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Virtual VuFind® Summit 2022

Dates and Location

This year's VuFind® Summit will be held online the week following WOLFcon 2022. While some presentations and meetings will take place in person at WOLFcon, the Summit will provide a complete online experience on September 7-8, 2022, with events taking place from 13:00-16:00 UTC/GMT on each day.

Online Participation

Details on access will be shared closer to the dates of the event.

Call for Papers

The call for papers has closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted!


:!: This schedule is currently a draft. Details are subject to change.

:!: All times are in UTC/GMT.

Day 1 (September 7, 2021)

 12:45 - 1:00pm Lobby Time (feel free to join early and test equipment)
  1:00 - 1:30pm Demian Katz - VuFind®: State of the Project 2022
  1:30 - 2:00pm Mario Trojan - IxTheo Publication Service - Green Road Open Access
  2:00 - 2:15pm Break
  2:15 - 2:45pm Claus Wolf - Bringing High Quality Academic Resources to Incarcerated Students
  2:45 - 3:15pm Anna Lingnau / Sebastian Stoppe - VuFind® Specifications for Specialized Information Services (FID)
  3:15 - 4:00pm Anna Lingnau / Sebastian Stoppe - FID Stakeholder Discussion Group

Day 2 (September 8, 2021)

 12:45 - 1:00pm Lobby Time (feel free to join early and test equipment)
  1:00 - 1:30pm Ere Maijala - Deep Dive into the Blender Search Backend
  1:30 - 2:00pm Claus Wolf / Ben Taylor - FOLIO & VuFind® at Trinity College Cambridge
  2:00 - 2:15pm Break
  2:15 - 2:45pm Mohan Raj Pradhan - TBD
  2:45 - 3:15pm Lightning Talks
  3:15 - 4:00pm Roadmapping Session

Detailed Talk Descriptions

Demian Katz, Villanova University - VuFind®: State of the Project 2022

This talk will discuss developments within the project (both technical and organizational) over the year since the previous VuFind Summit while also highlighting some possible future developments for the next major release.

Mario Trojan, Tübingen University Library - IxTheo Publication Service - Green Road Open Access

In last year's Summit, we demonstrated the new Authority Search functionality in IxTheo, RelBib and KrimDok. As mentioned at the end of that presentation, the next step for us was to build a publication service, which will be shown in this presentation.

First, we will show an authentication workflow which allows users to request access on authority records including the possibility for admins to grant or deny the request. Having rights on an authority record is the necessary base to start the publication process. To realize that, we also implemented a concept for backend admins with different rights which will be shown briefly.

After that, we will show how users can start the publication process and how the data will be transferred to DSpace 7 via its REST API. Since we ran through many pitfalls when implementing a proper API client, we might also talk about contributing the corresponding code if this is seen to be useful within the community. We will also show additional views in the “MyResearch” area and discuss certain consistency considerations.

Note: The referred feature is still being developed but will hopefully be released before the summit in September.

Claus Wolf, EBSCO Information Services GmbH - Bringing High Quality Academic Resources to Incarcerated Students

Studies show that the recidivism rate is “14% for those who obtain an associate degree, 5.6% for those who obtain a bachelor’s degree, and 0% for those who obtain a master’s degree” [1]

EBSCO collaborates with Departments of Corrections to provide equity of access to undergraduate reference content for incarcerated students. The solution is based on VuFind® and provides access to >26 million records from Academic Search Complete and Business Source Complete. This session will share solution design, including the custom modules and interfaces created for this purpose and discuss our approach to ensure that these indexes can be updated with minimal effort.

[1] Northwestern University (2022): Benefits of Prison Education https://sites.northwestern.edu/npep/benefits-of-prison-education/ Accessed on 18 May 2022

Anna Lingnau / Sebastian Stoppe, Herzog August Bibliothek - VuFind® Specifications for Specialized Information Services (FID)

Specialized information services (“Fachinformationsdienste (FID)”) are funded by the German Research Foundation and provide an information infrastructure aligned to the special need of research subject areas, principally digital information irrespective of location. Most of them maintain a digital research catalog and provide their users with specialized literature.

Several VuFind®-based FID are organized in the finc community, a user community of libraries that uses and develops information technologies on an open-source basis. In the past years, several OS applications have been developed in cooperation of the Leipzig University Library and the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel, providing solutions for the specific requirements of FID. We will present these in a public lecture, such as our user management system (FIDIS), a result grouping for similar title entries, and the individualized availability display that shows the holdings and licensing of each user's local library. The mentioned services are currently used by the FID adlr.link and the FID BBI.

Anna Lingnau / Sebastian Stoppe, Herzog August Bibliothek - FID Stakeholder Discussion Group

This internal discussion session is aimed at colleagues in FID who themselves make use of VuFind®: How can we improve the exchange among each other? What role does VuFind® play with regard to an FID-specific open source development and with regard to the development of an overall FID structure?

If you enjoyed the public presentation in the previous session, feel free to stay for the conversation here.

Ere Maijala, National Library of Finland - Deep Dive into the Blender Search Backend

This presentation provides some background information on design and development of the Blender search backend, which makes it possible to search in several actual backends and blend the results together. The presentation includes technical information as well as information on the choices made during planning and development.

Claus Wolf, EBSCO Information Services GmbH / Ben Taylor, Trinity College Cambridge - FOLIO & VuFind® at Trinity College Cambridge

Trinity College Library is the largest of the Cambridge college libraries with a total book stock of around 300,000 volumes. The College Library has significant rare books and manuscript collections and houses many invaluable items, such as the Capell collection of Shakespeariana and many books from the library of Sir Isaac Newton.

In 2021 EBSCO worked with the College Library team to implement FOLIO. FOLIO is an open source project that aims to reimagine library software through a unique collaboration of libraries, developers, and vendors.

Along with the transition to FOLIO, the College Library had an opportunity to rethink how users engage with its rich collections. Taking advantage of the inherent openness of FOLIO, the library team chose to integrate the VuFind® resource discovery portal with FOLIO. With the support of EBSCO, the library team worked to integrate VuFind® with FOLIO and to deliver a reimagined experience for users.

In this session, Ben Taylor from Trinity College Library and Claus Wolf from EBSCO Information Services will discuss the College’s implementation of FOLIO and its integration with VuFind®. The presenters will discuss the need to support an array of multi-lingual print, audio, and visual materials. In addition, the presenters will look at the ways in which VuFind® integrates with FOLIO and the many customizations that the team has implemented to support the discoverability and use of the College Library’s resources.

Mohan Raj Pradhan, HealthNet Nepal - TBD

Details coming soon…

Lightning Talks

Lightning talks will be scheduled during the Summit, and summaries/slides will be shared here following the event.

community/conferences/summit_2022.1655820778.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/21 14:12 by demiankatz