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PMC Meeting: July 18, 2023

Attending: Leila Gonzales, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, Josef Moravec, Craig Murdoch, Mohan Pradhan

Apologies: Oliver Goldschmidt, André Lahmann, David Maus, Ere Maijala

1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • Craig/Demian/André: continue updating older wiki pages as time permits. ONGOING
  • Demian/Mohan: make further progress on updating/testing Koha installation and Open Data Sources wiki pages. ONGOING
  • André: move security audit process forward. ONGOING
  • Demian/André: continue work on Lokalise integration. ONGOING
  • Chris: review Josef's accessibility review. DONE
  • Demian: add training to the next Community Call agenda. DONE
  • Demian: build membership form and share with PMC for review (along with associated email solicitation draft). DONE
  • Demian: reschedule PMC meeting to third Tuesday of the month. DONE
  • André (and any other interested participants): submit WOLFcon proposals before deadline. DONE

2. Goal Review

2023 Goals:

  • Release versions 9.0 (DONE!) and 9.1 (October?)
  • Hold a VuFind® Summit in Summer, 2023 linked with WOLFcon in some way
  • Run fundraising campaign in parallel with summer conference season
  • Complete a documentation improvement project
  • Complete a website improvement project (marketing-oriented)
  • Finish implementation of standard translation platform
  • Investigate possible training partnerships and fundraising around training materials

3. Documentation

Wiki editing

Koha wiki page development/testing is still ongoing, as is updating of older pages.

Work is still pending on MeSH, DoAJ, PubMed Central and NepJol “open data sources” pages. Mohan also plans to contribute documentation related to integrating SubjectsPlus (which recently had example XSLT import configs added to the project) and Moodle (which is still being researched).

Mohan has been focused on background work in support of documentation updates in recent weeks; he expects to share outputs once this research is completed.

Training Discussion

Demian raised the issue of training at the July Community Call. Some attendees expressed interest in attending training sessions (and Demian shared Mohan's latest registration link), but no one reacted to the idea of using the Community Call for training, or volunteered to help with future events.

4. Translation Platform

There has been no major progress since last month, but Demian and André plan to collaborate on this in person at WOLFcon in August.

5. WOLFcon 2023

The WOLFcon schedule is in the final stages of preparation and includes two days' worth of Summit sessions. Demian and André both have travel plans arranged and will definitely be on site for the conference. Chris is also planning to attend.

Mohan will be virtually presenting on SSL configuration at WOLFcon.

6. Security Audit

The audit is currently underway. André will share results with the PMC when he returns from vacation in August. We should then discuss our plans for disclosing any vulnerabilities that are discovered.

7. Fundraising

Demian prepared the fundraising form draft and re-shared the email draft but received no further feedback.

Possible “use of funds” idea: VPAT.


  • Test the form - DK
  • Send out fundraising email - DK

8. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

Other Items

Chris reviewed the accessibility document shared by Josef. Chris agreed with majority of recommended TODOs (and will do some research on the rest). He expects to open a PR in the near future to address some of these things.

Should we do some kind of periodic review of the governance document? Mohan has raised some suggestions about improving community organization, but Demian believes these ideas may already be incorporated into our documentation. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to take another look at what we wrote before forming the PMC, make sure it accurately reflects what we are doing today, and see if there is anything in there that we could be applying more effectively.

Action Items

  • Craig/Demian/André: continue updating older wiki pages as time permits.
  • Demian/Mohan: make further progress on updating/testing Koha installation and Open Data Sources wiki pages.
  • André: move security audit process forward.
  • Demian/André: continue work on Lokalise integration.
  • Chris: Open PR incorporating feedback from Josef's accessibility review.
  • Demian: test membership form and distribute fundraising email once test is confirmed successful.
  • Demian: add VPAT to “possible future actions” list on next agenda to keep it in sight.
  • ALL: review the governance document and be prepared to discuss any necessary changes/updates at next meeting.
community/pmc_meetings/minutes20230718.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/18 15:21 by demiankatz