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Solr Index Schema

This is a list of Solr fields defined by VuFind.

Static Fields

Field Type Description
_version_ long used internally by Solr
allfields text contains all searchable text from the record, useful as a catch-all in searching
allfields_unstemmed textProper copyFielded from allfields; used for relevance ranking
author textProper the primary authors of the work (single-valued until VuFind 3.0, when it was made multi-valued)
author_additional textProper authors from the table of contents; used for searching but not displayed
author_browse string copyFielded from author, author2 and author_corporate; used for Alphabetical Heading Browse
author_corporate textProper corporate authors of the work (introduced in VuFind 3.0)
author_corporate_role string same as author_role, but for author_corporate (introduced in VuFind 3.0)
author_facet textFacet author names for use in faceting; copyfielded from author, author2 and author_corporate (introduced in VuFind 3.0 to replace authorStr)
author_fuller textProper fuller form of primary authors name(s); used for searching and relevance but not displayed. This became multi-valued in VuFind 3.0; it was single-valued prior to that.
author_role string the roles of the primary authors of the work, generally indexed as relator codes which are translated at display time. Optional, but if populated, values should share the same order as the author element. (introduced in VuFind 3.0)
author_sort string the author name to use for sorting (introduced in VuFind 3.0 to replace authorStr)
author_variant text contains variant forms of the name(s) found in author (introduced in VuFind 3.0)
author2 textProper secondary authors of the work
author2_fuller textProper same as author_fuller, but for author2 field (introduced in VuFind 3.0)
author2_role string same as author_role, but for the author2 field (introduced in VuFind 3.0; replaces the previously-unused author2-role)
author2_variant text same as author_variant, but for the author2 field (introduced in VuFind 3.0)
building string the building containing the item represented by the record (used for faceting)
callnumber-first string a human-readable form of the broad LC call number's meaning (broader than callnumber-subject); used for browse and facet functionality
callnumber-label string The lead portion of the LC call number (before the dot), normalized to uppercase; used for morelikethis and browse functionality
callnumber-raw string All LC call numbers for the record (may also be used for other call number schemes with minor adaptation
callnumber-search callnumberSearch copyFielded from callnumber-raw; specially processed for search purposes
callnumber-sort string an LC call number normalized for sorting
callnumber-subject string a human-readable form of the broad LC call number's meaning (more specific than callnumber-first)
collection string name of collection containing this record (used for faceting)
container_issue text issue number of item containing this record
container_reference text free text reference to this items's appearance within the container (e.g. MARC 773g)
container_start_page text start page of this record's appearance within the container
container_title text title of item containing this record (e.g. journal title for an article-level record)
container_volume text volume number of item containing this record
contents text table of contents details
ctrlnum string system control number (i.e. MARC 035a); currently unused
dateSpan string date coverage for a record which spans a period of time (i.e. a journal – see MARC 362a); used for display
description text descriptive summary of the item (used for display)
dewey-full string Dewey call numbers normalized for compatibility with VuFind's call number search
dewey-hundreds string The Dewey number at hundreds-level precision (used for faceting)
dewey-ones string The Dewey number at ones-level precision (used for faceting)
dewey-raw string The raw Dewey string (for use in Alphabetical Heading Browse)
dewey-search callnumberSearch copyFielded from dewey-raw; specially processed for search purposes
dewey-sort string A single normalized Dewey number for use in sorting
dewey-tens string The Dewey number at tens-level precision (used for faceting)
edition string description of edition (single-valued); used for display
era text era subject headings; used for searching (and for display in non-MARC records)
era_facet textFacet used for faceting (in default MARC rules, contains subfields d and y of many subject heading fields)
first_indexed date see Tracking Record Changes
format string describes the format (book, DVD, etc.) of the record for display and faceting; copyFielded to allfields and allfields_unstemmed for searching
fullrecord string contains raw metadata (usually MARC) for use within VuFind; not intended to be searchable
fulltext text contains full text associated with the record; used for searching
fulltext_unstemmed textProper copyFielded from fulltext; used for relevance ranking
genre text genre subject headings; used for searching (and for display in non-MARC records)
genre_facet textFacet used for faceting (in default MARC rules, contains subfield v of most subject heading fields)
geographic text geographic subject headings; used for searching (and for display in non-MARC records)
geographic_facet textFacet used for faceting (in default MARC rules, contains subfield z of most subject heading fields)
hierarchy_browse string see Hierarchies and Collections
hierarchy_parent_id string see Hierarchies and Collections
hierarchy_parent_title string see Hierarchies and Collections
hierarchy_sequence string see Hierarchies and Collections
hierarchy_top_id string see Hierarchies and Collections
hierarchy_top_title string see Hierarchies and Collections
hierarchytype string see Hierarchies and Collections
id string unique identifier for the record
illustrated string either “Illustrated” or “Not Illustrated” as appropriate (used for advanced search filtering)
institution string name of institution holding record (used for faceting)
is_hierarchy_id string see Hierarchies and Collections
is_hierarchy_title string see Hierarchies and Collections
isbn isn ISBN(s) for the record
issn isn ISSN(s) for the record
language string language(s) of the record
last_indexed date see Tracking Record Changes
lccn string LCCN (single-valued) for the record
marc_error string used by SolrMarc to store errors during indexing
oclc_num string OCLC number(s) for the record
physical string physical description of item (used for display)
publishDate string year(s) of publication
publishDateSort string a single value selected from publishDate for use in sorting result sets
publisher textProper name of publisher(s)
publisherStr string copyFielded from publisher; unused by default but could be used for faceting
recordtype string used to control which record driver is loaded to render this record
series text series title(s); used for search and display
series2 text secondary series title(s); used for search, but only displayed when series is empty (possible candidate for future deprecation)
spelling textSpell used to generate a basic spelling dictionary; copyFielded from allfields
spellingShingle textSpellShingle used to generate a shingled spelling dictionary; copyFielded from author, title, contents, series, topic
thumbnail string URL to a thumbnail image of the item
title text title of work (including subtitle – i.e. MARC 245a + 245b)
title_alt text alternate title(s); used for searching but not currently displayed
title_auth text deprecated; apparently unused
title_full text full title statement (i.e. all alphabetical subfields of MARC 245, including author attribution, etc.)
title_fullStr string copyFielded from title_full; used for Alphabetical Heading Browse
title_full_unstemmed textProper copyFielded from title_full; used for relevance ranking
title_in_hierarchy string see Hierarchies and Collections
title_new text newer title(s) for the work (often used for journals that change name)
title_old text older title(s) for the work (often used for journals that change name)
title_short text short version of title (i.e. 245a in MARC)
title_sort string sortable version of title (with leading articles/punctuation removed)
title_sub text subtitle (i.e. 245b in MARC)
topic text generic (non-era/genre/geographic) subject headings; used for searching (and for display in non-MARC records)
topic_browse string copyFielded from topic; used for Alphabetical Heading Browse
topic_facet textFacet used for faceting (in default MARC rules, contains subfields a and x of most subject heading fields)
topic_unstemmed textProper copyFielded from topic; used for relevance ranking
url string URL(s) to full text for the record

VuFind looks for values in one dynamic field that is not explicitly specified in the schema; more may be adopted in the future.

  • doi_str_mv - DOI(s) for the record
  • upc_str_mv - UPC code(s) for the record

Dynamic Field Suffixes

All of VuFind's dynamic fields are configured to be both stored and indexed (to avoid proliferation of confusing suffixes). Each suffix represents a particular field type (detailed below) and may be multiValued if given the _mv suffix.

Field Type
*_date single date
*_date_mv multiValued date
*_isn single isn
*_isn_mv multiValued isn
*_str single string
*_str_mv multiValued string
*_txt single text
*_txt_mv multiValued text
*_txtF single textFacet
*_txtF_mv multiValued textFacet
*_txtP single textProper
*_txtP_mv multiValued textProper
*_random single random
*_bool single boolean

For more details on dynamic fields, see the VUFIND-480 JIRA ticket.


VuFind 4.0

The author_facet field is now stored as well as indexed for consistency with other facet fields.

This field was removed:

Field Type Description
long_lat textFacet comma-separated “longitude, latitude” value for use in geographic features

VuFind 3.1

Added the geo field type, the *_geo dynamic field suffix, and the long_lat_display / long_lat_label fields. Made long_lat multi-valued.

VuFind 3.0

These fields were removed:

Field Type Description
author-letter string deprecated; apparently unused
author2-role string deprecated; apparently unused
author2Str string copyFielded from author2; unused by default but could be used for faceting
authorStr textFacet copyFielded from author; used for faceting and sorting
author_additionalStr string copyFielded from author_additional; deprecated; apparently unused; could be used for faceting but unlikely to be useful due to poorly structured data

These fields were added:

  • author_variant
  • author_role
  • author_facet
  • author_sort
  • author_corporate
  • author_corporate_role
  • author2_fuller
  • author2_role
  • author2_variant

Support was added for this dynamic field:

  • doi_str_mv

Other changes:

  • author and author_fuller fields are now multi-valued.
  • hierarchy_browse was changed from type TextFacetRaw to type string (the TextFacetRaw field type was unnecessary and has been removed).

VuFind 2.4

This release simplified and improved call number handling.

These fields were removed:

Field Type Description
callnumber string LC call numbers normalized for compatibility with VuFind's call number search
callnumber-a string the first portion of the LC call number; used for display and browse
callnumber-first-code string never used
callnumber-subject-code string never used
dewey-sort-browse string sort keys for use by Alphabetical Heading Browse

These fields were added:

  • callnumber-raw
  • callnumber-search
  • callnumber-sort
  • dewey-search
development/architecture/solr_index_schema.1498051169.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/21 13:19 by demiankatz