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Configuring the KohaILSDI ILS Driver

Thanks to Mohan Pradhan for developing this documentation.

Configuring VuFind® for single instance in ILSDI

Copy the KohaILSDI.ini default configuration file from $VUFIND_HOME/config/vufind into the $VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/config/vufind directory. For example:

cp $VUFIND_HOME/config/vufind/KohaILSDI.ini $VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR/config/vufind

Edit the file KohaILSDI.ini and input the following information under the [Catalog] section:

host = IP address or hostname of Koha server
port = 3306
username = User created in MariaDB or MySQL server
password = Password given while creating user in MariaDB/MySQL server
database = Name of database used by Koha


The IP/hostname, username, password and database will likely be different in your case.

See the Configure Koha's database to allow access for VuFind® page for details on establishing MariaDB/MySQL database credentials.

Troubleshooting Database Connectivity

We are using port 3306 in our example. If your connection does not work, it can be helpful to troubleshoot whether the port is accessible. You can perform this test on your VuFind® server by running this command:

telnet KohaServerIP 3306

If it is successful, you will see something like this:

Note: In the example above, the IP address is Your IP will be different. The indicator of success is the message “Connected to”

If it is unsuccessful (e.g. the telnet session times out or has its connection refused), you will have to enable remote access to your Mariadb/MySQL database. The procedure is given in this article: How to enable Remote access to your MariaDB/MySQL database.

configuration/ils/examples/kohailsdi_driver.1682356007.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/24 17:06 by demiankatz