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PMC Meeting: March 13, 2023



1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • ALL: submit signed Conflict of Interest policy acknowledgments to Demian for submission to the OLF (if you haven't already). DONE
  • Demian/Mohan: make further progress on updating Koha installation and Open Data Sources wiki pages. ONGOING
  • André/Demian: continue investigation of lokalise platform for i18n (decide whether or not to use lokalise translations for release 9.0 by Friday, February 17). ONGOING
  • André: investigate potential costs of a security audit. ONGOING
  • Demian: Schedule a meeting to discuss training/documentation with Mohan and interested RSP representatives. DONE
  • Chris/Demian/Ere: Develop a video to highlight 9.0 changes when the release is finalized. ONGOING
  • Demian: Work with Susan to begin an inventory of wiki content (outdated pages, references to old versions, etc.) ONGOING
  • Any interested parties: Begin research to improve or replace PHP_CodeSniffer, to improve quality of DocBlocks. ONGOING
  • Demian/Leila (if willing): Capture high-level documentation survey results in wiki for future reference. ONGOING
  • ALL: Think about documentation improvements for further discussion next time. ONGOING
  • ALL: Think about whether/how to participate in WOLFcon 2023. ONGOING
  • Demian: include “recruiting a new member” on the agenda for next month, since Leander does not plan to renew for a second term. DONE
  • Demian: include documentation on a future Community Call agenda for further discussion. DONE

2. Documentation

VuFind® 9.0 release video

Wiki editing

A review of the whole sitemap is on Susan's to-do list at Villanova.

Demian and Mohan continue to collaborate on Koha documentation.

Work is still pending on MeSH, DoAJ, PubMed Central and NepJol “open data sources” pages. Mohan also plans to contribute documentation related to integrating other software packages like SubjectsPlus and Moodle, which also support OAI-PMH.

Documentation Survey

Demian added documentation to the March Community Call agenda as discussed last month.

The project now has a shared Google drive through OLF; Demian proposed that this might be a good place to put the survey results for future reference (rather than the time-consuming process of transferring into the wiki).

3. Conflict of Interest Policy

These have been received from everyone and submitted to OLF – thanks!

4. Translation Platform

The decision was made not to use Lokalize for the 9.0 translation cycle, as there are still some issues to work through. Demian will do the normal manual process this time.

5. Registered Service Provider Update

Demian is still working on three pending memberships.

6. WOLFcon 2023

The OLF seems receptive to the idea of discussing grants/external funding at WOLFcon 2023.

7. Goals for 2023

Goal Review:

  • Release versions 9.0 and 9.1 (April / October?)
  • Hold a VuFind Summit in Summer, 2023 linked with WOLFcon in some way
  • Run fundraising campaign in parallel with summer conference season
  • Complete a documentation improvement project
  • Complete a website improvement project (marketing-oriented)
  • Finish implementation of standard translation platform
  • Investigate possible training partnerships and fundraising around training materials

8. Fundraising Communication Plan

Next planned “membership drive” – in tandem with next Summit, which in turn will likely be timed around the next WOLFcon.

See December 6, 2022 minutes for brainstorming notes about use of funds.

9. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

Other Items

Action Items

community/pmc_meetings/minutes20230313.1677852064.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/03 14:01 by demiankatz