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PMC Meeting: October 10, 2022

:!: This document is currently an agenda and will be converted to minutes following the meeting.



1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • Mohan: make further progress on updating Open Data Sources wiki pages. ONGOING
  • Leila: edit Summit 2022 video.
  • Demian: reschedule the 10/4 community call to 10/11 due to German holiday.
  • Demian: make the RSP logo available on the wiki.
  • Demian: finalize RSP linking.
  • Demian: send the RSP invitation email to all support vendors with available contact information; share a list of missing contact information with the group.
  • Demian: resend Community Call survey draft to Leila. DONE
  • Leila: set up Community Call survey platform.
  • Demian: reach out to OLF about translation platform. DONE
  • Jan: follow up regarding next interim Treasurer.
  • ALL: edit page ownership in the wiki for pages that you maintain (and feel free to assign pages on behalf of other users if/when appropriate – e.g. Demian does not object being assigned to pages by others).

2. Video

Summit video is currently being edited.

3. Documentation

Remaining assignments:

  • Mohan: review/edit/update MeSH, DoAJ and PubMed Central pages; add NepJol page.
  • ALL: claim ownership of pages in the wiki, if you own them. You add ownership by editing the page – there is a box where you can enter your username near the bottom.

4. Release Planning

Tomorrow's Community Call will be our first attempt at release planning via ticket/PR review on the call.

5. Registered Service Provider Agreement

6. Community Call Restructuring/Marketing

7. Translation Platform

8. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

  • Develop a documentation survey
  • Develop a fundraising communication plan - after completion of Registered Service Provider work
  • Develop a documentation maintenance plan
  • “Good first issue” highlighting
  • Outreach to forks for new feature contributions
  • Marketing project (better VuFind definition, website improvements, etc.)
  • Publication / presentation efforts related to PMC and sustainability

Other Items

Action Items

community/pmc_meetings/minutes20221010.1662997671.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/12 15:47 by demiankatz