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PMC Meeting: October 15, 2024

Attending: Anne Christensen, Chris Hallberg, Demian Katz, André Lahmann, Ere Maijala, Josef Moravec, Peter Murray, C. J. Ohara, Mohan Raj Pradhan

Apologies: Oliver Goldschmidt, Leila Gonzales, Craig Murdoch, Hajo Seng

1. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • Demian / Mohan: make further progress on documentation updates. ONGOING
  • André / Craig: Begin drafting article about PMC development and sustainability. ONGOING
  • Mohan / André / Peter: Continue investigating possible applications of AI tools to support the community. ONGOING
  • Chris: Work on a first-draft VPAT. ONGOING
  • Chris: Finalize the “supports VuFind®” logo for Mohan's book. DONE
  • Demian: Draft the “books” page to complement the support logo. DONE
  • Demian: Reach out to supporters regarding a PMC meeting at the Summit. DONE
  • ALL: Review/update outdated pages. ONGOING
  • Chris/Demian: automate regeneration of outdated pages list via cron. DONE

2. Goal Review

This year's goals:

  • Release versions 10.0 (DONE) and 10.1 (scheduled for November 4)
  • Hold a VuFind® Summit in Fall, 2024 linked with WOLFcon in some way - DONE
  • Develop a documentation maintenance plan - DONE
  • Investigate possible uses of AI for documentation, support, code reviews, etc.
  • Perform literature review in Code4lib Journal/other sources regarding PMC/sustainability; draft and contribute an article if there is a sufficient need/gap.
  • Marketing improvements (review vufind.org accessibility, improve content as needed) - DONE

3. Documentation

Maintenance Plan

Work continues on updating the outdated pages list. Demian has automated the script that generates the page to run every hour at half-past.

Page Updates

Demian and Mohan should update the DOAJ page and create a NepJol page based on their experiments.

Work is still pending on the PubMed Central “open data sources” page. Mohan also plans to contribute documentation related to integrating SubjectsPlus (which has example XSLT import configs in the project) and Moodle (which is still being researched).

Artificial Intelligence

Mohan has offered to fill in for Leila on AI explorations; he is particularly interested in investigating AI tools that help with coding and scripting.

Peter has been using the “Get Unblocked” tool to assist with controller development, etc., for local customizations and has found it very helpful. Invitation link: https://getunblocked.com/team/2ab29fb0-3249-4811-af4d-e4243db36db5/invite/17e12d37-626f-49d3-85ef-07a89b17ec6d

PMC Article

André and Craig will touch base before the next meeting.

4. Accessibility

Chris has begun work on the VPAT. He has installed some browser plugins like Wave and Lighthouse to seek clarification on some points (e.g. are some of the A-level items addressed directly by the browser, or do we have some responsibility for them?). He's going to do more work this week and hopes to have this ready in parallel with the 10.1 release.

He will share work in progress on Slack for anyone who is interested.

5. Fundraising

Book Publishing

Chris has finalized the “supports VuFind®” logo.

We need to draft an agreement covering use of the logo.

Chris is going to share a website with useful legal templates; Demian and Mohan can use this as a foundation to build a draft to share with the group.

Demian has also drafted the initial books page.

6. Training

Mohan's reimbursement for the Sri Lanka trip has been processed.

7. WOLFcon / Summit 2024

Both events were successful; there is a lot of enthusiasm for the project.

Slides from the Summit have been uploaded to the wiki; video processing is still underway.

The group photo will be uploaded to the wiki.

8. Upcoming PMC Vacancy

Because her company is retiring their VuFind® instances, Leila will no longer be able to participate in the PMC; we will need to fill her vacancy. She is willing to continue to support our efforts in the interim, if needed.

There was discussion about possible recruitment options; it was agreed that finding a candidate outside of Europe might be preferable to maintain team diversity. Demian will investigate a couple of leads to fill the vacancy.

9. Possible Future Actions

Some other possible items for the future:

Other Items

None this month.

Action Items

  • Demian / Mohan: make further progress on documentation updates.
  • André / Craig: Begin drafting article about PMC development and sustainability.
  • Mohan / André / Peter: Continue investigating possible applications of AI tools to support the community.
  • André: Post group photo to Summit wiki page.
  • Chris: Finish the first-draft VPAT.
  • Chris/Demian/Mohan: Draft the “books supporting the project” agreement document.
  • Demian: Speak to potential PMC candidates.
  • ALL: Review/update outdated pages.
community/pmc_meetings/minutes20241015.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/16 14:50 by dltj