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PMC Meeting: July 5, 2021

Attending: Demian Katz

Apologies: Chris Hallberg, Leila Gonzales

1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • André/Demian/Mohan: Continue discussion of documentation management, etc. ONGOING
  • Demian: Further revise the Membership Levels and Benefits page for further discussion next time. DONE
  • All: Submit a brief biography for the PMC list, if you have not already. ONGOING
  • All: Offer feedback on sustainability issues/documentation strategy, if you have not already. ONGOING
  • Demian: Determine next steps for OLF membership, now that roles have been assigned. ONGOING
  • André/Leander: Begin initial discussions about Summit planning, and share suggestions with the PMC. DONE
  • Demian: Schedule the 7.1.1 release for July 5. DONE
  • Demian: Share a summary of outstanding 8.0 work with the PMC for discussion/prioritization. DONE

2. Membership Levels and Benefits

Demian updated the Membership Levels and Benefits page for discussion.

Mohan offered discounted training and hosting services through HealthNet Nepal; there was discussion about whether to add wording like “discounts for services from participating partners” and link to a separate page listing these partnerships, or to incorporate benefits more directly into this page.

In an email prior to the meeting, Craig raised the idea of offering a “sponsor a feature” mechanism, where we could assign prices to particular features that we plan to add, and donors could fund the development and get credited on the membership page.

3. Training/Documentation Updates

Mohan is working on a MOU document for country coordinators for next year's training program, to formalize the international collaboration required to implement effective training.

André, Hugo and Demian have continued work on the GitHub repository for the VuFind book, but have run into some challenges with details of the PDF formatting.

4. Sustainability Document Discussion

5. Summit Planning

The University of Leipzig is unable to lead the planning of this year's Summit, though they are happy to help support the effort. Mohan offered to lead the work from Tribhuvan University's Central Department of Library and Information Science. Demian noted that Villanova can also provide support as needed (for example, Zoom webinar access). Dates and times were discussed.

6. Release Planning

Following last month's meeting, Demian shared a list of possible features/work for inclusion in 8.0 to be discussed/prioritized, in order to determine an appropriate release date. Outstanding work can be found in the 8.0 JIRA version and the 8.0 GitHub milestone; it may be worthwhile to use the Development Roadmap GitHub project to manage the remaining tasks.

CSV indexing was identified as a priority need; Demian has nearly finished that work, and it should be merged soon (once tests are completed).

Demian has also completed some outstanding 8.0 JIRA tickets, and has others in progress.

Demian moved some obviously stalled 8.0 tickets to the 9.0 milestone to reduce the size of the list.

7. OLF Update

Now that all roles are assigned, Demian needs to work with Villanova to complete the formal process of joining the OLF. He will provide updates as this moves forward.

Action Items

  • André/Demian/Mohan: Continue discussion of documentation management, etc.
  • All: Submit a brief biography for the PMC list, if you have not already.
  • All: Offer feedback on sustainability issues/documentation strategy, if you have not already.
  • Demian: Determine next steps for OLF membership, now that roles have been assigned.
community/pmc_meetings/minutes20210705.1625496620.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/05 14:50 by demiankatz