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 ===== Transcript ===== ===== Transcript =====
-// Coming soon... //+OkaySo, welcome, everyone, to the presentation on what's new and what's changed in VuFind 9 
 +We'll start with the high-level stuff. We'll get into the nitty-gritty details. And hopefully most of this will not apply to everyone, but I just want to be sure that we all are aware of what's coming. So, first of all, the exciting things about VuFind 9.0, major new features. Probably the biggest new feature is what's called blended search. And there was a video recorded about this in detail at the last VuFind summit, which you can find on YouTube. So, I'm not going to talk about it in depth now. But the upshot of this is that it allows you to connect multiple search back ends together and create a single result list from them with merged facets. This is something people have been asking for for a long time. And now we can offer it.  
 +Another significant new feature is a cookie consent dialog box. This is off by default, but can be easily enabled through configuration. 
 +Another one is the ability for users to leave star ratings on records. Either in conjunction with comments or independently. Again, this feature is off by default, but it's a new social setting that can be turned on. We also have a few minor new features.  
 +We have something called the interval capture handler. This puts a time-based limitation on certain actions. So, rather than providing a visible control that people need to interact with to indicate that they're not a robot, instead, this just puts time limits. So, for example, you can say a user can only send an email once every five minutes. And then if they try to send an email sooner than that, they just get a message saying, you've got to wait a little longer.  
 +We also now have configurable user name policies so you can control what characters are allowed in user names. And by default, we have a very broad policy that just disables really bizarre special characters. Hopefully this should not impact any legacy users in any real life systems. But it also hopefully protects against weird behavior that we don't want to allow. And you can change it if you don't like it. Also some significant improvements to existing functionality.  
 +We've done quite a bit of work on the feedback form. One note is that historically if you turn on feedback forms, they just send emails. But now there's an option in the feedback form configuration to also persist form results to the database. And there's a new module in the admin area where you can browse through the saved results of the feedback form and also set workflow-based statuses on them so you can indicate, yes, we've acted on this one or this one is pending. So, again, don't have to use it. But it's a useful new feature for some people.  
 +Additionally, there's a new configuration setting that allows you to prepopulate certain form fields within feedback forms by using query parameters. So, for example, if you want to send out a URL that prepopulates a particular field with a particular value so that people don't have to completely fill out a form, you now have the ability to do that if you turn it on. And do keep in mind that if you've locally customized feedback form code, some of these changes might have impact on your local code. So, please review.  
 +There have also been some changes to some search backends. The EDS and Primo backends now support facet value filtering. So, if you want to not display certain specific facet values, you can turn that on. Additionally, those two backends also now support search response caching. So, if you want to speed things up, you can save search responses locally and reduce the number of API calls that VuFind is making. Also, some more minor improvements. The staff view can now be configured so that when you're looking at staff view on a MARC record, you can also turn on the ability to look at the raw Solr fields, which can be helpful if you want to see how the MARC data is getting mapped to Solr.  
 +There's a new security related setting that can be used to completely disable the ability for users to provide their ILS credentials through a form. And this is useful in scenarios where you're preloading ILS credentials from your single sign on attributes. So, like you're loading the user's catalog username directly into the database and you don't want any possibility of somebody somehow getting to that logging screen and entering credentials that don't belong to them. But, of course, you don't want to turn this on if you actually rely on people entering their ILS credentials.  
 +Another small improvement is that when alphabetic browse results are clicked and lead to search results, those results no longer automatically apply default filters because that could have caused some inconsistencies where the browse results say that a certain number of records match the result and then you click on it and you don't get anything because it's filtered out by a default filter. So, this is more consistent. But, again, this behavior can be configured if you have a strong reason for it to act differently.  
 +We've also added an API endpoint that can be used to automate clearing of caches, which can be useful if you want to do that as part of, say, an overnight process. We've added configuration file inheritance to YAML files. So, you know, for a long time you've been able to inherit settings from one any file to another. Now you can do similar things in YAML files.  
 +We've also added and updated some integrations with third party systems in VuFind9. One new feature is that you can display cover images that are stored locally in Koha if you're using Koha.  
 +We've updated some Google-related tooling so you can now easily incorporate Google Tag Manager. And we've added support for Google Analytics version 4 since Google Universal Analytics is getting shut down this summer.  
 +We've added support for Marc in JSON records in the Solr index. So, now you can do binary Marc, Marc XML or Marc in JSON. We've added retraction notice support in the Browsene DOI linker. So, now if you have Browsene turned on and appropriately configured and you have records with DOIs, VuFind can automatically detect articles that have been retracted and display messages in line about that fact. You just have to turn it on in Browsene.ini if you want it.  
 +And we've added support for using VuFind as an OAuth2 or OpenID Connect authorization server, which can be useful for interacting with some third party systems.  
 +We've renamed the EZB link resolver driver to JOP. This is sort of a more accurate name for this third party service. I think this is primarily used in Germany.  
 +And finally, we've added an example import configuration for the subjects plus subject guide tool, which is an open source content manager that supports OAI PMH. So, now you can ingest that content into VuFind very easily. So, that ends all the things that are new.  
 +So, now let's talk about all the things that have changed. So, dependencies, the endless march of change continues. So, first of all, we've raised the minimum PHP version to 7.4.1. I think this is an uncontroversial change because PHP 7 has hit end of life and everyone really ought to be using PHP 8 by now. But in the interest of making progress incrementally, we didn't raise the version all the way to 8 yet. But we will do that in release 9.1. So, be aware, next release is going to require PHP 8. I strongly advise being ready for that. But if it's taking a little bit more time to get there, VuFind 9 will still work with PHP 7.4. We've also dropped support for Apache 2.2, which has been end of life forever. So, again, I don't expect this is going to inconvenience anyone. It's just that the default VuFind Apache configuration had a whole lot of conditional logic to detect whether you were using Apache 2.2 or 2.4. It really made sense to simplify that at this point since everyone should be using Apache 2.4 anyway. So, I don't expect this to negatively impact anyone. But keep in mind that you can potentially simplify your own Apache configuration now if you want to.  
 +We've also upgraded Solr to Solr 9, specifically Solr 9.1.1. And this is a significant Solr upgrade. You absolutely need to reindex all your records when you make this upgrade because there are some changes to the way highlighting works. And if you just point Solr 9 at an index that was built with VuFind's Solr 8 schema, you're going to get fatal errors if you do anything related to highlighting of authors. So, be aware of that. Plan for it. Get ahead of it. I think you might be able to work around it by disabling highlighting, but that's obviously not ideal. Another important change is that Solr 9 now only binds to local host by default. So, if you're running Solr across servers, accessing it through a particular host name, you need to set the Solr JETI host environment variable to tell Solr what name to bind to or else it's not going to work. So, that's a couple of major gotchas to be aware of related to the Solr upgrade.  
 +Other dependency changes. Open SSL 3.0, which is being included in more and more distributions. It no longer supports Blowfish encryption by default, but Blowfish encryption is what VuFind has been using for a long time to encrypt ILS credentials unless configured otherwise. So, you're going to need to change that or things will stop working. But the web-based upgrade tool that most people use as part of every upgrade will detect the situation and guide you through what you need to do to fix it. So, shouldn't be a big problem. Just be aware that this is a thing you will have to do either now or probably in the near future.  
 +Also significant is that Laminas has updated itself to use the PSR container library instead of container interop. So, PSRs are PHP community standards for interoperability and the standard for containers like the Laminas service manager has been around for a while, but it was predated by a non-official sort of interim version. And that's what's happening here. We're updating from the interim version to the real standard. This just means that any code that refers to the interop container namespace needs to be changed to PSR container. And one slight exception to that is interop container exception. That class becomes PSR container, container exception. So, the class name gains the word container. Anyway, this change has been made throughout VuFind, but if you have local custom factories, there's a good chance you're going to need to update them just to make these minor namespace changes. So, be prepared for that.  
 +Another dependency change, we've upgraded the common Marc library that we use for rendering Marcdown. So, if you're using Marcdown, just take a look at Marcdown.ini and any custom code you've made related to Marcdown and make sure that you're taking advantage of any new features that interest you and that nothing has gotten out of date. Additionally, all of our code dealing with Marc records has been revised. We've finally moved away from PAIR, the old PHP code sharing platform, because it's gotten so out of date, it was holding us back. And this meant we had to say goodbye to the old file Marc library that we've used forever for interacting with Marc records. We've got our own local custom Marc library now called VuFind Marc, which does all the same things as file Marc, but in a more modern way. So, again, if you have local custom code that's using file Marc to interact with Marc records, that's going to need to be revised to use the new Marc library instead. Finally, the API specification has been updated to use the OpenAPI 3.0.3 standard. This just brings things up to date. It doesn't change anything about how the API works. All the endpoints and parameters and everything are identical. Just the published description of the API has been modernized. So, I don't think that this will impact anyone negatively. Just wanted to make you aware. All right. Now, on to other changes. And this is where we start to get deeper into the weeds. Some of these things may be very specific. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it probably means you don't have to worry about it. But I just want to be sure that all of these things are covered. So, in ILS drivers, the get config method, which reports capabilities of the driver to the view find code has been aligned across all the drivers. There were some inconsistencies in how many parameters it had and what their types were. Now it's the same for every driver just to avoid weird problems related to inconsistency. Additionally, the abstract API base class has had its make request methods signature changed. Currently, this just impacts the folio and genie plus drivers. Those are the only two that build upon the abstract API base. But if you've customized either of those drivers and you're making requests, just make sure that those calls match the method signature. We've gotten rid of the old Sierra driver. We used to have two Sierra drivers. One that connected directly to the Sierra database. One that uses the API. The database driven one was really out of date. And it seems wiser to use the API driven one anyway. So, we just got rid of the old one. So, if anybody is using that for some reason, just update to use the newer one. Now on to some indexing changes. I mentioned earlier that we now support Marc in JSON storage of records in the Solr index. And we're now doing that by default instead of using binary Marc. Because binary Marc has the problem that anything over 100,000 bytes gets dropped and results in an invalid record. And we've stored in a binary Marc format because it takes up less disk space than Marc XML, which is very verbose. So, Marc in JSON is a compromise. It's not as concise as binary Marc, but it's a lot more concise than Marc XML. It avoids the length limit. So, going forward with viewfind's default Solr Marc configuration, when you index everything, you're going to get Marc in JSON in the index. But of course, you can change the configuration if you want to keep binary or use XML or whatever. All the options exist. We've also had some significant revisions to the format calculator class that we used to populate the format facet for Marc records. That should be a bit more accurate now. But the code was significantly refactored to add new capabilities. So, if you have a local custom subclass of the format calculator, just review it and make sure that it's still compatible, some updates might be needed. We've also deleted all of the shell and batch scripts that lived in viewfind's import bin subdirectory. These actually came from a really old version of Solr Marc and didn't work anymore. But they've been sitting around because nobody noticed. So, I don't expect that deleting them will hurt anything. But be aware, those scripts are gone. Now, some other record related changes. So, here's a big one related to the Blender backend. Record drivers now differentiate between source identifier and search backend identifier. What this means is that previously record drivers just had one backend identifier on them. This is where I came from. But now, with the Blender, we have the situation that the actual record data may have come from one particular backend. But the Blender is like a meta backend that talks to multiple sources. So, the idea here is that if you do a search with Blender, those records are going to have a search backend identifier saying, I was retrieved by the Blender. But they're going to have a source identifier saying where they really came from. Solar or EDS or whatever. So, in order to support this, we had to deprecate the set source identifier method and replace it with set source identifiers, plural. So, if you have any custom code that's setting identifiers in this way, you'll just need to update that. Additionally, the controllers we use for displaying records now use a source ID property instead of a search class ID property just for clarity of naming. So, again, if you've built a custom record controller, you'll need to change that property name. I don't think that's a likely scenario for most people now. Also, this is a new topic. We've historically hidden item data in the holdings display for any record that had no barcode. I'm honestly not sure why we did this. And so, we've taken away this restriction, which was confusing a lot of people by causing data to not show up for an unclear reason. But if you want the behavior that you hide items without barcodes, you can set display items without barcodes to false and get the historical behavior. All right. Now, some authentication related changes. So, because of the new username policy that I mentioned, we've had to change the way some of the validation in the authentication classes works. So, in the base class for all of the authentication modules, we've deprecated get canned password policy hint and removed validate username and password in favor of new code. So, again, if you built a custom authentication module, which is a fairly rare case, be aware of these changes. Additionally, for our cross site request forgery code, we previously had a view find validator CSRF class that was used for validation. But it was determined that this was maybe too specific because we might in future want to have different implementations of how CSRF works. So, instead of having one CSRF class, we renamed it to session CSRF to indicate that it uses the session to keep track of tokens. And we created a CSRF interface. So, there's a definition of how alternate implementations could be created in the future if we want to do that. Again, shouldn't affect many people, but be aware of the change. Now, search related changes. View find now passes around a new query parameter on a lot of its URLs called SID, which tracks the ID of the last search that the user performed. This allows view find to keep track of its state more consistently. Previously, the search ID was only stored in the session. And this could result in weird behavior, particularly when a user had multiple tabs open and was doing things in different tabs at the same time. So, you know, it's still not perfect. I think you can find ways to get yourself into a weird state if you do really weird things. But this should be a lot more stable than before. But implementing this required changes to a few classes, including the view find record tab collection list, the results scroller controller plugin, and the view find search memory class. So, again, if you've customized those things, just take a look at your customizations, make sure they still work. There's also been some refactoring of hierarchical facet processing logic. It was originally sort of built into some of the search results classes. But now it's been moved out into a separate helper class to make it more reusable and to reduce the size of individual classes. We've changed the way that configuration files are loaded in the factories for Solr search backends. This makes things a lot more consistent and simplified some code. But, again, if you have a custom Solr search backend factory extending abstract Solr backend factory, you might need to make some adjustments. We've also made the build query string method of the URL query helper static and public so that it's easier to reuse. Don't expect that to affect many people. The hide facet value listener in the Solr area of the code has been moved to the base area of the code because it doesn't actually contain Solr specific logic and it's now being shared between multiple backends. So, that's just a minor change. And moving into search backend specific changes, the internal format that VuFind uses to represent facet data has been standardized across the Solr EDS and primo backends. Previously, all three of these backends represented facets in their own quirky ways. But it made sense to normalize it across all the backends because that enables the blender to do things in a more straightforward fashion. So, if you have custom EDS or primo code working with facets, be aware that those data structures have changed a bit. So, you may need to change it. Also, note that we did not have an opportunity to do this work on summon. So, summon still has its own unique facet data format and thus it does not yet work with the blender. So, if you want to blend summon results, a little bit more work is needed. The community will work with you on that. We just didn't have any summon users engaged in the project. So, we weren't able to test anything. Didn't want to change it without a stakeholder involved. Additionally, the Solr connector class has been revised a bit. So, if you're directly accessing the Solr connector in any custom code, take a look at it, make sure it still works. Additionally, factory and constructor expectations for the EDS search options have changed in order to support on demand retrieval of data from the EDS API. Prior to this change, VuFind would make API calls every time it constructed EDS objects potentially. And that resulted in overhead and performance issues. Now all this code has been refactored so that we only request the data when we actually need it, which should speed some things up. All right. Now moving on to internationalization changes. We've done some work to clean up some of the language files. And just a handful of translation strings have either been removed because they're not needed, renamed for clarity, or split into multiple versions so that they can be translated differently in different contexts. This slide shows a list of all the major changes. I'm not going to read it all to you. I will share this slide deck after the presentation. And all these notes are also in the changelog in the Wiki. So, if you're concerned about the details, feel free to take a look. But the point is, if you use any of these translation strings in local custom code or templates, you'll need to make adjustments to keep everything up to date and ensure that it still gets translated. Now on to theme-related changes. So, here's a big one. In VuFind 8, we introduced an icon system that allows us to render icons in a standard way and override them through configuration so you can, you know, change what icon is displayed in a given context just through a config change in your theme configuration. But in VuFind 8, we only use this feature in a small number of places. In VuFind 9, every icon in the themes is using the new icon system. So, it is widespread. There are a few cases where icons have changed just because while reviewing it, we found a better option. So, you may notice some minor visual changes. And also, the CSS around icons has been significantly revised. Particularly in cases for displaying a link containing both an icon and text. Historically, in this situation, VuFind had some pretty ugly displays where underlining of links, you have a weird sort of floating underline between the icon and the text or things wouldn't line up right or whatever. And we've added some more explicit Marcup and styling to make everything look more uniform and clean. But this required a lot of changes to a lot of templates. So, be aware of that when you're updating. And if you have any custom links with icons in them, you might need to style them to match the new Marcup style of the core. Also, minor change, the icon view helper as defined in VuFind 8 had a dependency on the head link helper. We got rid of that in VuFind 9. So, it's all a little bit simpler. I doubt anyone has their own custom local icon view helper. But if you do, be aware of that change. Additionally, the theme info class used in the VuFind theme module has a get merged config method that's used to retrieve theme configuration. And it had a parameter called flatten, which I don't know why it was added. I don't know what it was supposed to do. But it never worked right. It didn't really do anything. And so, we got rid of it in VuFind 9. So, since it didn't work and didn't seem useful, hopefully nobody is using it for anything and won't miss it. But if somehow you're doing something weird custom with get merged config, be aware of this change. 
 +Another important but minor change is that in the account area, in the sidebar menu, if you have the AJAX status setting turned on, you'll get little notifications about things like overdue books or things ready for pickup, et cetera. And the CSS classes used to display some of those counts have been renamed to be a little bit more descriptive. Previously it was okay, warn and overdue. And they've been changed to account info, account warning and account alert to be more general and more specific at the same time. So, if you've customized those anything related to that, just be aware of these name changes. Finally, on the theme front, currency formatting has been refactored to its own service. Previously the get user finds AJAX handler was I think using the safe money format view helper, but that was a weird use of a view helper. So, now the currency formatting has its own class and that class is shared between the things that need to do formatting of currency. And that transitions nicely into other changes related to AJAX handlers. One small thing is the get user finds AJAX handler previously returned a key called value. This has been changed to total to make it a little bit more precise and consistent with other user status AJAX handlers. And finally, the DOI lookup AJAX handler and the browsing DOI linker plugin have both had constructor signatures and factories changed. This is related to the new browsing functionality I mentioned earlier. So, that's all of those changes. Let's talk about things that have been deprecated or removed. One really important thing is that the PHP-based less compiler, which was deprecated before is now fully removed. If you were compiling less into CSS with PHP, you were getting significantly different results than if you were using Node. And that was a problem. So, we just got rid of it to prevent people from getting confused. So, use grunt less for now and that's going to be NPM run something in the near future. We've also gotten rid of the hunt library, which was used to detect when the user scrolled and certain areas needed to have statuses plugged into them. But the native intersection observer does the same thing. We don't need a third party library to detect when areas come into view anymore. So, hunt is gone. So, if you used hunt for something local, just be aware you can do that in a cleaner way now. Additionally, the controller plugin abstract request base get valid IDs method has been replaced by a validate IDs method. This affects how we confirm that people are passing in valid IDs when they place holds or other types of requests. Again, not a thing that I think many people are likely to have changed. But if somehow you have, be aware of this. Additionally, all code reported as deprecated in view find 8 has been fully removed in view find 9. So, the ILS driver cache trait has been removed. You should use the more generic cache cache trait. The record link view helper is gone. Use record linker instead. And the view find search services all use the command pattern for every call. There were a bunch of more specific back end methods like search and retrieve and so forth. Those are all gone. You have to use the command pattern now. But we had already refactored to use the command pattern in view find 8. So, hopefully this is not a shock for anyone. Now, some database related changes. First of all, the database schema has grown because we've added some new features like the ratings. So, you'll need to run a database upgrade to just add all the new stuff to your local database. This is part of the web based update process, which as I mentioned, I think everyone should already be doing anyway. The view find DB table save search method has been changed. There was a bug that was causing duplicate searches in search history. And in order to fix it, we had to make some low level changes, including this minor method signature change. Additionally, there's a view find DB table expiration trait, which is shared by a number of command line tools for expiring outdated data in the database like old searches, for example. And that trait had to be revised to fix a problem that would allow it to go into an infinite loop. So, if you built anything custom relying on this trait, just be aware it's changed a little bit. Finally, some changes to view finds styles and tooling that we used during development. These don't really affect the code itself, but they do affect the ecosystem. So, it's good to be aware of them. First of all, we've modernized our code style standards to use PSR 12 instead of the pair standard. Really not a whole lot has changed. But there are a few minor things, particularly white space related that are a little bit different. So, if you use view finds tools to apply automatic style fixes to your local code, just be aware that you might get a lot of changes when you merge in the 9.0 update because we've changed our styles. Additionally, some of our function signatures now have more specific typing on them. This was based on using static analysis through PHP Stan. It had some recommendations for fixes. So, I strongly recommend running PHP against local code. It should detect if any of your local code has signatures that are out of sync with upstream code. And it's a great tool to find a variety of common problems as well. Also significant is we've added the local directory to our get ignore file just to prevent people from accidentally committing local code and pushing it upstream if they are using the default local directory. So, if you actually rely on committing local code to Git as at Villanova we do for our local private repository, just be aware that you'll need to override that setting to tell Git that you really do want to commit local files. It's just now opt in instead of opt out. But it's not hard to do. If you need help with it, let me know. I can give you the details. Finally, we've been making some progress on improving the validation of the HTML that VuFind generates. And one suggestion was to not include trailing slashes in HTML void elements. For example, like a BR tag should just be BR, not BR slash. The slashes in void elements were a big thing in XHTML because they're needed for XML validation. But stylistically, that's not really popular in HTML5. So, we've just gotten rid of it to make things consistent in our templates. And so, just a few other miscellaneous things to be aware of. One important change is that previously, VuFind changed the present working directory to VuFind home as part of its bootstrapping process. And I don't think there was really a good reason to do that. So, we've gotten rid of it. But if for some reason you rely on VuFind home being the present working directory in any of your custom code, that's no longer something you can assume. You should use more explicit paths. Additionally, there was a relative file aware command base class that was shared by some of our command line tools. And that became obsolete when we stopped doing the change directory. So, if you're extending that for a custom tool, be aware, you need to make some changes. But again, I don't think that's very likely. And non-TAB record action handling in the route generator has been refactored to make it easier to add additional actions as part of local modules. So, if you've generated some custom record routes, you might want to look at your locally generated route code and you might be able to simplify it a little bit. I don't know how common a case that is, though. And that's it. So, I just wanted to share a few resources and keep in mind that I'm going to post this PowerPoint so you can get these links. You don't have to write them down right now. So, first of all, I recorded a video a couple years ago about how you can do a view find upgrade using Git to automate some of the processes of like updating your configuration and local templates. You might find that helpful if you're about to dive into a major update to 9.0. As you can see, there are a lot of changes in it. Additionally, this blog post talks about the scripting that I used in the video. I cannot emphasize enough how helpful this has been for me. So, it might be helpful for you, too. Again, this just provides a way to automatically apply core changes to equivalent local files. And even though it likely will require some manual conflict resolution, it's just nice to know exactly which of your local files are impacted by upstream changes. And that's it. If you have any questions or comments, we can talk about them now. And if you want to reach out to me later, you can always email me or find me on the view find Slack. And I'm happy to help in any way that I can.
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videos/vufind_9.0_-_what_s_new_what_s_changed.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/24 19:28 by crhallberg