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2024 Summit: Roadmapping

Pull Request / Ticket Review (release 10.0.1)

  • #3557 - Fix bug: incorrect author link hidden filter in combined search
    • Status: In development
      • :!: ACTION ITEM: Demian and Ere should complete implementation.

Pull Request Review (release 10.1)

The following pull requests are scheduled for inclusion in release 10.1:

New Features and Integrations

  • #1230 - Open ID Connect implementation
    • Status: Needs to be adjusted to reflect v10 refactoring; Demian has offered to help if necessary.
  • #2612 / VUFIND-1588 - Add support for WorldCat Search v2 API
    • Status: Demian has completed the basic implementation; this is now a “minimum viable product” and is ready for testing/review.
      • :!: ACTION ITEM: WorldCat users should test/review.
  • #3103 - Add Notifications CMS functionality
    • Status: Needs to be adjusted to reflect recent database refactoring.
      • :!: ACTION ITEM: Johannes should continue work based on latest review.
  • #2060 - DAIA: make accepted service list configurable
    • Status: Work is still needed here, but it's not clear if anyone has time to move it forward.

Accessibility / UI Improvements

  • #1680 - Display flash message on login
    • Status: In progress.
      • :!: ACTION ITEM: Chris should continue to work on this.
  • #2688 - Announce number of search results in title
    • Status: This PR needs a champion to move it forward.
  • #2999 - Get unique html element id from record view helper
    • Status: In review.
  • #3279 - Small enhancements to the DefaultRecord class
    • Status: In review.
  • #3546 - Improve accessibility of cover images
    • Status: #3868 was resolved to simplify the work here; now conflicts need to be resolved.
      • :!: ACTION ITEM: Chris or Demian should resolve conflicts and re-review
  • #3552 / VUFIND-1673 - Set unique labels for checkboxes
    • Status: waiting for #2999
  • #3761 - Facets allow for multiple selections to be made before reloading page
    • Status: In review.
  • #3836 / VUFIND-1674 - Show count of saved items in account menu
    • Status: Needs review.
  • #3877 - Minor OverDrive bug fixes
    • Status: In review.
  • #3943 - Show additional holdings fields in search item statuses
    • Status: In review.
  • #3945 / VUFIND-1665 - Improve link templates across all backends
    • Status: Needs review.
      • :!: ACTION ITEM: Someone, please review!

Scheduled JIRA Tickets (release 10.1)

New Features

  • VUFIND-1611 - Accessible local CAPTCHA option
  • VUFIND-1643 - Configurable brute force password protection
    • Discussion: existing rate limiter probably doesn't meet this need (it's a slightly different problem, based on username rather than url) but infrastructure might be adaptable to help.
  • VUFIND-1652 - Add database support for storing session-specific data

Smaller Fixes/Improvements

  • VUFIND-1660 - FOLIO driver: add pagination/sorting support to getMyTransactions
  • VUFIND-1664 - Improve consistency of numbering in result lists in Search and Account areas
  • VUFIND-1679 - Fix layout of “Results per page” in narrow widths/on mobile
  • VUFIND-1698 - Add functionality to FOLIO driver to select only allowed pick up locations in the request form for Poppy release
  • VUFIND-1704 - University of Colorado Accessibility Report
    • :!: ACTION ITEM: Needs assessment/creation of sub-tickets.
  • VUFIND-1706 - Printing a Record doesn't print current tab
  • VUFIND-1708 - local_theme_example theme: giant reset button bug

Test Suite Improvements

  • VUFIND-1560 - DeduplicationListener: Add tests and clean up

Documentation Tasks

  • VUFIND-1625 - Document access to advanced search capabilities through API

Finishing Touches (Tasks for Near Release Time)

Pull Request Review (11.0)

The following pull requests are scheduled for inclusion in release 11.0:

New Features

  • #3826 - Back to browse results feature
    • Status: In development.
  • #3918 - Generalize DOI linker system to support other identifier types
    • Status: In development.

Architectural Improvements / Modernizations

  • #2233 - Convert from Laminas\Db to Doctrine
    • Status: In development.
  • #2624 - Replace grunt with NPM scripts
    • Status: In development.
  • #3682 - Allow nullish coalescing operator (??) in Javascript
    • Status: Needs decision on timing of merge.
  • #2902 - FOLIO: Use shib_cql if Shib is used for login
    • Status: In development.
  • #3758 - Display status of item locations by status priority
    • Status: In review. Needs some broken Mink tests fixed.

Accessibility / UI Improvements

  • #2723 - Component: confirmation menu
    • Status: Needs conflict resolution and reconciliation with upstream changes.
  • #2814 - Replace jumpMenu control with menu-button components
    • Status: Needs conflict resolution.
  • #2934 - Switch to Splide Carousel Library
    • Status: Needs to be revised to use a supported library (Splide has not been updated since 2022).
  • #3826 - Back to browse results feature
    • Status: In review; collecting feedback on design (both code and UI).
      • :!: ACTION ITEM: comment with opinions if you have any

Scheduled JIRA Tickets (release 11.0)

community/conferences/summit_2024/roadmapping.1726687272.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/18 19:21 by demiankatz