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Conferences and Presentations

Official Conferences

Conference Reports

Presentation Slides

  • Standard VuFind® Presentation: PowerPoint | Google Docs
  • Access 2008 PowerPoint
  • NERCOMP New Discovery Tools Symposium (February 1, 2010) PowerPoint
  • Bibliothekskongress 2010, Leipzig (Germany), March 16, 2010, in Session "Stirbt der OPAC ?": Slideshare
  • Catholic Research Resources Alliance All-Members Meeting 2010 VuFind® Discussion PowerPoint
  • El uso e implementación de un OPAC Social : Experiencia en la Red de Bibliotecas Públicas Chilenas. PowerPoint
  • VuFind® Beyond MARC (code4lib 2011) PowerPoint
  • Introduction to VuFind® w/ Q&A (EIFL-FOSS webinar from September 21, 2012): streaming video
  • VuFind®: Community and Code (Lyrasis webinar, February 19, 2014) PowerPoint
  • VuFind® + WorldCat Discovery (Code4lib 2015 Lightning Talk by Karen Coombs) dapiVuFind.pdf
community/conferences.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/01 08:16 by demiankatz