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VuFind® Newsletter: October, 2024

:!: This document is a draft and is subject to change.

Development Highlights and Project News

Development Progress

Project Management Committee Report

Conference News

Recently Completed / Resolved Issues

The following items were completed in the last month and will be included in release 10.0.1:

The following items were completed in the last month and will be included in release 10.1:

The following items were completed in the last month and will be included in release 11.0:

New Issues

The following items were reported / begun in the past month, but are not yet completed:

Code in Progress

Issue Report / Discussion Only

Active Issues

The following items saw significant progress / activity during the past month:

  • Add Notifications CMS functionality: #3103
  • Add support for WorldCat Search v2 API: VUFIND-1588 / #2612
  • Convert from Laminas\Db to Doctrine: #2233
community/newsletter/2024-10.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/27 17:39 by demiankatz