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videos:webinar_on_digital_library_technology_july_16-17_2020:day_two_transcript [2020/07/17 13:26] – created demiankatzvideos:webinar_on_digital_library_technology_july_16-17_2020:day_two_transcript [2020/07/17 19:39] (current) demiankatz
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 // This is a computer-generated transcript and may not be entirely accurate. // // This is a computer-generated transcript and may not be entirely accurate. //
-// Coming soon! //+ okay so hello everyone 
 +welcome to day two of the webinar on 
 +digital library technology 
 +my name is regina duffy and along with 
 +my colleague callie stahl from villanova 
 +we'll be helping to facilitate the 
 +webinar and introduce speakers 
 +throughout the session today 
 +please note that this event will be 
 +recorded and will soon be available on 
 +the vufine website 
 +all attendees will be muted we will be 
 +monitoring feedbacks so please feel free 
 +to comment in the live chat 
 +and please submit all questions using 
 +the q a feature found at the bottom of 
 +your screen 
 +a brief facilitated q a session will 
 +take place after each 
 +presentation if time permits 
 +so first today i would like to introduce 
 +our reporter 
 +mr bharat chahadri mr bharat chaudhry 
 +is working as an assistant librarian 
 +with pandit diandel petroleum university 
 +he is an m.a with economics and did an 
 +degree in 2006 
 +and before we begin the next sessions we 
 +would like to quickly introduce 
 +professor satishaar ramjoshi 
 +institute of engineering chubuhan 
 +university nepal will be managing 
 +q a for the next two talks 
 +and now i invite mr sakib ahmed brock 
 +university bangladesh to talk on working 
 +on a koha server system 
 +good morning everyone i am saki mohammed 
 +and i will be speaking on 
 +working on poha server system 
 +before that let me introduce myself 
 +i am working as a system programmer for 
 +the last four years in our shop 
 +we use debian in our production servers 
 +so working on server system of gohan 
 +today i am going to talk about what we 
 +are going to teach in our core server 
 +system classes 
 +in the slides you will be seeing the 
 +listed modules we'll be covering 
 +and i'm going to just briefly go over 
 +what we are going to teach so 
 +installation of gohan 
 +in this course we are going to talk 
 +detail about which hardware 
 +configuration is best 
 +suited for you will our workstation will 
 +be enough for you 
 +or do you need a production server to 
 +support your users 
 +we'll be learning about which linux 
 +distribution to use 
 +what apache server is mysql database is 
 +and power packages for koha 
 +in the installation process to install 
 +koha you need to use both command line 
 +and web staller 
 +so we will be covering both and we will 
 +be also showing 
 +how to create libraries patron item 
 +types to get your lms 
 +running and in the core detail koha 
 +course is sunita will cover the 
 +entire working system of gohan 
 +and there is a neat feature in koha to 
 +run multiple instances 
 +of a same installation we will also be 
 +covering that 
 +are changing jabra is a high performance 
 +general purpose 
 +structure takes indexing and retrieval 
 +engine koha uses zebra as a certain name 
 +after every successful installation or 
 +after an upgrade 
 +zebra needs to be reinstalled re-indexed 
 +in order to work 
 +we will be learning how to call learning 
 +different command line combinations to 
 +work with 
 +zebra the zebra is the search engine 
 +that shows you the search result when 
 +you type in your opec 
 +koha has that 39.5 server 
 +z39.5 is a client server protocol for 
 +and retrieving information from remote 
 +computer databases 
 +we can use gohar to copy cataloging 
 +records from other libraries 
 +who allows access to that 39.5 
 +we'll be learning how to configure that 
 +39.5 servers to connect with 
 +other libraries 
 +there are some samples of university who 
 +allows their 
 +39 allows that 39 to copy their 
 +records server configuration 
 +to notify users each 
 +so after each circulation on their 
 +check-in and check out the status 
 +and to send or overdue notices koha 
 +allows you to send email notification 
 +in this course we'll be learning how to 
 +configure both 
 +exim and specific mail transfer agent 
 +with gmail to send notification in 
 +bracket university 
 +we use wastrix as a mail transfer agent 
 +and we will also be showing how to 
 +configure your messages enable enhanced 
 +messaging preference 
 +how to create overdue notices and 
 +trigger them 
 +enable messaging preference for each 
 +pattern categories 
 +database maintenance and job shooter 
 +taking database backup is very simple in 
 +koha koha uses mysql database 
 +as database engine for its backend using 
 +mysql command we can backup dump the 
 +databases and can 
 +restore back whenever needed 
 +cron jobs a conjob is a linux command 
 +for scheduling a command 
 +or script on your server to compete 
 +to complete repetitive tasks 
 +automatically has many 
 +con jobs in place that you can enable 
 +for each 
 +for search engine indexing overdue 
 +notice generation 
 +data cleanup and more we'll be learning 
 +how to write cron jobs in detail 
 +for any system administration 
 +administrator learning 
 +to write proper con jobs is very 
 +additional configuration we are planning 
 +to cover 
 +how to enable available regional 
 +languages in koha interface and 
 +searching with 
 +regional languages in our back 
 +university library 
 +you can search with bro with bangla 
 +language and there is a bangla keyboard 
 +built in 
 +on screen magazine and we all we will 
 +also be learning how to enable on-screen 
 +and sl as we use our credential to log 
 +into koha 
 +we can 
 +mo though certificates are 
 +are paid services there are there are a 
 +few ways to 
 +install free ssl certificate in your 
 +we'll be learning two of them 
 +self-signed certificate and free ssl 
 +certificate signed by a certificate 
 +so thank you everyone for listening and 
 +i would like to end by saying 
 +wishing well to all during this global 
 +pandemic and hope everyone keeps safe 
 +and you have if you have any questions 
 +please write in the qa 
 +thank you 
 +thank you mr ahmed now professor satisha 
 +ramjoshi will facilitate a brief q a 
 +oh thank you very much mr 
 +sakib for your nice presentation there 
 +is one question 
 +how to install language 
 +of pakistan 
 +first we have to see if the urdu 
 +language package is available power 
 +language package is available to install 
 +in koha 
 +if this is available then the installing 
 +or enabling urdu bangla or hindi 
 +all goes through the same process 
 +okay there is another question from this 
 +record from other libraries but 
 +since last month i am facing a problem 
 +of connection with server 
 +what may be the cause so 
 +if you can write detail in the uh qa 
 +that which libraries you are failing to 
 +connect now but you are able to 
 +done it before then i might be able to 
 +help you sort this out 
 +so please mention the libraries you are 
 +not going to 
 +carry now okay there is another question 
 +what is the home job command 
 +control command is it's a service uh you 
 +the different commands in contact which 
 +runs periodically depending uh 
 +on the time you have 
 +i am trying to connect with library of 
 +so i think he had a problem in that case 
 +so uh if you are still having a trouble 
 +so my i will be providing my mail 
 +address please uh 
 +send me a mail i will be talking to with 
 +our cataloguer 
 +she regularly works with our catalog 
 +in our books so she can verify if our 
 +system is 
 +also having any problem with library of 
 +if not then i will try to i will try to 
 +help you figuring out your problem 
 +in detail so i will write my 
 +email in the message box so please 
 +knock me up there yeah 
 +any more okay no open questions okay 
 +thank you very much mr asaki 
 +thank you 
 +thanks to you both 
 +another question another question it was 
 +uh now i think 
 +okay so i have answered it 
 +yeah you got it is it necessary to run 
 +is time after cataloging 
 +no it's not uh you after a successful 
 +installation you run wait 
 +once and if you upgrade your system or 
 +if you want to rebuild your 
 +rebuild your indexing then you have to 
 +run your 
 +zebra but there is no need to run your 
 +indexing after every indexing because 
 +in the uh what i have talked about that 
 +in con there is a 
 +part called zebra indexing in the con 
 +settings you can 
 +make a con command that your zebra 
 +indexing command will be running after 
 +10 minutes or after 15 minutes 
 +so this will be covered in the corn 
 +okay thank you 
 +okay for ready to move on um now i 
 +invite professor 
 +ard prasad to present on d space 
 +hello everybody so i will be talking 
 +about the d space 
 +basically my the agenda of today'
 +topic is i give why 
 +i mean the entire open access 
 +information system has led to the 
 +creation of 
 +digital repositories and what exactly 
 +these spaces 
 +why we should go for this space 
 +personally i believe 
 +why i have gone for these space then 
 +what we cover in the 
 +training program so basically 
 +t space is a digital object management 
 +and you can create a digital object you 
 +can search for it 
 +and the basic idea is to retrieve the 
 +digital object 
 +then it facilitates preservation of 
 +digital object 
 +though not to the full satisfaction of 
 +preservation metadata kind 
 +and open source software definitely that 
 +is the main attraction 
 +and allows open access and self 
 +archiving self archiving is the model 
 +where the authors try to upload their 
 +own publications for 
 +public use so that that is 
 +the key concept in open access to 
 +allows building repositories uh 
 +institutional repositories are subject 
 +actually this space is agnostic to 
 +whether you are building an 
 +institutional repository or a subject 
 +normally it is the content that decides 
 +it is actually we run a subject-based 
 +repository called the librarians digital 
 +library where any librarian in the world 
 +can upload their document that means it 
 +is not 
 +the publications of our institute if we 
 +only the publications then we call it an 
 +repository so the software 
 +of course we recommend linux because 
 +it's an open source software 
 +technically you can run because it is 
 +built on java and you know as long as 
 +java virtual machine you should be able 
 +to run on any 
 +operating system and of course as a 
 +servlet engine 
 +you can use either apache tomcat or 
 +racing or jetty or jboss 
 +or there are many of this kind uh 
 +of course apache is much more powerful 
 +but a little heavy yeti is a little 
 +lighter but 
 +in fact in our live live cd which is 
 +going to be released 
 +soon hopefully before the end of the 
 +month we are using jetty 
 +then of course it uses a database 
 +management system postgres sql 
 +and if you have a fat pocket 
 +you can buy oracle also for scaling 
 +but i tell you really using warakhil is 
 +a overkill for the simple reason 
 +many of the institutional repositories 
 +around the world 
 +they really do not have huge collection 
 +that is running into 
 +uh some millions of digital objects 
 +so postgres should do which is highly 
 +and definitely it is more scalable than 
 +mysql though it is slightly sluggish 
 +than myspl so what this page can do is 
 +uh it's uh it captures digital content 
 +that means you can upload 
 +any of that and any researcher 
 +or author can upload their own 
 +then it has facilities to 
 +describe the digital object that is 
 +being uploaded 
 +so mostly it uses i think its native 
 +metadata schema 
 +is qualified doubling code with slight 
 +but again if you want it has 
 +facilities to modify and adopt any other 
 +metadata schema or your own 
 +but it may not be standardized metadata 
 +what you are going to do if you uh 
 +deviate from the standards and it 
 +supports voya 
 +pmh protocol so that anybody can 
 +share their metadata with the rest of 
 +the world what could be the possible 
 +practically anything okay that is you 
 +can put preprints or publications 
 +post prints technical reports conference 
 +thesis and dissertations and even data 
 +in fact there is one soft 
 +program dried it uses this space 
 +okay so if you want you can put 
 +statistical data or geophysical 
 +or scientific data and 
 +another aspect from the format's point 
 +of view 
 +you can put images audio files video 
 +text text files or even 
 +spreadsheets or presentations pdfs etc 
 +uh i hope you are following my accent i 
 +think subcontinent people we have an 
 +understanding of how we pronounce 
 +uh i mean the english pronunciation 
 +maybe americans may have a little 
 +difficulty in understanding our actions 
 +okay it has lots of interfaces 
 +one is uh the basic jsp ui interface 
 +that is java server pages 
 +then if you want one can have even xml 
 +with that there are many themes 
 +one is a mannequin rubric classic mirage 
 +and mirage tool 
 +mirage 2 is especially helpful 
 +if somebody wants to access a repository 
 +mobile computers not only computers 
 +even mobiles 
 +and file formats so you can see 
 +usually it comes under the scope is 
 +under the 
 +long term preservation one of the key 
 +elements characteristics of long-term 
 +preservation is 
 +if the digital object is in a 
 +open standard format so it is easier to 
 +migrate from one format to another 
 +as appropriately lock-in would not be 
 +that is the advantage of using open 
 +standards any programmer you can request 
 +your programmer 
 +to change one format to another format 
 +both specs may be available on the net 
 +so that is the reason we believe that 
 +open standards play a very key role in 
 +long-term preservation 
 +again i am using the word long term 
 +there is not nothing called preservation 
 +okay then known and supported of course 
 +the administrator can decide we can show 
 +you in the 
 +coming the timing course how to 
 +uh how the administrator 
 +manages to give the 
 +information to the authors uh so and so 
 +a format is supported that means in 
 +future we take care of the 
 +migration okay from one format to the 
 +unsupported means i am not going to 
 +migrate if it is in a different format 
 +for which he 
 +probably which is a commercial format i 
 +proprietary format that's why we may not 
 +support it though we know 
 +some are unknown format you know in the 
 +in the field of file formats i think 
 +formats are around 
 +so the basic information model is we 
 +into at the broadest level 
 +we try to organize our digital selection 
 +for example in the context of a 
 +university library perhaps 
 +we can say that anthropology department 
 +sociology department our physics 
 +department like that 
 +are sometimes if it is a software 
 +industry is using the 
 +uh digital deposit i mean this space for 
 +digital repository 
 +they they can say developers community 
 +or testing community or marketing guys 
 +like that so anything relevant 
 +information to 
 +the various communities within the same 
 +can be organized into communities and 
 +under each community we can have 
 +different collections say collection of 
 +photographs or collection of faces 
 +or talk for emails like that 
 +and each collection will have item so 
 +all these will be 
 +explained in the 
 +coming the forthcoming training course 
 +so we know that in the 
 +when the the industry wants everything 
 +in the including our lives 
 +they talk a lot about the intellectual 
 +so whenever we distribute we have to 
 +whether a particular digital object or 
 +even software 
 +and under what license it is being 
 +you know that there are many licenses 
 +even licenses for open access 
 +and for that matter creative commons has 
 +different flavors of licenses 
 +probably you might have observed on 
 +my presentation in the first 
 +slide i have put creative commons zero 
 +license that means 
 +any one of you can you can distribute it 
 +if you want you can replace my name with 
 +your name and distribute 
 +it okay that means i the i don't have 
 +any objection because it is distributed 
 +creative commons zero license 
 +so the backend technology that is 
 +being used for setting up a digital 
 +repository using 
 +these spaces apache web server or you 
 +use engine x also and you can integrate 
 +with the 
 +secure socket layer so that it becomes 
 +http yes 
 +which just now our friend from 
 +bangladesh was talking about 
 +then of course basically it uses java 
 +so you may you you have many java 
 +compilers that is open jdk is there 
 +are from oracle also you have java 
 +except that you have to 
 +make a little signature i mean agreement 
 +to your sign 
 +then you can have tomcat or jetty or 
 +cnri handles you know now nowadays 
 +uh even in cesare and authors 
 +everybody has unique ids so 
 +we are creating a world of persistent 
 +in the context of books we have isbn 
 +but in the context of digital objects 
 +probably either 
 +dui and cnri we will show you 
 +how to have your own cnri handle system 
 +if you have your budget is constrained 
 +but also much of the commercial guys use 
 +dui but this space supports both 
 +so if you don't have we will show you 
 +how to create a local handle okay 
 +then it supports a losing search engine 
 +of course now uh mostly i put 
 +solar substitutes leucine and why i 
 +can't that is to support why ipm 
 +okay from oclc they have adopted oai 
 +cat and you know that as i have already 
 +standards are very important for 
 +and also if it is long-term preservation 
 +and interoperability 
 +you should follow open 
 +stance data using voya pmh protocol 
 +and also another latest protocol object 
 +reuse and exchange dspace supports it 
 +if you are generous we will teach you 
 +how to share your digital objects so 
 +that they can harvest 
 +not only your metadata but also your 
 +digital objects 
 +qualified doubling for your unicode just 
 +now our friend was mentioning 
 +whether urdu can be created 
 +uh just i would like to add urdu is a 
 +probably the script is arabic a 
 +unicode address is definitely arabic 
 +then i think qdci repeated 
 +and it supports rss and atom fields also 
 +so why we opted for this space 
 +in fact when i tried uh 
 +there was already in the market the 
 +aprons and 
 +greenstone digital libraries i thought 
 +greenstone that time was not following 
 +many standards 
 +e-print has its own this one 
 +but the moment i came to know about this 
 +place i think 
 +overnight i fell in love with it 
 +and then we launched it by the next day 
 +uh but worldwide also you can see i 
 +borrowed it from open door 
 +uh this space um i think 40 percent of 
 +the repositories this 
 +information i collected yesterday i 
 +should have mentioned the date 
 +e-prince is 11 percent and the rest of 
 +are single-digit implementations 
 +so just i collected only i think 
 +our subcontinent region but if i 
 +if you uh a year back i see 
 +i think the united states has the uh 
 +the largest footprint followed by india 
 +in any case if we look into the 
 +you can see the figure soon uh us has 
 +316 installations and india has 212 
 +and bangladesh pakistan nepal to have 
 +uh displaced this one the next version 
 +it is expected 
 +sometime this year will be released with 
 +a different uh user interface called the 
 +in which case now you know the d space 
 +user community is divided between jsp ui 
 +and xml ui okay uh whenever we 
 +last our live cd 
 +we released only with a xml ui 
 +just to speed up tomcat but many people 
 +started asking how do we invoke 
 +jspy but i think once the angular 
 +replaces both i guess 
 +i think if you find uses angular 
 +uh anyhow when uh the turn of damian 
 +probably he will give more uh 
 +clarification on that 
 +but functionality wise i don't think 
 +there would be much change in 
 +angular ui 
 +so the d space we will cover 
 +in our training course the an overview 
 +of this space 
 +and how information into communities and 
 +collections is being 
 +organized i gave only a brief idea 
 +then what kind of users whether 
 +anonymous users 
 +authors reviewers and metadata editors 
 +collection administrators there are a 
 +a plethora of user 
 +communities attached to this space and 
 +the workflow 
 +what exactly the workflow just as in a 
 +library you buy the book 
 +then it goes to classification then 
 +catalan then 
 +finally it comes to the server then our 
 +okay whether how to 
 +manage or how to make some documents 
 +less open or more open and emails 
 +than interface everything of course 
 +administrator should be mr know all of 
 +entire d space so with that i i thank 
 +and definitely i look forward to answer 
 +your questions if there are any 
 +uh thank you very much professor prd 
 +informative presentation there are a 
 +couple of questions 
 +to you these days have 
 +annotation module or are there 
 +any development in these aspects 
 +uh you mean annotation module module 
 +annotation right now annotation is not 
 +there as such 
 +long back i remember some of the 
 +were talking about how to attach 
 +another and other things to the best of 
 +my knowledge 
 +right now annotation is not there 
 +probably future releases may have okay 
 +okay friends there is another question 
 +we are using 
 +but for digital service what software we 
 +can use 
 +see koha is basically meant for 
 +basic library management okay it's a 
 +lms software and of course it has many 
 +uh and this space is fairly simple it's 
 +a self archiving model for authors you 
 +need not be librarians though 
 +probably librarians are in the forefront 
 +organizing or administering d space 
 +but these spaces you upload a document 
 +full text or 
 +sonar simply metadata and 
 +the others can access and download it 
 +whereas qoha has you know circulation 
 +various library activities 
 +usually i say d space is very easy to 
 +and where whereas koha is as completely 
 +complicated as my library community 
 +it has many many modules okay thank you 
 +there is another question is little long 
 +i am using 
 +these spheres to create a different 
 +some of them is for individual author 
 +we create a profile page for those 
 +for their owner 
 +no i am not too clear can can you could 
 +you please repeat 
 +okay so i am 
 +using this ps and have created a 
 +different collection 
 +is for individual author okay i think 
 +he's trying to ask 
 +whether those authors they can get some 
 +or not must 
 +unfortunately i am not clear about the 
 +it shows what are all his publications 
 +so i am no 
 +i know this simplistic answer you must 
 +be knowing 
 +i think i will interrupt 
 +when this authors create their orcid id 
 +uh probably through there they can get 
 +their profile details 
 +by default in air b space there is no 
 +way by which you can create a profile 
 +okay okay yeah this is supports our kid 
 +yeah okay there is another question dcps 
 +can free download it of course 
 +i mean open source otherwise i would not 
 +have talked about it 
 +i know usually 
 +open source software i i don't use any 
 +commercial software 
 +uh there are a lot of questions i think 
 +i don't know 
 +how to entertain all these questions 
 +okay let 
 +because this question it will be there 
 +and i think you can answer it later on 
 +okay let us say as it is saved 
 +this year'
 +okay actually 
 +i really i am not sure i believe it 
 +work but because you know that i don'
 +use windows machine 
 +and in linux you know 
 +all these software postgres or apache 
 +all these are readily available 
 +you don't have to download them and 
 +configure them 
 +what people when they say that windows 
 +is user friendly what they are talking 
 +is end user level 
 +not at system administration level i 
 +believe system 
 +administration perhaps ubuntu is a 
 +little easier i do not know because 
 +i have been using unix systems uh since 
 +in 1982-83 onwards 
 +so uh there could be problems otherwise 
 +if they don't want 
 +they can use virtual machine on windows 
 +and run one of the live series 
 +okay there is another one question is 
 +quite long i think you can answer it 
 +later on 
 +so i will just ask you very short short 
 +uh can we create bibliographical 
 +database using this case 
 +of course if you don't want to upload 
 +any document and 
 +enter only metadata and if you want to 
 +go for 
 +mark 21 you have to customize your input 
 +the entire one would be a bibliographic 
 +data only 
 +okay you you may not have the actual 
 +documents because 
 +this space allows an option 
 +whether you want to upload a document or 
 +just enter metadata and 
 +leave it there 
 +one last question can i install 
 +koha on ubuntu mint 
 +oh yes that is the idea of these live 
 +i think we have been offering 
 +with the gohan d space and viewfinder 
 +and the process pradhan is uh adding a 
 +few more subjects plus at the 
 +word wordpress so they they 
 +they live together in fact viewfind has 
 +of bringing poha records under 
 +the dispensary cards into a single uh 
 +platform viewfind platform where you can 
 +together so that you don't have to go 
 +so you can search both gohan d space 
 +viewfinder a single stop uh 
 +interface to both of them okay now 
 +all the functionality only the 
 +bibliography records 
 +uh i think we are lagging behind 
 +the stipulated time so i think 
 +later on you can answer the question 
 +let me wrap up there were two 
 +presentations today one by mr 
 +sakib ahmad he was talking about working 
 +on power server system 
 +so he talked about pro as a year 39.5 
 +one server configuration database 
 +maintenance and job scheduling 
 +and additional configuration so how to 
 +incorporate regional language in and 
 +so thank you very much mr sakib ahmad 
 +and the next another presentation it was 
 +by professor erdi 
 +uh you talk about this yes so he said 
 +what is a gcs why dcs 
 +you talk about digital management system 
 +what are the software 
 +requirements you talk about relational 
 +database and what these space it can do 
 +you talk about the personal content 
 +aliens audio video file 
 +how to do the interfacing how the file 
 +format and migration of the file format 
 +it can be done 
 +we talk about the information model 
 +property back-end technology standard 
 +dcs implementation and next person 
 +7.0 i think this is the wrap-up 
 +quick wrap-up of the two presentation 
 +and thank you very much to both uh 
 +mr sakib ahmad and professor ernie persa 
 +thank you very much so now this 
 +section is closed thank you very much 
 +thank you all before we begin the next 
 +i would like to mention that miss indira 
 +dali will be managing q a for the next 
 +two talks 
 +and now i would like to malcolm welcome 
 +miss goma benjate 
 +civil aviation authority nepal who will 
 +speak about wordpress 
 +good evening everybody my topic is 
 +especially using wordpress in libraries 
 +for making 
 +library website 
 +first of all i would like to 
 +first of all i would like to start my 
 +presentation with thoughts about 
 +librarians in the non-stop tsunami of 
 +global information 
 +librarians provide us with projects and 
 +teach us to see and next 
 +if you want a future of libraries 
 +it's within you and the librarians 
 +my presentation live outlines 
 +these are my presentation outlines 
 +about wordpress it's a free and open 
 +it's a free and open source content 
 +system written in psp 
 +and with a sql and mariadb 
 +database it was released on may 27 2003 
 +by honduras 
 +american developer martin lingard and 
 +english developer 
 +mike little as a fork of b or capila 
 +this software is released under the 
 +general public license person q 
 +there's also the platform of choice all 
 +over 35 
 +of all sites across the web 
 +its latest version is 5.4.2 
 +and it's an open source project has in 
 +progressive ways over time supporting 
 +skilled enthusiastic developers 
 +designers scientists bloggers 
 +and many more 
 +this is about wordpress taken from we 
 +keep it here 
 +uh this shows the short details of 
 +wordpress about wordpress 
 +wordpress has taken the market of about 
 +62.6 percent 
 +among all other content management 
 +systems of the world 
 +why wordpress why should we use 
 +because it's a free and open source 
 +it's easy to use and easy to customize 
 +it is 
 +flexible while designing a website 
 +it has very strong security features and 
 +very good searching 
 +facility and it's also con 
 +simple content management system and 
 +it has a facility of 
 +api different plugins and social media 
 +it is optimized for a speed and 
 +there is great support from its online 
 +contributors since its open software 
 +we can create any type of website using 
 +our wordpress for example e-commerce 
 +a blog like message video website 
 +appointment working website 
 +photography website directory website 
 +classified ad listing website membership 
 +question answer forum and knowledge 
 +says wiki website 
 +it's just a very easy content management 
 +system similar to 
 +word or word processing program it lets 
 +one manage a library website 
 +more easily separating the task of 
 +maintenance from the job of contents 
 +administrative users can configure 
 +customize and 
 +features to the website while 
 +editors and contributors can edit and 
 +manage their own contributors 
 +without any difficulties without though 
 +do not have more technical knowledge 
 +wordpress why we should use wordpress 
 +for making library websites because 
 +it has multi sites facilities multi 
 +can work together and 
 +plugins like cohassers who find have 
 +been developed for wordpress 
 +and subject plus shortcode for wordpress 
 +can be importing 
 +uh using um 
 +importing subject guide tools in 
 +and security concerns and updates with 
 +latest course with latest versions 
 +can be easily handled 
 +and the wordpress server requirement for 
 +version 5.2 or late later 
 +the recommended hardware requirements 
 +for running wordpress 
 +are disk space 1 gb 
 +or higher uh web server opposite or 
 +database mysql version 5.0.15 
 +or greater or any version of db ram 
 +115 1 
 +type 12 mb or greater psp person 
 +7.3 at least version 7.3 and push this 
 +at least one gigahertz 
 +and it's easy to install wordpress it 
 +takes not more than 10 years 
 +but for your installation i have to 
 +you have to make sure your whole web 
 +host has meaning minimum requirements to 
 +run wordpress 
 +downloading the most current person 
 +unzipping the downloaded files creating 
 +a secure website 
 +keep the open during installation 
 +and these are the steps for installing 
 +wordpress in five minutes 
 +and some links to install wordpress are 
 +and it has the front end and back end 
 +prompting for user interface and 
 +back end for the 
 +administrators uh it is also backend is 
 +also called a 
 +dashboard and admin channel we can 
 +add our edit menus post 
 +pages videos etc that we require through 
 +the dashboard 
 +this is the screen sort of 
 +dashboard at a glance it can 
 +we can see six ports for pages comments 
 +and many other things at a glance 
 +there are many plugins for library 
 +content management library management 
 +system cohort source wizard subject plus 
 +source code workface 
 +pmb uh plugin or wordpress 
 +to find for wordpress google and plugin 
 +i think it is being developed by 
 +dreaming cards 
 +and uh now the 
 +open training team is going to organize 
 +training package on digital technologies 
 +uh within which wordpress is a portion 
 +of the package 
 +uh so i'm going to see the information 
 +what will be 
 +the course outline module 1 
 +instruction and its installation and 
 +module 2 
 +anatomies of wordpress website 
 +common architectures of site 
 +this this will be done practically 
 +admin panel post images category and 
 +themes plugins wizards menus etc 
 +and next um working with 
 +posts and pages or press post 
 +pages creating wordpress post editing 
 +and deleting the post assigning the post 
 +with specific category and tags 
 +post with features images 
 +and module 4 working working with 
 +wordpress themes 
 +how to find which of 
 +wordpress theme is using and 
 +how to search a theme for a website and 
 +customizing a theme 
 +and next 
 +the extending functionality of workplace 
 +will also be taught in the training 
 +plugins plugins of interest libraries 
 +and security related plugins 
 +and then preparing wordpress for 
 +multi-site allow multi-site installing 
 +networks address of sites 
 +and enabling network and admin setting 
 +and next wordpress security secure 
 +secure file permission disabling 
 +directory for with access to sensitive 
 +remove the wordpress number securing 
 +your wordpress database 
 +and um and multiple installation 
 +prevent hot linking and 
 +the objective of the course is to 
 +install wordpress in linux operating 
 +find an act in activate a suitable theme 
 +for their 
 +institution and find 
 +and install plugins 
 +and create pages post and menu create 
 +to create featured images posts 
 +and pages install multi sites for a 
 +wordpress site 
 +prepare a secure library website 
 +these are the references thank you 
 +for joining the sessions 
 +thank you miss bonjadi now miss indira 
 +dali will facilitate a brief q 
 +shhh i 
 +i believe you're muted 
 +i could not listen to you 
 +you could not hear me now we can thank 
 +yeah yes now i can yeah thank you 
 +now go my man thank you for your so nice 
 +on wordpress now i invite 
 +all parties participants who want to 
 +ask if they have any confusion or any 
 +about her presentation 
 +well i am a still practitioner in 
 +wordpress and i am so novice 
 +for it in this international 
 +webinar or workshops tell me if i can 
 +there are a few questions uh in the q a 
 +uh if you hit the q a button near the 
 +bottom of the screen they should be 
 +one question can we 
 +import citation data from google scholar 
 +or gate it is from 
 +one question is that and the second 
 +question is 
 +sadhada massoud 
 +his question is what are the types of 
 +in wordpress and what are their function 
 +and the third question is from even 
 +espinoza why not drupal 
 +and fourth question is mr oscar 
 +raymond can we design a dynamic website 
 +by wordpress 
 +first of all government first question 
 +is can we import citation 
 +data from google 
 +i'm not sure about the importing 
 +citation data from google scholar 
 +or resource kit because i have not 
 +done it yeah sorry i'm 
 +sorry for that and and the second 
 +one hooks up in wordpress and what are 
 +their functions 
 +that also and in confusion i do not know 
 +and about a drupal though i have not 
 +wanted it it's a bit 
 +complex than wordpress 
 +drupal is not so easy as 
 +wordpress in wordpress we can work 
 +like in microsoft word or wordpress 
 +and the next one designing dynamic 
 +website by wordpress easiest 
 +and the next one will you please 
 +hear popular plugins librarians can use 
 +library websites like 
 +mail clips etc because 
 +regarding plugins 
 +there are many but i have to look for it 
 +i'm using um cohassers 
 +okay then do you teach 
 +blogging development uh in development 
 +uh we do not teach just for using 
 +uh taking from the web and installing 
 +and making activate 
 +next one is it 
 +is it possible to install wordpress 
 +huawei and dsps in the 
 +same linux server 
 +on the server part i think answer will 
 +and uh 
 +to use for delhi basis information 
 +i think if gomez 
 +you are not in a position to answer this 
 +i think monster will happen 
 +yes i will answer yes 
 +the first thing is that uh can 
 +we go up can we go up 
 +if in the same server 
 +less space and wordpress and other 
 +software can be installed 
 +the question is yes and we have 
 +developed the live dvd where there are 
 +five software packages 
 +and not only five up to five software 
 +more software packages it is not limited 
 +by wordpress also it is limited by the 
 +space of the server so you can 
 +install as many software as you like 
 +any plugin for wordpress to use for 
 +daily basis information 
 +regarding users we have already 
 +listed so many plugins to use for 
 +by uh for the use of the library and 
 +so we will be going to teach all these 
 +things in details 
 +in our fourth coming training courses 
 +clones of command is 
 +uh why what kind of 
 +use this chromosome means 
 +time setting scheduling a particular 
 +uh job with a particular timeline 
 +that is the clones of any special 
 +features of 
 +wordpress that drupals or other cms not 
 +i'm not saying 
 +anything say about groupons or other cms 
 +but the main things why we choose 
 +wordpress is 
 +that it is very simple to use and it has 
 +so many good features of the security in 
 +recent days 
 +so that's why we have chosen the 
 +so i think that i have answered all of 
 +the questions 
 +which uh government uh had not answered 
 +latest plug-in dev blog is plug-in 
 +development in wordpress 
 +we do not teach the plug-in developer 
 +but we 
 +teach how to reconfigure the 
 +how security is wordpress yes it is full 
 +now our participants 
 +are satisfied with the answers given by 
 +dr moon pradhan 
 +are they satisfied or any confusion 
 +it's okay it's fine yeah 
 +so now question and answer session is 
 +completed i think so 
 +okay um 
 +if we're ready to move on um i can 
 +introduce share of zel khan 
 +chief librarian air university pakistan 
 +president koho pakistan to say a few 
 +words as he 
 +we experience a little bit of technical 
 +difficulty yesterday 
 +uh yes thank you very much can you hear 
 +yes we can hear you uh thank you very 
 +much for providing me such opportunity 
 +say something about the yesterday 
 +meeting my apologize for 
 +not joining as a panelist pendant due to 
 +some technical reason 
 +and today i will summarize the session 
 +which was held in yesterday the first 
 +session was 
 +conducted by mr uh 
 +mohan raj pardan about the live dvd 
 +and he celebrate all the thing very well 
 +and he explained 
 +how the live dvd is working i i also 
 +listen some question 
 +in the session uh some of the people 
 +asking about what is live dvd and how we 
 +uh use this i think uh uh sir 
 +fardan explained very well and as we 
 +know that the 
 +the live dvd is only for the training 
 +and to create some awareness about the 
 +uh technology software for the librarian 
 +as we know the library is not knowing 
 +some of the library is not capable to uh 
 +install this technology at once 
 +like linux operating system is a very 
 +difficult part 
 +of the librarian so sir thank you very 
 +much for providing such good 
 +good opportunity for the entire region 
 +to produce such such live dvd in 
 +pakistan we are also working with 
 +librivity and i have also created three 
 +four dvds 
 +but uh the way which uh fordhams have 
 +created the dvd is very compatible and 
 +all the 
 +software like linux operating system and 
 +other three to four softwares 
 +are available so everyone can use for 
 +the production service to 
 +server to if you want to install this 
 +live dvd on your production servers 
 +and then you can also upgrade and then 
 +you can also 
 +uh work on for the production servers 
 +some of the question was asking about 
 +the second session was regarding the 
 +open source software 
 +which was which was conducted by 
 +professor uh 
 +ram joshi it was also very comprehensive 
 +and when explained a session about the 
 +open source uh 
 +software he also elaborate very well 
 +about how we can use open source soft 
 +yet he was not a librarian but i think 
 +his command in open source software 
 +regarding the live ready matter was very 
 +he explained about how we can use the 
 +open source technology in our 
 +in our library is 
 +i'm sorry is there developed countries 
 +india pakistan bangladesh nepal bhutan 
 +in the surrounding countries we are 
 +looking for the open source solution 
 +the library is not able to purchase the 
 +commercial software 
 +yet there are some there are some 
 +uh disadvantages of these software but 
 +related to the coha software which i am 
 +using since last twenty year 
 +and i'm working on that is very 
 +compatible for the libraries in 
 +around the nation so uh everyone can use 
 +this open source technology 
 +around the world and we are also 
 +recommended like uh 
 +today i have listened about the d space 
 +software which has 
 +very well explained and these space koha 
 +is also one of the best software 
 +for the technology like wordpress is 
 +also free on open source 
 +like joomla like other things are also 
 +available free of course 
 +so he is very uh uh very 
 +well explained about how the advantages 
 +of these softwares the third session was 
 +regarding to 
 +the technologies of metadata 
 +rda and metadata and mark 
 +we know uh these are the bibliographic 
 +and can be used for the bibliographic 
 +records of like 
 +uh d space is uh dealing with dublin 
 +core technologies 
 +and these are the bibliographical works 
 +so she talking 
 +miss hanissa approach she was talking 
 +about these technology and she's also 
 +explained very well 
 +and i really appreciate uh she's also 
 +thinking about uh 
 +to shifted his library um to the uh 
 +new technology the new bibliographic 
 +framework rda so really appreciate it 
 +we are looking for is this her 
 +how the libraries are now moving to the 
 +uh from the mark to rda 
 +i'm usually working says the technology 
 +business lab 12 years 
 +and i'm also converting the data from 
 +mark to 
 +excel to uh marked from it 
 +and i am i'm also working with the d 
 +space technology 
 +uh like development core technology we 
 +are sorry 
 +dublin core um metadata are using for 
 +this software 
 +so every librarian every technical 
 +expert should know about the term in 
 +in in the way how we can use these 
 +bibliographic frameworks in standards 
 +in the uh like uh 
 +like uh in other open source software so 
 +we must know about 
 +what is rda and how they are dealing 
 +with the 
 +uh with the weather standards so we also 
 +should know about the d space 
 +if you are using these space so the 
 +librarian should know about 
 +the dublin core metadata technology so 
 +this is very ideal in good presentation 
 +so i really appreciate all the presenter 
 +they are presenting very well 
 +and really appreciate sir 
 +raj fardhan in other muhammadan 
 +he invited me to act like as a as a 
 +chair of the session so i'm really 
 +and i wish we all together 
 +we can also make some consortia to 
 +promote open source technologies 
 +for the betterment of our librarianship 
 +in the region 
 +so uh thank you very much for all of you 
 +all of finalists 
 +like damian andradels umar hassan 
 +for inviting me and to having me for 
 +such a good session 
 +thank you very much and once again thank 
 +you very much to all 
 +thank you and now we'd like to welcome 
 +professor mohammed raj pardan phd 
 +chairman healthnet nepal to say a few 
 +words on behalf of 
 +hassan the chan 
 +to share this 
 +can you allow to share the screen 
 +ah yes we can hear you you should be 
 +able to share 
 +actually this report was prepared by 
 +a casing dayton 
 +who is the chief librarian of royal 
 +institute of management 
 +bhutan and she told me that it took 
 +around 6 hours 
 +to prepare this report due to the 
 +um low bandwidth uh problem internet 
 +but she prepared that once and she was 
 +supposed to present this 
 +uh report but unfortunately 
 +at the last moment or inter there was a 
 +in on our internet part and said told 
 +that she is not able to 
 +connect the internet 
 +so she asked me to present this report 
 +on her behalf so i am not going to add 
 +any things extra 
 +whatever she has prepared i am going to 
 +on our behalf 
 +mr kaz welcome all the panelists and 
 +participants to the webinar 
 +after his welcome address he spoke about 
 +benefits and challenges of open source 
 +in his presentation he mentioned about 
 +balancing power and responsibilities 
 +of open source software and the need of 
 +growth in the communities 
 +dr present presented on what live dvd 
 +its configurations and solutions you 
 +haven't said a url from where 
 +interested users can download live dvd 
 +he further mentioned that training on 
 +digital library technology is in the 
 +pipeline and will be organized in 
 +september 2020 
 +in his slide he also gave a website 
 +where library professional can visit 
 +in case they encounter any problems 
 +dr jose talked about open source 
 +software and types of library software 
 +how to select the best automation 
 +he compared it library software he 
 +stated that 
 +out of it is one of the most top rated 
 +and most popular software 
 +used by the libraries he also 
 +highlighted the key features of 
 +other seven liability software such as 
 +opals and open vibrio 
 +in veneer pmb new zealand 
 +code a key and librarian 
 +dr afroth started our presentations with 
 +quote from salman eider she talked on 
 +metadata and why we need to understand 
 +and elaborated on some of the key 
 +features of metadata 
 +why we need to conduct training on mach 
 +and importance of macro demo in our 
 +she also explained on basics of rda our 
 +rda rda has been implemented by library 
 +of congress 
 +and it's important for librarians to 
 +about rda she also mentioned that in 
 +september they are planning to conduct 
 +advanced training on the rda 
 +dr bharava presented on gua an open 
 +source library automation software 
 +it used for any types of libraries she 
 +mentioned that it is one of the most 
 +popular software and 
 +implemented globally features 
 +developed from users point of view she 
 +mentioned a brief history of kwa 
 +and what koa means she also discussed on 
 +how to install kwa 
 +she also declared that they are also 
 +planning to conduct training in 
 +where many elements of library software 
 +will be covered 
 +she also said about union catalog 
 +developed by then 
 +professor kumar presented on subject 
 +and he introduced us to subject plus he 
 +also emphasized 
 +the need for subject plus in the library 
 +he explained to the audience 
 +the key results of subject class he also 
 +showed us 
 +which countries used subject plus he 
 +also showed a screenshots on how to 
 +create new users 
 +working platform create a new guide 
 +create record 
 +database list creating video database a 
 +new department 
 +and fax collections he said that 
 +they will be conducting online courses 
 +on subject plus 
 +mr khan presented on linux operating 
 +system he discussed on linux or library 
 +of information system he mentioned about 
 +the forthcoming course on linux in 
 +then he gave a detailed overview of the 
 +course and the course content 
 +he concluded his presentation with linux 
 +linux course objectives 
 +overall it was an interactive webinar 
 +with questions and answer sessions after 
 +each presentation 
 +at the end of the session mr kaz thanked 
 +all the panelists and participants 
 +for attending the webinar so thank you 
 +okay um and now i invite my colleague mr 
 +damian katz director of library 
 +technology at villanova university'
 +valve memorial library to talk about vu 
 +hello and thank you so uh we've talked 
 +a whole lot of software today and i 
 +think it's fitting that we 
 +end with viewfind because uh viewfind'
 +purpose is to kind of bring many of 
 +these things together 
 +so what is viewfind uh it's a flexible 
 +search engine and discovery interface 
 +for all of your content and end user 
 +as we've discussed over the last couple 
 +of days 
 +there are many software tools that you 
 +might need to use for different aspects 
 +managing your library uh and it's 
 +helpful to your end users if they don'
 +have to learn many different interfaces 
 +to reach your content so the purpose of 
 +viewfind is to provide 
 +a single place that can bring together 
 +all of that information 
 +and make it accessible to your users 
 +it's open source 
 +it's highly configurable designed to 
 +be customizable without having to do a 
 +lot of coding work 
 +um it's also highly extensible so that 
 +you can 
 +write connectors to make it compatible 
 +with more systems 
 +if you need to and it's supported by 
 +an active and friendly community of 
 +who are always happy to help and welcome 
 +new users 
 +speaking of supported content and 
 +systems the software itself 
 +is built using php using laminas 
 +with apache solar as its indexing layer 
 +these are all fairly widely used tools 
 +it's capable of importing many types of 
 +including mark 21 and common flavors of 
 +which makes it possible to bring 
 +together content from all sorts of 
 +systems and make it searchable in a 
 +single index 
 +as demonstrated by the live dvd that was 
 +discussed yesterday 
 +it's compatible with many of the other 
 +systems that we've discussed in this 
 +including subjects plus and dspace and 
 +uh it can pull in content from 
 +integrated library systems content 
 +management systems 
 +and just about anything that runs on the 
 +let's look at a few key features first 
 +of all it presents 
 +a simple google-like search interface 
 +there's a single box users type a search 
 +into it 
 +they get results uh the results are by 
 +default relevance ranked meaning that 
 +uh the software uses an algorithm to 
 +make the most relevant searches rise to 
 +the top of the list and because it's 
 +very configurable 
 +you have the ability to change settings 
 +and adjust 
 +what is most important it also uses 
 +faceted navigation which you can see 
 +along the right side of the screenshot 
 +to help users narrow down their search 
 +according to specific categories 
 +uh the system also provides access to 
 +common library user functions like 
 +renewing books checking 
 +uh for fines placing holds and so forth 
 +and because viewfind has a consistent 
 +uh even it doesn't really matter what 
 +software you're using in the background 
 +of you find will always look the same 
 +giving you the ability for example 
 +to change between different systems 
 +without disrupting your users 
 +if for example you're on a commercial 
 +ios now and you want to change to coha 
 +you could introduce viewfind first then 
 +make the change 
 +users wouldn't be able to tell the 
 +the software also includes user managed 
 +content users can create 
 +lists of records for their own reference 
 +they can share comments and 
 +set tags and so forth 
 +it provides commonly expected search 
 +features like 
 +did you mean spelling suggestions uh 
 +related records 
 +uh and autocompletes while users are 
 +typing in the search box 
 +it uses responsive design which means 
 +the single user interface of viewfind 
 +will adjust its display 
 +based on the size of the screen being 
 +used so that it can work equally well 
 +on a desktop machine or a mobile device 
 +it includes the ability to create 
 +citations for records and 
 +export to various reference management 
 +applications like refworks and zotero 
 +and it's been translated into many 
 +currently it includes interface 
 +translations for more than 
 +30 regions 
 +within the viewfind community one of our 
 +highest priorities over the past year 
 +has been making the software more 
 +accessible to end users 
 +through training and documentation 
 +uh the community holds a monthly call 
 +that anyone is welcome to join 
 +and on all of those calls we've been 
 +doing tutorials for 
 +several months resulting in a new video 
 +being posted 
 +every month on the viewfind website at 
 +the link on this slide which is also 
 +this webinar recording will be shared in 
 +the near future 
 +so currently we have videos covering how 
 +to install the software 
 +how to index mark records how to 
 +customize the user interface 
 +by creating themes how to configure 
 +search and facet settings 
 +how to administer uh the software in a 
 +production environment 
 +how to share and harvest records using 
 +the oai pmh protocol 
 +how to index xml and how to index 
 +and more comes every month additionally 
 +i've been working on writing a 
 +16 chapter book on the application 
 +covering all of the content 
 +that's in the videos as well as the 
 +history of the software 
 +how to use the solar index application 
 +how to customize the way records are 
 +how to combine multiple types of 
 +searches into a single interface 
 +how to customize the supplemental 
 +information you find presents along with 
 +search results 
 +how to interface with uh apis 
 +like worldcat summon an ebsco discovery 
 +service in addition to solar 
 +and also uh in broad terms how to 
 +understand and extend viewfind'
 +php code uh this book is currently in 
 +draft form 
 +but i will be making it freely available 
 +when it is fully completed uh it's 
 +currently being reviewed by several 
 +and of course as has been mentioned many 
 +times during this webinar 
 +there are going to be training classes 
 +coming in september 
 +this will cover the same content as my 
 +viewfinder book but it will add 
 +more hands-on work and opportunities to 
 +interact with others also worth 
 +is that viewfinds community has an 
 +annual summit where we get together 
 +to present in more detail about the 
 +software and plan for its future 
 +uh this year because of the pandemic we 
 +are not meeting in person but we are 
 +having an 
 +international online event uh which will 
 +run from september 29th to october 1st 
 +uh we're currently uh in the planning 
 +there's a url on this slide which uh 
 +leads to a planning 
 +survey if you're interested in 
 +participating in the summit 
 +whether you're familiar with viewfind or 
 +new i would really appreciate if you 
 +could fill out this survey 
 +and tell us what you would like to see 
 +and this url will also be available in 
 +this slide deck which will be shared 
 +through the website very soon 
 +so that is a very very quick uh 
 +introduction to viewfind 
 +you can learn more at viewfind.org you 
 +can also email me 
 +or reach out to me on the viewfinder 
 +slack or through twitter 
 +i'm always happy to answer questions and 
 +discuss the software 
 +so thank you very much 
 +thank you damian now miss indira dali 
 +will facilitate a brief q 
 +so i can read the questions um is vu 
 +find compatible with rda 
 +uh yes viewfind is compatible with rda 
 +as i mentioned it's capable of indexing 
 +mark records and it includes 
 +default mappings for how those records 
 +are used 
 +and the default mappings include several 
 +characteristics of rda 
 +it's certainly possible that more 
 +rda support could be improved in the 
 +future but some of it is already there 
 +uh it should work very well with current 
 +modern mark records 
 +yeah then second question 
 +third question fourth question can 
 +proven be used 
 +as unique union catalog 
 +yes viewfind can be used as a union 
 +as i mentioned it's capable of 
 +interfacing with integrated library 
 +and it has a feature that allows you to 
 +connect a single instance of viewfind 
 +with multiple library systems which 
 +enables you 
 +to collect all of the records from a 
 +number of places 
 +index them into a single index but still 
 +be able to also communicate in real time 
 +with all of the individual systems to do 
 +things like 
 +uh checking for current on shelf 
 +availability of items 
 +the third question is you get any 
 +participation certificate 
 +uh no there is not a certificate for 
 +this webinar 
 +then fourth question is are there 
 +universities currently using 
 +program uh yes you're there are many 
 +universities currently using viewfind uh 
 +it's in use 
 +all over the world uh in hundreds of 
 +including uh universities national 
 +public libraries uh schools and others 
 +yeah um there's a list on the website uh 
 +where you can find links to many 
 +yeah then last question is kindly send 
 +link here 
 +of advanced level training in october it 
 +is a request for use 
 +uh so you can find out more about the 
 +training at the website 
 +we don't have dates set yet we're hoping 
 +to begin in september but please watch 
 +that website 
 +and more details will be shared there as 
 +they develop 
 +yeah is there any question 
 +no more uh yeah 
 +oh wait i see uh two more questions 
 +psp person 
 +uh depending on what version of 
 +viewfinder you use uh it has 
 +compatibility with a broad range of 
 +uh php versions the most recent uh 
 +is viewfind 7 which will come out this 
 +coming monday actually and that will 
 +require php 
 +7.2 which is currently the minimum 
 +php version supported by the php 
 +but if you need compatibility with older 
 +php versions you can 
 +install earlier releases if you find uh 
 +of course i don't recommend using 
 +unsupported php versions 
 +the last question is do provine have 
 +live dvd live like i think 
 +uh yes the the live dvd that was 
 +discussed at yesterday'
 +webinar includes viewfind uh and 
 +has it indexing all of the other 
 +applications on the live dvd so that'
 +a good way to get a test drive of the 
 +yeah is there any question 
 +no thank you thank you sir 
 +for answering all our questions to the 
 +i think they are all satisfied with your 
 +intelligent answers i think so 
 +thank you very much i want to wrap up 
 +the two sessions paper 
 +maram goma has presented 
 +very nicely starting from thoughts 
 +on librarians by renowned persons 
 +then about wordpress she gave 
 +near about more about 11 sub-headings 
 +what is word process then why 
 +word process and why word process is 
 +used for libraries then see 
 +on fourth point she explained wordpress 
 +server requirements 
 +for version hyphen2 then 
 +she explained step by step how to 
 +or process then on sixth sub heading 
 +she gave some links then from yen 
 +and back in then dashboard then plugins 
 +library content management lastly 
 +she gave word process course contains 
 +for forthcoming training programs 
 +about the year she gave about 89 modules 
 +finally she gave the objectives of the 
 +training courses 
 +thus madame goma has very 
 +nicely printed her paper 
 +and there are near about 89 questions 
 +half of them see herself answer 
 +half of the question dr moon pradhan 
 +answered so i want to congratulate 
 +and thank to both of them now 
 +the second paper will find printed by 
 +the mint it is very interesting 
 +paper presented by him first 
 +he initiated what is blueprint then 
 +he gave many pictures 
 +then supported continent system in third 
 +he gave major key pictures of bhuvan 
 +then in fourth subsection he gave lord 
 +about bupine like tutorial video 
 +16th chapter book coming training 
 +which is going to be happening coming 
 +then international broken summit 
 +which will occur all on september 29th 
 +to october 1st 2020 
 +it is all due to corona pandemic 
 +it may be online like this and 
 +lastly because 
 +informed about more information 
 +and contact details so 
 +i'm very much benefited 
 +by presentation of both the research 
 +so thank you very much for both of you 
 +and madam thank you 
 +thank you um yeah and now i'd like to 
 +welcome mr 
 +audrey for a presentation he's working 
 +as assistant librarian with pandit 
 +petroleum university in ganda hangar 
 +good evening all of you 
 +actually uh this is uh all here 
 +audible properly 
 +yes okay so 
 +this is not the presentations but uh the 
 +overall uh summing up the reproductions 
 +as our approaches i will have to 
 +uh show the all the 
 +presentations overall presentation 
 +so may i have a request 
 +you can i share my word file 
 +yes please feel free 
 +okay so the second day 
 +was absolutely wonderful from both the 
 +sides the invitees and presenters 
 +the webinars started with the welcome 
 +and introducing all presented by 
 +invitees and enquiry by 
 +regina duffy all four presentations were 
 +and all were wonderfully chaired by 
 +professor joshi and mr indra dhabi 
 +the presentation the first was started 
 +with mr shakil emma 
 +he presented presentations on 
 +its implementations installation process 
 +briefly shows that 39.50 
 +configurations he talked also on 
 +maintenance backup 
 +and restore sr chaired the session 
 +the second session was from professor de 
 +history he briefly 
 +talked on open source and self-arguing 
 +he conceptualized the various 
 +presentation that 
 +preservation technique he explained 
 +about technology behind these 
 +and emphasized that many repositories 
 +have one but not much contents are 
 +we discuss some metadata in one of its 
 +and shows that various which type of 
 +contents that can be deposited in this 
 +he expressed on various interface of d 
 +space like jspi and xml gui 
 +he explained how these phase 
 +shows the deposition workflow and 
 +intellectual property etc 
 +we demonstrated on information model of 
 +backend technology and standards we 
 +ended with the adoptation scenario of 
 +displays in the war 
 +and upcoming training of these phase 
 +open source software 
 +the third one was delivered by 
 +miss homa manjardi on using wordpress 
 +for libraries 
 +she introduced on open source software 
 +and content 
 +as a content management system she 
 +listed various web portal 
 +web wordpress she stores various plugins 
 +gohan and who fine she informed 
 +server specification and requirement 
 +from wordpress 
 +she shows the demo dashboard of 
 +wordpress safely 
 +about over content and training about 
 +the wordpress 
 +in the last mr damian 
 +guard's outline on the refine software 
 +he briefed the various features of 
 +profiling system 
 +he shows how woofing is a flexible 
 +search engine 
 +and discover interface he explained on 
 +backend technology 
 +he covered a concept of live dvd he 
 +covered about it 
 +in import mechanism into fine 
 +and it with various video tutorials on 
 +who signed a new book 
 +which is upcoming to publish on sign and 
 +inform us 
 +how a new upcoming study program on blue 
 +on open source software over all 
 +sessions wonderfully delivered by all 
 +thanks to bank flip professor mohan 
 +daniel and rizina duffy 
 +for moderating and managing these 
 +wonderful programs 
 +thank you 
 +thank you very much and now i would like 
 +to invite professor ard prasad to give 
 +any closing remarks 
 +okay thank you mr regina 
 +okay me again okay i'll be 
 +given the opportunity of 
 +uh delivering the concluding remarks 
 +firstly i think this is all part of open 
 +access to information movement 
 +which has taken the academic world in a 
 +very big way okay and in fact this 
 +resulted in a kind of uh 
 +it took shape in multi-pronged approach 
 +that is open access repositories that is 
 +d space e prints and many other 
 +repositories software 
 +you know that doaj covers some many 
 +open access journals in fact it crossed 
 +the 10 000 mark and in various languages 
 +though predominantly it is in english 
 +but off late 
 +you know that again people started 
 +emphasizing on data repositories 
 +where one can share their data and 
 +uh the main objective being the 
 +reusability of the data so that somebody 
 +else may interpret 
 +the data in a different way are 
 +different facets of the data 
 +they can interpret and definitely it is 
 +going to 
 +save huge amount of money that is being 
 +i mean all the whether it is 
 +repositories or journals or 
 +data repositories i think it is going to 
 +the scientific and academic world in a 
 +big way 
 +in fact you can see all the some green 
 +sprouts coming up some of the commercial 
 +software are 
 +slowly coming to terms 
 +allowing people maybe after embargo 
 +to make them openly available much of 
 +their publications 
 +this definitely are going to hugely 
 +the libraries which have lesser budgets 
 +and one thing i am happy about 
 +this move this movement the library 
 +is almost there one of the forefront 
 +players in advocacy in the advocacy of 
 +open access movement 
 +so in a lighter wing i i call it open 
 +okay that is open access to information 
 +that is open content whether it is data 
 +or open access journals or whatever it 
 +anything our course wave that is 
 +e-learning software everything's on open 
 +then open source software of course 
 +probably this was a precursor to 
 +the other open openness 
 +movements reusable code okay 
 +even if you go to pearl cpan site 
 +you you can find i think uh hundreds of 
 +thousands of 
 +uh modules one they can reuse 
 +koja is full of those modules okay and 
 +though people talk less about it 
 +equally important is open standards 
 +open standards promise interoperability 
 +that means 
 +you can use uh whether it is data or 
 +programs or whatever it is 
 +on different platforms okay and 
 +long-term preservation also 
 +open standards are available in fact if 
 +you look into 
 +the uh the legal 
 +battles among the software industry 
 +many of them are related to openstack 
 +not standards not open standards 
 +everybody wants to uh fight 
 +and got a piece of their own cake and 
 +i think even recently two big guys 
 +uh i think the judgment went into 
 +another guy 
 +you know i don't want to mention their 
 +names every day you will find the legal 
 +battles of this 
 +software genes 
 +so our motto is offer open content using 
 +open source software following open 
 +okay now the conclusion is now 
 +with the off-leg people are talking 
 +about open science 
 +inside the other day today morning in 
 +one of my colleagues participated 
 +a malaysian hosted webinar 
 +how open science can help kovid 
 +19 okay so that shows 
 +i think the the i think this openness 
 +may bring 
 +many of the scientific community state 
 +means stakeholders together and 
 +probably it will largely benefit the 
 +human society that's why 
 +we say no for example when it comes to 
 +data if the government data is open that 
 +probably we can pay away for the open 
 +society so open science open research 
 +and are very important to bring 
 +into open society which i think largely 
 +benefits the 
 +majority of the people across the globe 
 +probably let us hope it will reduce the 
 +wars between nations which is a little 
 +of a utopian ideal but anyhow after 
 +we have to leave one hopes so finally i 
 +would like to 
 +thank the valinova university for 
 +providing the platform especially 
 +uh damien cards and also 
 +uh the coordinator uh regina duffy 
 +because yesterday could get 
 +me today only otherwise i would have 
 +added the 
 +this one but my apologies to her and 
 +for coordinating efforts 
 +then there are many wonderful speakers 
 +from whom i 
 +i also have learned a lot and also the 
 +rapporteurs and the child persons 
 +for wonderfully doing their job and 
 +a fantastic uh unsuccessful seminar at 
 +least to me 
 +and above one of course the participants 
 +for asking the 
 +very good questions which probably 
 +cleared many other participants and the 
 +where they stand so on the whole i 
 +thank everybody and i say bye to all of 
 +and we hope to meet again sometime in 
 +thank you thank you so much 
 +so that officially concludes the webinar 
 +for today the recording of the webinar 
 +will be available shortly on the vufine 
 +if you have any questions feel free to 
 +contact damian katz or professor 
 +mohan raj pradhan and on behalf of the 
 +event organizers and speakers i would 
 +like to thank you all for attending the 
 +training sessions 
 +we are going to include the email 
 +addresses in the chat box 
 +thank you everyone 
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videos/webinar_on_digital_library_technology_july_16-17_2020/day_two_transcript.1594992384.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/17 13:26 by demiankatz