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VuFind Summit 2016


Part of the cost of this year's conference was funded through a generous donation from Agilent Technologies, Inc., a global company focused in the life sciences, diagnostics and applied chemical markets.

Cost and Registration

Registration will cost a total of $US50 for two days of events. Speakers accepted into the final schedule do not have to pay and are not required to register (apart from the submission of their talk proposal).

Registration is now open through September 30, 2016. Register here.

Dates and Location

The 2016 developers summit will take place at Villanova University on October 10 and 11, 2016.

Transportation and Lodgings

Some lodging options can be found here; see the Villanova site for transportation suggestions.

Call for Proposals

We are currently accepting proposals for 20-minute talks (and we would be willing to accommodate longer talks if the subject matter justified them). Please submit proposals to Demian Katz (demian DOT katz AT villanova DOT edu).

Proposals must be submitted by Friday, September 16, 2016.

Remote Participation

As with past events, we plan to record and live-stream the structured portion of the event. More details will be forthcoming as the schedule is finalized.


:!: This is a preliminary schedule and is subject to change.

Day 1

 9:00 -  9:30 Registration, light refreshments
 9:30 - 10:15 Demian Katz - State of the Project, Q&A
10:15 - 10:45 Andrew Nagy - VuFind on the Open Source FOLIO Platform
10:45 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 11:30 Leila Gonzales - Geographic Search & Display
11:30 - 12:00 Chris Hallberg - TBD
12:00 -  1:00 LUNCH (provided)
 1:00 -  1:30 Bob Haschart - SolrMarc Update
 1:30 -  2:00 Ere Maijala - VuFind APIs in Practice
 2:00 -  2:15 Break
 2:15 -  3:15 VuFind Roadmapping Session
 3:15 -  4:30 HackFest / Break-out Sessions

         5:00 Dinner at Gullity's (on your own)

More details on the dinner venue may be found here.

Day 2

 9:00 -  9:30 Registration, light refreshments
 9:30 -  9:45 Morning Planning
 9:45 - 10:15 Lightning Talks
10:15 - 11:00 HackFest / Break-out Sessions
11:00 - 12:15 Joint Online Session with German VuFind Community Meeting
12:15 -  1:15 LUNCH (provided)
 1:15 -  4:30 HackFest / Break-out Sessions (continued)

Detailed Talk Descriptions

Demian Katz - State of the Project, Q&A

In this talk, Demian will review what is new and what has changed since the last Summit as well as discuss some areas of future work that may help inform discussion during the afternoon's roadmapping session, where decisions will be made about the direction of the next major release. Time will be included for Q&A.

Andrew Nagy - VuFind on the Open Source FOLIO Platform

The future is bright – think of a time when we are all working from the same common platform to develop and deliver services to our users. No longer do we need to develop a data model to support our data stores. No longer do we need to develop APIs to allow our disparate systems to interoperate. We have entered an era of microservices and platform development. Just as Salesforce.com has its force.com platform, our industry will now have a purpose built platform to help innovate and provide more choice. FOLIO is a new community-driven initiative supported by the OLE community, EBSCO, IndexData, 3rd party software developers and other service providers. Collaboration has been a core component of VuFind since its inception when the Blacklight community and the VuFind community came together to build SolrMarc. It was this community driven development that helped both projects grow. Now with FOLIO, the entire community of development within libraries can help provide new innovations and grow together. In this talk, we will discuss the strategic plans for FOLIO, an update on the community and how to join, a progress update on the codebase as well as a demo on how VuFind has been integrated with FOLIO.

Leila Gonzales - Geographic Search & Display

In this talk, Leila will discuss the Geographic Search & Display module which provides the capability for searching for records via a map interface, and also displays a record's corresponding geographic information (point(s) and/or rectangle(s) and labels) on a map interface in the full record view. She will discuss the configurable options for this module, as well as plans for future improvements. Time will be included for Q&A and discussion/brainstorming about future improvements to the functionality.

Chris Hallberg - TBD

Details coming soon…

Bob Haschart - SolrMarc Update

The latest VuFind release includes a much-improved version of the SolrMarc indexing tool which includes extended syntax, faster indexing with multi-threading, easier customization of Java indexing code, and more. Bob will talk about these helpful new features and answer audience questions about the tool.

Ere Maijala - TBD

Details coming soon….

community/conferences/summit_2016.1474894732.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/26 12:58 by demiankatz