up a handful of shell scripts to help automate some things and to store some parameters so we don't have to type the same stuff over and over again i'm also going to link to some documentation from the uh notes on this video when it's posted so all of these scripts that i typed in here will be available to you so you don't have to just listen to me and transcribe you can copy and paste the first script i want to set up uh is a to set up the environment variables that our test environment is going to expect so i'm going to create this in my home directory so i'm going to edit tilde slash test env.sh so the tilde slash means edit this file inside my home directory i'm calling it test env.sh because it sets up my test environment and i'm just going to put some exports in here to set up the usual viewfind environment variables so export viewfind home equals home slash ecats slash viewfind this is just the directory where my viewfinder code lives i'm going to export viewfind localder equals home decat viewfinder local that will be where the local settings will be stored and i'm going to export view find local modules equals nothing because i don't have any custom code modules in my local test environment now if i were setting up a test machine that only had this test environment in it i could link this file into profile.d and then just have these environment variables set globally by default and i never have to think about them again but if i'm in a situation where i have multiple viewfind instances on the same machine i find that it's useful to have a different shell script for each environment so that when i want to work with one i can source the appropriate script to get my environment set correctly and then it will work right for what i'm trying to do so as i mentioned earlier i'm setting this up on the same box that i've used for past tutorials so we actually already have a viewfind home set so if i echo the view find home variable you'll see that it's currently set to user local viewfind when i'm running tests i don't want to accidentally be messing with that other instance of viewfind so i can now just say source tilde slash test env.sh and this will load the correct environment variables so now if i echo that viewfind home variable you can see that it now is viewfinder so again depending on how you set this up and where you do it you may or may not need to have an environment script like this as part of your strategy but i just wanted to highlight that it can be useful the next thing i need to set up is a script for running chrome with all of the parameters necessary to run tests so i am going to create another script in my home directory and this one i'm going to call chrome dash headless dot sh and this is going to run chrome in a mode that it will allow it to be automated by viewfinds tests so i'm just gonna start my script with the usual hash bang bin bash to show that it's a bash script and then i'm going to add the google chrome command which runs the chrome browser i'm going to give it the minus minus disable gpu switch to disable hardware graphics acceleration because that's not relevant in headless mode and i'm going to add the headless mode switch minus minus headless which means that chrome will run without actually displaying anything graphically because for the purposes of automated testing we don't need to see anything we just need the browser to do the work and report on the results then we need to do remote minus debugging minus address this is how you can set up remote debugging allowing an external program to drive your browser for testing purposes i'm just going to set this to which will allow anyone to connect to it and i'll trust in my firewalls to not let people in from outside but you could put a specific ip address here to ensure that only authorized people are automating your browser i also need to set minus minus remote debugging dash port equals 9222 to specify uh which port is used to connect for remote debugging uh 9222 is the port that viewfinder is configured to use but you can use different ports with a bit of setup if you need to for some reason then i'm going to say minus minus window dash size equals quote 1366 comma 768 quote to set the window size to a common widescreen window size you could of course test in different sizes if you wanted to for example do different tests for responsive design in different modes you could set the browser window size in this way finally i'm going to add minus minus disable dash extensions which will just prevent chrome extensions from being loaded since they might interfere with the testing and we don't need them for what we're trying to do here so having saved all of that i am now going to chmod plus x my chrome headless dot sh to make it executable so i can run that script when i need to now as i said that script is going to run chrome in headless mode which is great for uh running tests quickly because it blazes through when it doesn't have to render any actual graphics that being said sometimes it's more interesting to be able to actually watch the tests as they're running so i am going to copy my chrome headless dot sh to another script which i'm going to call chrome dash test mode dot sh and i'm going to edit that and i'm just going to take off the headless switch so this is going to create all the same settings but this will let me actually see what chrome is doing while the tests run which can be useful particularly if a test is failing and you want to see why so i have these two scripts now i can start up chrome in either headless mode or test mode as i see fit and i don't have to type all of those many parameters anymore because they're all just saved in these convenient scripts all right we're getting closer there is just one more script that we need to create and this is going to be thing.sh in my home directory we need this because as i mentioned there are all of these thing properties that we need to be able to override and it's just more convenient to do that in the script so we don't have to type them every time we run tests so i start my script with the usual hashbang bin bash because this is a bash script then i'm going to source home slash decath test env.sh to ensure that every time i run thing it has the correct environment variables set up again there are different ways you can do this but for this example i'm putting my environment settings in their own script and then i'm pulling them in here so there's a central place that manages my environment you might want to do this differently setting the variables directly in here or or whatever do what what works best for you this is just an example and now the really exciting part so first i use dollar view find home slash vendor slash to run the thing command i can use the viewfind home variable with confidence because i know it's just been loaded in from my test env.sh and now i need to add a whole bunch of properties and i will explain them all as i go so first is minus capital d extra underscore shutdown underscore cleanup equals quote sudo ch own minus capital r d caps colon d cats dollar sign view find home slash local slash cash end quote so what this does is when we shut down our test environment thing supports this extra shutdown cleanup property for running additional commands as part of the shutdown while we run our tests viewfind needs to make some of its cache directories writeable by apache so that the web interface will work correctly but then because those cache directories are owned by apache when we try to shut things down and clean everything up we won't have permission to delete them so this command changes the ownership of the cache to my username so that during shutdown i will be allowed to delete everything obviously you'll want to replace d caps with your own username if you're doing something similar in your own environment next property minus capital d apache conf dir apache conf der equals quote slash etc apache 2 slash comp dash enabled end quote so as part of the setup process for starting up the viewfind test environment we need to actually create a new apache configuration and load that into apache that means the process needs to know where apache stores its configurations this can vary from platform to platform but in ubuntu it's the etcetera apache 2 conf enabled directory so this property is just telling the process where it needs to put the generated viewfind apache configuration so that apache will load it and all of the tests will have a working site to interact with if you're in an environment other than ubuntu you might need to use a different value here next is minus capital d apache ctl equals sudo slash etc init dot d slash apache 2 end quote again this is related to the startup of the system uh in order for apache to recognize a newly loaded configuration file it needs to be restarted and so the apache ctl property tells the process what command it can use to restart apache in this instance i'm just using sudo and the init.d script for apache 2. but there are a variety of ways you could do this also note that because i'm using sudo here when i start up the system it's going to prompt me for my password if you need to actually automate this completely it requires some additional configuration in your sudoers file i'm not going to go into that now because this is about doing things manually rather than setting up continuous integration but feel free to ask me about that if you're interested all right next up minus capital d mysql root pass equals tutorial so viewfinder startup process also needs to create a new my sequel database which means that it needs access to the root account so on this virtual machine test environment i've set that to tutorial use a better password in real life but your script needs to pass the password in so that a database can be created for the automated testing next up minus capital d viewfinder url equals http colon slash slash localhost slash you find underscore test so as i keep saying this test process is actually going to create a running instance of viewfind and this property specifies the url of that instance the process is actually smart enough that it will parse this and use it to generate an appropriate configuration file so i could replace viewfind underscore test with anything i like and as long as it doesn't conflict with something else that's running on the system it will work but i'm using viewfind test in this example finally minus capital d mink underscore driver equals chrome uh mync is the browser automation tool that vue finds tests use and as i mentioned earlier there are several different ways you can do browser automation i recommended chrome so that's what i'm specifying here but if you were using selenium you could also say selenium here and then finally i end this with dollar asterisk so that any parameters we pass to the thing.sh script will get added on the end of this long command line so this is just a wrapper around the thing command that sets a whole bunch of properties for us so that we're ready to set up our test environment and don't have to repeat ourselves so i'm going to save that i'm going to chmod plus x thing.sh in my home directory and now we're ready to run thing commands there is just one last thing before we can get to the exciting parts of this and that is as i mentioned the process is going to write some files into the apache configuration directory so we need to be sure that the user running tests has permission to do that i'm going to do that by putting my group on the comp enabled directory and then putting group write permission on that directory again there are a million ways you could do this this is just a quick and easy way i don't claim that it's necessarily the best so sudo chgrp d-cats slash etc slash apache2 comp dash enabled and sudo chmod g plus w slash etc apache 2 comp enabled we are now ready to run our tests so first of all let's start up chrome so that the browser automation pieces will work i'm going to actually use chrometestmode.sh instead of chromeheadless.sh so that you can see the test running which is more exciting i should put an ampersand on the end of that command to run it in the background so i don't lose access to my command prompt so now chrome is running i'm just going to minimize that for the moment get back to my prompt the other thing i need to do because i'm doing this on a system where viewfinder is already running is i'm going to do sudo system ctl stop viewfind so i don't want the viewfinder instance that i set up in earlier tutorials running and conflicting with the one that my test environment is going to set up if you're doing this on a clean system you don't have to do this step because there's nothing there to stop i'm just doing that so my demo doesn't break on me so now we're ready to create the test environment we run our tilde thing.sh script with the startup parameter and that is going to run through the whole automated startup process which will take probably about three minutes so we've just started up solar and now we're running through the process of indexing a whole set of test records so that this test environment is actually populated with data which makes the tests more meaningful and allows us to actually try things out without having to do the work of locating our own test records and putting them in as you can see while these tests run there's a directory in viewfind called tests data which contains a bunch of mark files and all of those mark files are going to get loaded into the index if you want to add your own test records for further testing you can just stick them in that directory and this startup process will index them for you another thing of note is that some of those test mark files have accompanying dot properties files that otherwise have the same file name so like mark authoritybibs.mrc.properties if you want to index a particular set of test records with non-default indexer settings you can use that naming convention uh to set up some additional indexing rules and that's used in a few places to allow us to create sample records for specific features of viewfind like hierarchical facets hierarchical collections uh geographic data and so forth it's perhaps also worth noting if you are running this in a virtual machine like i am that the resources you give to your vm can significantly impact the speed of this process on physical hardware that i was using previously this whole process took about a minute and a half on this particular vm it takes about three minutes usually it might be a little slower now because my system is using additional resources to stream and record this but in any case i found that by tuning my vm to use half of my system ram and also uh four cpus i got much better results than when using fewer resources with with only one cpu it was taking about 10 minutes and we're done we built the browse index took about five minutes so we now have a running instance of viewfind and i can prove that by going to chrome going to localhost you find underscore test and as you can see at the url i specified in my script i have a running instance of viewfind if i do a search it has 320 records in it with a bunch of facets showing which mark files they came from and so forth so if you just want a viewfinder that you can play with and try to break uh as you can see you create a couple scripts you wait five minutes you've got it it's quicker than having to do all the installation work by hand and if you break it you can just destroy it and build a new one in five more minutes so that's the advantage to having this this whole process but now let's let's look at the test which is even more fun so if i go here and i say thing phpunit fast and again i'm using the thing.sh in my home directory for this it's going to run through the tests and it's first going to run the same unit test as before but then it's going to get down to the integration part right about now and now look chrome has just popped up and it's doing stuff it's creating a user and it is checking that it can log in and out and so forth and if i allowed this to run without interruption it would do this for about 15 minutes running through a whole lot of different tasks and reporting if anything broke of course i don't want to make you sit and watch this browser automatically running through for 15 minutes so i'm going to interrupt the process with control c and stop it but i have successfully demonstrated how to set up your test environment and run your tests a couple of quick notes uh as i mentioned i i like to run the test with this php unit fast task and it's called phpunit fast because it just runs the tests it doesn't generate any reports or output if i ran just php unit without the fast part it would create a number of report files that are used by continuous integration tools uh so we just saved some time by skipping that the thing about php unit fast though is that it will run every single test every time even if some of the tests fail if you want to just find out why tests are failing as quickly as possible you can run php unit faster and it will run tests until the first failure and then immediately stop and report why it failed so that can save you some time if you're struggling with an issue another thing that is useful to know is that all of these php unit tasks except the minus d php unit extra params switch and if you specify the full path to a unit test file then it will only run that one test or if you specify the path to a directory it will only run the tests in that directory so again if you're trying to test something specific you don't have to sit through the entire 15-minute test suite to wait for that test to run you can get there immediately uh and next month when i show you how to write tests i'll show you how these are structured how to find the tests you need and so forth since we're short on time i won't do that right now so the last thing to show you is that when we're all done we can run thing.sh shutdown and this is going to actually just delete all of the test data and all of the configurations and shut everything down and now our entire test environment is gone so when we're done if we don't want to be taking up those system resources running all those things again this will take care of it however uh there's one important thing as a last little detail that i want to show you which is that the shutdown task actually deletes all of your composer dependencies along with everything else which means that it has deleted thing so that means that now if i try to start the system up again it's not going to work because it can't find fing anymore so i'm going to add a little bit more intelligence to my thing.sh script in my home directory to solve this problem uh this assumes that you have composer installed globally on your system which in this instance i do but if i just add before my thing command if bracket exclamation point minus e dollar sign you find home slash vendor close bracket in other words if the vendor directory in my viewfind home directory does not exist then cd you find home composer install fi to end my if so this little check in our script will find out if you haven't installed your composer dependencies yet which you need to do for thing to work it will automatically reinstall them for you so now if i say thing.sh startup again it's going to automatically reinstall my dependencies for me and then it will start up the system again so that's everything i wanted to show you this month hopefully you now see how you can set up an environment for testing do you find uh disposing of that environment when you're done and maybe you've also learned a little bit more about style checking tools along the way if you have any questions by all means let me know i'm happy to answer them so thanks again and i look forward to next month when we can talk about actually writing some brand new tests talk to you then

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